1. German 800 silver from Antique Store

    Drove my son to Montgomery, Alabama to hang out with a friend. After dropping him off, I got to explore some thrift and antique stores. My best pick up by far (and one of the best of the year) was this 800 German silver gravy bowl. Priced at $18.00, it weighs in at 535 grams. It looks like the...
  2. Equinox leaking causes

    The Minelab technician told one forum user that replacing your shaft with a carbon fiber shaft has to be done carefully. He said most Equinox water problems come from putting back the control unit on the shaft the detectorist will tighten the four screws too tight to achieve a strong water tight...
  3. Equinox 800 weight do carbon fiber rods make any significant reduction in weight?

    I have a Coiltek 10 x 5" Nox coil coming in this week (hopefully) and that will be a nice reduction in weight by replacing my stock coil. I am wondering if replacing the stock rods will reduce the weight further by any noticeable amounts? Anyone have so me experience in this option?
  4. 800 wireless headphones

    The 800 wireless headphones were not clear for my hearing. Kind of sounded muddy, with no good mid or high tones. I went with TROND Bluetooth Headphones with Microphone Over Ear, APTX Low Latency, Wireless Bluetooth Headphones. They are much improved for my hearing than the original headphones...
  5. Analysis of deep targets using the 800

    I hunt Civil War relics around Atlanta. My question for other 800 users what type of analysis do you use on deep targets before deciding to dig. I have a few and maybe can learn some more. Is it iron? ok may be a shell or pistol. does it ring up like a CW belt buckle? try to get an idea of the...
  6. Miss Equi

    I heard about her in the Fall of 2017 and was dying to meet her. So, in the Spring of 2018 I had saved up enough money to be able to meet her personally. When she arrived she was so good looking and even kind of sexy. Now prior to meeting Miss Equi, I had flirted with Miss Fisher, Miss Garrett...
  7. V3 Update

    How many nox owners have downloaded the V3 update then reverted back to the 2.1.12 or earlier?
  8. Preferred method for waterproofing NOX 800

    What seems to be the best/preferred method to help with making the NOX 800 more durable in the water? Having read about some that have had issues has anyone made theirs more watertight?
  9. playing around with 4kHz on my 800

    I noticed with some test items I placed on the ground ring up about 1-2 TID's higher in 4 kHz than in Multi. 3 ringer, wheatie, rosie dime, standing liberty and morgan dollar. I wonder why? no big deal, just adjust your numbers in your head. Also you need to check the bottle caps in multi...
  10. hunting with the 15 inch coil on my 800

    I hunt for Civil War relics and also do some coin hunting. I know the current wisdom is the 15 inch coil is a little deeper than the stock coil and covers a little bit more real estate per swing. But I had noticed that it also makes targets ring up more solid and less jumpy than the stock coil...
  11. sold my Simplex and waiting to order my Vanquish 540

    Did not like the Simplex for only two reasons. Could not get used to the tone system and the 99 TID range was too different than my Equinox 800. So I am going to order the 540 and when I find a V10 coil I am going to buy it for the 540. I am almost more excited about getting the Vanquish than I...
  12. My experience with the equinox 800 for newbies and new 800 owners.

    I thought I might share my experience with the Equinox 800. A little about me. I started metal detecting with the Fisher original gold bug in 1987 hunting gold nuggets in North Georgia. I read the manual once and started using it. The gold bug was a good gold hunting machine. Several years...
  13. using Eq 800 for two gold mines I have located. Advice needed

    I have located two gold mines that I have access to after much research. one mine about 4 ft tall in the side of a hill and has a nice pile of quartz rock tailings pile. rocks are about 12" wide. Should I remove all of the larger quartz rocks to get down to the smaller rocks before I hunt with...
  14. Equinox 800 15 inch coil question

    Ok, I have the 15 inch coil on my 800 and have heard you need to slow down your recovery speed to 3-4 and swing slowly when using the 15 inch coil. Does this mean swing slowly after you get a hit and you can swing at your normal speed before you get a hit? I notice on slow recovery speed it...
  15. Found a couple old buttons.... also the family that hunts together, stays together

    Finally got the family out metal detecting with me. Our schedules are always so busy it is rare that we get the time set aside to do this. That was nice. This was my first permission hunt. My in-laws have several acres that used to be part of a sugar cane plantation. I didn't find anything...
  16. New detector hype - a cautionary tale

