1. Garrett Ace 250? Or the 300?

    Hello guys! This is my first thread to post on this website. I have hunted with my ace 250 for a couple months now. I saw the new ace 300 and fell in love with the numbers on the screen. I also noticed it runes on 8Khz, and the 250 runs on 6.5Khz. Is it worth it to spend the extra 40$ and...
  2. Discounted Pioneer 505 vs New ACE 250

    I've got a place that I can purchase an unused demo unit Bounty Hunter Pioneer 505 (8" Coil) for $200 or I could buy a new Garret Ace 250 with the Kellyco free accessories for $212 Which one should I get? (New to the hobby btw so feel free to offer anything like detectors or advice) I'm in...
  3. Ace 250 and Canadian clad

    Hi all, I have read some of the threads talking about canadian clad and how they are mostly steel in composition. I'm sure this is the reason I'm not finding much besides pennies on my hunts. In fact, I have found pretty much only pennies on the jewelery mode setting. Other then digging every...
  4. ❎ SOLD Garrett ACE 6 x 9 coil

    Garrett ACE 6 x 9 coil-SOLD :icon_thumleft:-SOLD-Used Garrett ACE ProFormance 6x9 coil for the ACE 150, 250, and 350. Has the usual scratches on the bottom but it's in good shape. $45.00 shipping included. (or trade for something, let me know what you have if interested)
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