1. Pat. 1858 Masons Jar

    Pat. 1858 Masons Jar

    This small Mason jar was produced some time between 1878-1883. It sports the original patent date of Nov. 30th 1858 embossed on the front. It is a rare variant which lacks the apostrophe in "Mason's". Excavated May 5th 2023.
  2. Pat. Nov. 30th 1858 Mason's Jar (May 5th 2023)

    Was digging in the 1924-capped landfill today and found a Pat. Nov. 30th 1858 Mason's Jar with a grounded lip. This is my first jar of this type! So excited! Interestingly I also found a 1910 V nickle next to the jar. I need to bring my metal detector to see if there are any more coins...
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