Claude Suddreth Passes

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Many of you might not know the story behind this name CLAUDE SUDDRETH. This is Claude Suddreth Jr:


Claude Suddreth Sr. was the man that showed Oren Swearingen where the Cave of Steps was in the San Andres Mountains. Here is a picture Oren took of one of the party at the cave entrance:


For those that don't know it already,. I will tell some of the true story of the "Cave of Steps";

The family of Osborn Hiles had a small goat/sheep ranch in the San Andres Mountains. It seems a mountain lion made off with a lamb, and Osborn's Dad told him to hunt down the lion and kill it. Osborn tracked the lion to a certain place (NOT on Hardscrabble Peak). There, he found a small cave opening (about 2 feet tall by 6 feet wide). When he entered the cave, he could smell that unmistakable smell of a large mammal. There was a step down from the small entrance, which made it so a person could stand up in the cave. Off on one side was what appeared to be a precariously balanced stack of large rocks that appeared to be a booby trap. Beyond that, he saw steps that looked man made going down further than he could see. He didn't want to hang around the cave without a light, because the mountain lion was still in there somewhere.

In the early 1960s, Osborn Hiles showed Claude Suddreth Sr the cave. So far, everybody that has gone into that cave has carved their initials and date into one wall of the cave. Long story short, In 1982, Suddreth showed the cave to Oren Swearingen and his son (who put their initials on the wall). Still, nobody to my knowledge has been further down than forty or fifty stairs.

While researching the story, I managed to find a Claude Suddreth Jr. This was Claude Sr's son. He remembered well the activities around that cave. He hadn't been back to it since when they showed it to Oren and his son. I told Claude about wanting to go down those steps because Oren asked me to, and I offered that if anything valuable was found, I would like to split everything between the Suddreths, the Swearingens, and myself. I hadn't corresponded with Claude Jr for several months, but the last time I did, his widow responded to my email. Claude had told me that he had a kidney problem and needed a transplant. Guess that transplant didn't come quickly enough. Claude Suddreth passed away on 08 January of this year (2015).

A name that few people outside the story have ever heard, but played a part in a story that still hasn't played out yet. Everybody please say a prayer for Claude and his family.

Thanks - Mike

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I just joined here , Claude ( Tony ) is my Cousin . thank you for the respect for Tony .
May I ask your name ? If you Knew my Cousin and our Family , we may have met .
I am Michael , Tony = Claude was best friend i had until they moved to Colorado .
thank you sir

Claude and Harvey.webp

This is Claude jr. Dad Claude sr . with a friend Mr. Snow . they treasure hunt a long time ago.
Claude sr. is in front, Mr. Snow has binoculars in back . I think the picture has a treasure of gold in it .
Claude sr. was my Uncle . Claude jr. was my cousin . they were nice people . I miss my Uncle stories a lot .

Many of you might not know the story behind this name CLAUDE SUDDRETH. This is Claude Suddreth Jr:

View attachment 1222791

Claude Suddreth Sr. was the man that showed Oren Swearingen where the Cave of Steps was in the San Andres Mountains. Here is a picture Oren took of one of the party at the cave entrance:

View attachment 1222789

For those that don't know it already,. I will tell some of the true story of the "Cave of Steps";

The family of Osborn Hiles had a small goat/sheep ranch in the San Andres Mountains. It seems a mountain lion made off with a lamb, and Osborn's Dad told him to hunt down the lion and kill it. Osborn tracked the lion to a certain place (NOT on Hardscrabble Peak). There, he found a small cave opening (about 2 feet tall by 6 feet wide). When he entered the cave, he could smell that unmistakable smell of a large mammal. There was a step down from the small entrance, which made it so a person could stand up in the cave. Off on one side was what appeared to be a precariously balanced stack of large rocks that appeared to be a booby trap. Beyond that, he saw steps that looked man made going down further than he could see. He didn't want to hang around the cave without a light, because the mountain lion was still in there somewhere.

In the early 1960s, Osborn Hiles showed Claude Suddreth Sr the cave. So far, everybody that has gone into that cave has carved their initials and date into one wall of the cave. Long story short, In 1982, Suddreth showed the cave to Oren Swearingen and his son (who put their initials on the wall). Still, nobody to my knowledge has been further down than forty or fifty stairs.

