
  1. 🔎 UNIDENTIFIED Glass Bottle Fort Morgan, AL

    I found this today on the bay in Fort Morgan, AL. Wondering when it’s from & what it was! Great condition. I know it’s duraglas
  2. Treble Orange London Button - Newbie!

    Hi! I’m new to metal detecting ☺️ My husband and I bought a farm in Moody Alabama and I got out there this morning. We were told by neighbors that there used to be an old homestead on the front end of the property, so that’s where we focused today. My 15 year old son and I found this button...
  3. I think I found Lafitte's treasure

    While flying my drone along a local watershed after hurricane Sally I was filming trees that had blown with only the intentions of familiarizing myself with my drone. I first noticed what appeared to be an ancient shipwreck, then while filming trees that had blown over I saw something that to...
  4. Is Alabama Dead

    I noticed all the threads in Al got fewer and fewer over the years. Anyone still looking through here?:laughing7::hello:
  5. New Here From Alabama!

    Just wanted to introduce myself! I'm Blake from to forum not so new to detecting...just getting back in the world of detecting after about 10 or so years...looking for some good places to explore around Calhoun Co. Alabama...
  6. Indian or Early American artifacts?

    I'm new to this and have read just about everything I can find from credible sources. I'm almost positive there are artifacts here but not sure what or how old they are. The land I found these on is in Eastern Central Alabama, not far from the Tallapoosa River. They were all in one central area...
  7. from GA

    Hello! Does anyone know if Lake Weiss is owned by the Army Corp of Engineers? Or does anyone know if we are able to MD there? I'm having trouble locating any information.
  8. Found these near the water. Any ideas on what type they are?

    Was hunting on a friends property near the river and found the skinny black arrowhead lodged in the mud. Was wondering if anyone knew what type or from what time period it's from. The other one was found on a small mound a good distance away from the river.
  9. Saturday & Wednesday finds

    Just wanted to share, since the weather has been nice I've been out detecting as much as I can. Here are a few things that have turned up. I always forget to take a picture in the hole... Next time.. Thanks for viewing! If your in North Alabama and want to get together for a hunt, I have some...
  10. New from Northeast Alabama

    Hey all I am new here I just opened my new detectors today. I bought 3 instead of one expensive one so me and friends can go in groups and see who can find the most. I got a Bounty Hunter Platinum, a White's Treasure Master and a Fischer Gold Bug 2. I cant wait to hit the path and start finding...
  11. First Walking Liberty Half & Alabama Vulcan Park souvenir

    I hunted a friend's yard this morning which is about 30 minutes outside of the city. The house was built in 1918 and to the best of his knowledge it had never been hunted so I was hoping to find some silver. As always, I brought a 2nd machine machine for the homeowner to give a try. While...
  12. effigy pipe, possible counterfeit

    I picked this pipe up at a garage sale in central Alabama. The seller did not know anything about the pipe. Could anyone give me information about it? I got the pipe cheap and I wonder if it was made in the garage I bought it from. I've included a pic of some points I got from the same location...
  13. Identify, please.

    Hello all. I need help identifying this. I know it doesn't look like much, but to the right eye, it may be something. It was found close to a few more items I found that I believe is tied to the civil war era. I'm also fairly close to where a lot of fighting took place in South Alabama. Thanks...
  14. New from North Alabama

    Hey guys, I am Brandon. 31 years old. Been metal detecting for about 2 years, but just got more serious about it within the last 6 months. I've started a facebook group for my area that has grown to nearly 100 members. I do a ton of research already into where I am going and what used to...
  15. What is it?

    Cuff-link(?) Would love to find out what group this belongs to as well as the age. Found in Cullman County Alabama at an old homestead.
  16. Need a bit of help in Alabama, calling TAKODA

    We've been going to the Alabama Gold Camp for the last several months, a total of around 10-11 times. Can't say enough good things about the people there. I am looking for a place that I can take my 14y/o son out to do a little prospecting on our own. I feel like we have a good grasp on...
  17. South Alabama here

    Hey everyone, I'm new here. just wandering if there's any others from my way.
  18. Decent day of dredging last month in Alabama...

    ...on Wesabulga Creek. With the frequent rains I was tired of the constant struggle in the swift current, so I decided to move my dredge to an open pit which had been excavated three summers earlier. The gold shown here is from about 7 hours of dredging...not to bad for us boys here in Alabama.
  19. Chattahoochee Valley

    I'm looking for information about and people around the Chattahoochee Valley (Columbus, GA; Ft. Benning, GA; Phenix City, AL) area. There are a quarter million people in this area, but no detecting clubs that I've been able to find. The nearest clubs are more than an hour away in any direction...
  20. Anyone from Georgia? New to the site!

    Anyone from the Georgia/Alabama Area? I'm new to the site, but looking for like minded people to go prospecting, cache hunting, artifact etc. I have a few leads and treasure stories. I go gold dredging during spring/summer and love to metal detect and arrowhead hunt. But mainly after buried...
  21. After work local hunting!

    I went out detecting near a local river after work for a little over an hour and found a lot of trash but I brought a few pieces home that I thought were more interesting. I told my wife that the Colgate tubes looked to be from the late 60's or 70's, I looked them up and was right on. The...
  22. New to metal detecting! Enterprise, Alabama

    I've been interested in metal detecting for a very long time but I finally got around to getting into it. Thanks to my brother, who bought a detector and prompted me to get one. When I was younger and living in Georgia I hunted arrowheads and other Cherokee Indian artifacts. Sadly, my arrowheads...
  23. Hello from Sweet Home Alabama!!!!

    Lots of great info and people here :-) I live in Wetumpka , AL and I would like to find a partner or group to go detecting with. I love history as well as doing research:hello:
  24. Alabama

    Treasure hunters in Alabama are welcome to join the group "Alabama" for general discussion of everything. Only two members as of 7/29/2012 so lets get the ball rolling with some new recruits!
  25. New to the Hobby

    I just got my new Fisher F2 and I am loving it. I have already found about 50 cents in clad and a hotwheels car. Not valuable but fun to dig. I have been detecting around an old baseball field and also a picnic area at my church. Any suggestions on where to dig? :dontknow:I want silver!
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