    I agree with the hype statement by smokey his post. This past Feb and Mar of 2018 I really got caught up in the Equinox hype (and boy was there a lot of hype on the forums and on youtube). So I sold my AT Pro and purchased an Nox 800. what a surprise I was in for. Had no idea that it had such a...
  17. nox 600/800 question for the technical jocks on the forum

    ok, you tech jocks know who you are so this is directed to you. how to the engineers at minelab program the machine for roundness?
  18. Confused about the 800 and unmasking targets in iron infested sites

    I have owned the 800 since March of this year with the intention of starting to do more civil war relic and old home site hunting. I was under the impression before I purchased my 800 that it was really good at picking through junk targets that masked coins, 3 ringers etc. But maybe people were...
  19. Equinox 800 fluty tone question

    I came from 3 years using an AT Pro. So the audio term "flutly" is not well understood by me. After the update on my 800 some things have seemed to have changed for the better. hunting today at a permission I have hunted twice before the update, I noticed that all my clad coins came in with a...
  20. For newbies and somewhat experienced users using the Equinox detectors.

    I came from three years of hunting with the AT Pro and many hours on other mid-ranged price detectors. I now have about 30 hours on the Equinox 800 and on any given day after a hunt I am about ready to sell the 800 and buy another AT Pro. But I find myself out there 2-3 days later hunting with...
  21. views on the Equinox 800 learning curve and my type of hunting

    Ok, have had the Equinox 800 since March and the 6" coil since June. I came from using my AT Pro that I had for 3 years. I have switched from old home sites to lake hunting and CW relic hunting since I live in North Atlanta. It has been too hot to relic hunt will do that when the weather breaks...
  22. finding lots of overlooked coins in Gold2 mode on my 800 and 6 inch coil

    Today I went to find an old gold mine located in my county. Found on the Internet a general description of the area that narrowed it down to about 200 acres. So tramping around for 2 hours and not finding a trace of the mine, eg opening or tailings. Even talked to two old times who said yes I...
  23. my first 6" coil hunt in very trashy park with my 800

    Normally I don't hunt this trashy park on the weekend because it is slammed with people and absolutely no parking available. However I just could not wait till Monday to test the 6" coil from Minelab. So I circled the parking lot for about 5 min and got a parking place and started hunting. I...
  24. six inch Equinox coil queston

    I received my 6 inch coil for my 800 yesterday and will try it out on my trashy park Monday. I got to thinking about how this six inch coil could be different from the 11 inch coil. Ok, it will separate better everyone agrees to that I think. As I have dug many, many plugs in this park I...
  25. Need water proof 800 headphone connector solution

    I want to use my 800 in lake water hunting. I wade in water that is about half way between waist to chest high and this will cause my control box to be submerged. Found out wireless bluetooth blanks out in a couple of inches of water so that is not a solution. I have telex headphones that I...
  26. Clive Clynick's book on Equinox detectors

    I have mentioned this 111 page book titled "The Minelab Equinox Series - From Beginner to Advanced" in some replies to other Equinox related posts. Here I will give you my take on the book. First about me. I have used the great AT Pro for about three years and have been metal detecting since...
  27. equinox 800 disconnecting headphones when lake hunting.

    I was wading in little over waist deep water with my 800. Every time I got the control unit under water, the headphones would disconnect and then reconnect when the control unit came above the water. This happened when the control unit was 6-12" inches under water. I guess this type of...
  28. Equinox Custom Settings Spread Sheet

    While I am patiently waiting for my Equinox 800 to show up, I created a custom spread sheet to write down all of my custom settings I will some day be discovering. Save it to you computer and print it off.
  29. Minelab Equinox 600/800 Rings & Jewelry VDI Numbers & Tones - Video

    This is the Ultimate Minelab Equinox 600/800 VDI Numbers and Tones video covering Rings and other Jewelry. I cover Platinum, Gold, Silver, Tungsten, Stainless Steel, and Aluminum Rings. Pendants, Earrings, and even go over various different style Pull Tabs. A lot of time was put into this...
  30. Minelab Equinox 600/800 VDI Numbers & Tones - Coins Video

    I just completed a very nice Test/Demonstration video on the Minelab Equinox 600 / 800 covering Coins, both Silver and clad. I did a lot of editing to make this video stand out from the average target test. Make sure to check out my other video covering Rings and Jewelry! Hope these videos...
  31. Indoor Flea market Jewlery Finds

    One of my favorite vendors always has a $2.00 box full of individually bagged jewelry. She is always replenishing it and I love rummaging through the box for treasures. I found three treasures; 1) Cimaruta .800 pendant - it's marked 800 on back. No makers mark. 2.75" long, 2.25" width...
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