While researching the story, I managed to find a Claude Suddreth Jr. This was Claude Sr's son. He remembered well the activities around that cave. He hadn't been back to it since when they showed it to Oren and his son. I told Claude about wanting to go down those steps because Oren asked me to, and I offered that if anything valuable was found, I would like to split everything between the Suddreths, the Swearingens, and myself. I hadn't corresponded with Claude Jr for several months, but the last time I did, his widow responded to my email. Claude had told me that he had a kidney problem and needed a transplant. Guess that transplant didn't come quickly enough. Claude Suddreth passed away on 08 January of this year (2015).

A name that few people outside the story have ever heard, but played a part in a story that still hasn't played out yet. Everybody please say a prayer for Claude and his family.

Thanks - Mike

That's a great story Gollum.

Just wondering how a person could find a cave like that, and not explore it further.....must be caved in, or something....

quoting post ( While researching the story, I managed to find a Claude Suddreth Jr. )
I'd like to ask you why you were looking for my cousin ? it seems to me that you talk about our family like you knew us .
it also seems to me that you make claims that are not real . can you explain please , what you are doing talking about Claude
as though you knew Claude ,we don't know you , I asked my cousin Claude's wife today who you were , she read this forum and is not too happy with you .
please explain why you made these claims that are not true . She does not know you and said that you did not know claude either .
please explain why you are doing this , you have no business upsetting her with your claims .
please stop claiming to know people that you do not know . we do not want you to use his name for telling people a lie .
Claudes Wife would like you to retract your claims gollum . she is very upset with you . please stop doing this .


Since you wanted to air this out publicly, no problem.

FIRST, understand that Oren Swearingen showed me exactly where the cave is. I didn't need anything from Claude other than just confirming the basics of the story Oren told me. I haven't posted ONE THING that was not exactly as told to me, which is why I was confirming the rest of the story. Claude and I had been corresponding, then all of a sudden, I stopped hearing back from him. I found that he had passed away, so I began this thread.

Was Claude's Wife's name Shelly? Is her email address *.*.suddreth@*****.com? Here is part of our email:

Dear Mrs Suddreth,

First, my condolences for your loss. I lost my mom a couple of years ago on 10 January. The last time Claude and I corresponded, he did tell me about needing a liver transplant. I didn't personally know Claude. I was given his name some time ago by a friend of mine in Texas named Dr. Oren Swearingen. I don't know if any of this has been told to you, but...........

I proceeded to tell her the entire story about the cave of steps, and ended that email with:

...........and that, is why I was asking Claude for anything he felt comfortable sharing. I know that Claude was more concerned with taking care of his family (he specifically mentioned that to me) than possibly getting wealthy himself. Since Claude is gone, I will make you the same promise I made your husband. I don't require anything from you for this promise to be in effect. It just seemed the right thing to do, and Oren agreed before he died. I do, however, ask that when you are going through your husbands belongings, if you see anything related to a cave of steps in New Mexico, if it is something you feel comfortable sharing, please contact me. Any assistance you could give would be greatly appreciated.

Now, if she says that is not true, maybe her reply to me may ring a bell:

He mentioned it to me. I will keep an eye out. He put more stock into stories told by his moms side of the family but he did tell me about that trip in 1982.
I know I have a lot of old stuff that I need to go through. Some was his dad's. And I'll ask his brother.

So, maybe before getting upset with me maybe you ought to get your facts straight. I will email Mrs. Suddreth and remind her who I am.



I just emailed Mrs Suddreth, asking her to remind you (Michael) that we had actually corresponded.

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you speask to peoploe in rudeness quot ( Since you wanted to air this out publicly, no problem. )
that is how you speak to people ? like you our a boss of them ? you have bad manners . and you furthe5r bother her with more emails .
you have very bad manners . I asked you to stop bothering our family . you put words in peoples moths , you lie , you aer rude . I think you should
find a way to ask people to forgive you. your arrogant attitude . maybe you are have mental problems . Stop bothering our family . stop talking about people you do not know is what you were asked . be nice to people . you behave bad with people . the talk is bad to people. you tell people you know people you do not know . and talk about them like they are your friend . you talk like big man who know everything about the world , you need to be humble . now i ask you to stop being big mouth about people and you write answers with rude words . yes ? i think maybe you need some help but that is your problem . stop talking bad to people and stop telling lies that you know people that you do not know . you can be sued and you might get arested . i will ask one last time for you to remove the lies you write . i will report your lies to the owner here .


