Hi all. Before you all come down on me with the snide remarks lol. Let me just say, I know I'm probably asking a stupid question. I know it's probably worthless. I know even if it is something that it is in poor condition. I know nothing about coins. With that being said....
Is this quarter...
I found this old letter / poem typed with handwritten notations. It was in an old wood frame. After researching a little, I saw similar poem online but this one is definitely dated 1945 with "WW2" on backside. Your feedback is welcome. Enjoy!!
Unless you're like me and have not found a wheat penny in a month :crybaby2:, you have most likely found quite a few (like 15 since I started in march,Yes not many). Anyway, what is your most common year of wheat penny. Mine is 1956 D, I have found about 5 out of 15 from that year.