Since you wanted to air this out publicly, no problem.

FIRST, understand that Oren Swearingen showed me exactly where the cave is. I didn't need anything from Claude other than just confirming the basics of the story Oren told me. I haven't posted ONE THING that was not exactly as told to me, which is why I was confirming the rest of the story. Claude and I had been corresponding, then all of a sudden, I stopped hearing back from him. I found that he had passed away, so I began this thread.

Was Claude's Wife's name Shelly? Is her email address *.*.suddreth@*****.com? Here is part of our email:

I proceeded to tell her the entire story about the cave of steps, and ended that email with:

Now, if she says that is not true, maybe her reply to me may ring a bell:

So, maybe before getting upset with me maybe you ought to get your facts straight. I will email Mrs. Suddreth and remind her who I am.



I just emailed Mrs Suddreth, asking her to remind you (Michael) that we had actually corresponded.

you emailed her to ask for my uncles picture and cave things ? that is what you do to widows when there husbans die ? you bother them to get from them ?
you sir are very very sick person . you have no polite at all . over bearing pushie person who spread lie and try to bother widow for more . you need help sir . please get help for you . maybe you can get in the hospital and get mental help . i never see a person so rude and arogant .
P.S. I just made call too . you have problems and you might be danger to people . I think you need to be stoped .

you speask to peoploe in rudeness quot ( Since you wanted to air this out publicly, no problem. )
that is how you speak to people ? like you our a boss of them ? you have bad manners . and you furthe5r bother her with more emails .
you have very bad manners . I asked you to stop bothering our family . you put words in peoples moths , you lie , you aer rude . I think you should
find a way to ask people to forgive you. your arrogant attitude . maybe you are have mental problems . Stop bothering our family . stop talking about people you do not know is what you were asked . be nice to people . you behave bad with people . the talk is bad to people. you tell people you know people you do not know . and talk about them like they are your friend . you talk like big man who know everything about the world , you need to be humble . now i ask you to stop being big mouth about people and you write answers with rude words . yes ? i think maybe you need some help but that is your problem . stop talking bad to people and stop telling lies that you know people that you do not know . you can be sued and you might get arested . i will ask one last time for you to remove the lies you write . i will report your lies to the owner here .

I have nothing to ask forgiveness for. All I did was contact Claude to confirm parts of a story told to me. When I found that he had passed, I started this thread.

I have no need to be humble to someone that came out insulting me. You might want to read a bit before insulting someone. All I knew was that I logged onto TNet and found a bunch of insulting posts from you. I reacted to them by showing you that not only was I not lying, I posted proof that I HAD INDEED corresponded with Claude's Wife. Maybe it is YOU that needs to learn something about humility.



If you saw what I emailed her, you would know that I NEVER asked for anything to do with the location of the cave. I even specifically asked her to NOT give me any of that, because I already know where it is. I just confirmed a promise I made to Claude, and that it applied to her as well. Why are you lying about me for no reason? Are you REALLY Claude's Cousin? or are you..................? We will find out.

See, I have found over the years that nobody just comes out of the gate insulting people without there being something behind it. I don't know you, and I have never spoken to you. For you to come out insulting me and stating that I was lying about what I posted, is kind of ridiculous, ESPECIALLY when you have no idea what I am talking about.

GO AHEAD AND CALL A COP AND AN ATTORNEY! When an investigator calls me, and I send them the email threads between myself and Claude, and then myself and Shelly, I think your threats are like dust in the wind.


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Rest well Claude Suddreth Jr.. Good times remembered by your family are sought to help fade the loss.

Prayer sent as requested.

One other thing; I don't owe you jack. You jump in here with no idea of the subject pretending like you are some bigshot insulting me. If Shelly has any questions for me, she has my email address. I will be more than happy to answer any questions she has, but I already told her the entire story. I can't wait to read her reply to my email.

If you REALLY are Claude's Cousin, then before insulting me, you should have a talk with Shelly about what I promised both Claude and then her. After you get that answer, I will be waiting on your apology.


Well HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! So Michael C, you are Claude's Nephew not cousin? Who is telling lies now? When was it you said you spoke with Claude's Widow? Keep'em coming, you're a laugh riot!

That is all I have to say at this moment. I will expound upon this shortly (as soon as the second email arrives).


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