Met a guy.... (Victorio Peak silver)


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Mar 19, 2003
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Northern Hemisphere
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Cache Hunting
I was in a public restroom the other day, in Las Vegas, and was struggling to get some paper out of the paper dispenser, when I uttered some angry words. An older guy explained how it worked, and went on to tell me a story about how he used to be an air force pilot (B-52's!) and how there was a urinal on the plane that if you weren't careful would VERY PAINFULLY suck your - well, you know what in! OUCH!

Having always loved / wanted to fly, I jokingly told him "want to trade lives?". (I mean what a career - to have flown B-52's!)

So, he asked me what I have done, and I told him (almost embarrassingly) "well, I found a treasure or two and publish a website". He said OH REALLY! I have done a lot of treasure hunting and metal detecting! He went on to tell me about a certain cave of silver bars HE found in New Mexico. I asked "Victorio Peak?" His look said it all... we chatted for about 10 minutes with plans to meet again!) and he explained that HE is the one who found the bars! - He also went on to say how the government confiscated it. I could NOT believe it.... I mean I DID believe him because he seemed so sane and intelligent...

His name is Terry ________ - for anyone with the inside scoop!

It was just amazing to run into him in a public restroom, in Las Vegas. I can't wait for our next chat. I will share what I can after that! 8)



DigginThePast said:
Crazy chance encounter.

Is he mentioned in this post?

Probably! Where the post says "After some airmen from a nearby air force base claimed they found some gold at Victorio Peak, the Army and Secret Service began a secret search in 1961."

--- also --- I realized my use of the word Silver and not Gold MUST have been a Freudian slip! 8) ;D

Yep, VERY strange chance encounter! It also seems strange to me that I almost died in a (near) car accident with Mel Fisher's daughter and son-in-law.... I know one thing... there IS more to life than we understand - and I REALLY need to finish a certain project! SOON!


Marc said:
DigginThePast said:
Crazy chance encounter.

Is he mentioned in this post?

Probably! Where the post says "After some airmen from a nearby air force base claimed they found some gold at Victorio Peak, the Army and Secret Service began a secret search in 1961."

--- also --- I realized my use of the word Silver and not Gold MUST have been a Freudian slip! 8) ;D

Yep, VERY strange chance encounter! It also seems strange to me that I almost died in a (near) car accident with Mel Fisher's daughter and son-in-law.... I know one thing... there IS more to life than we understand - and I REALLY need to finish a certain project! SOON!



My dad was an airman stationed at White Sands and in Operation Ivy in the 50's. Growing up he showed us a certificate he has framed for participating in the operation. He also used to tell us a story about him and some buddies hiking there and one of them reached into or looked into a cave and saw a bunch of gold bars stacked all over the place. Don't remember many details but he said they were never allowed to go back there.

He also talked about them hiking in the areas after atomic tests and being amazed at all the cool "glass" on the ground. Also stories about St Elmo's fire and UFO's. My dad has a lot of interesting stories.

OldNBroken said:
My dad was an airman stationed at White Sands and in Operation Ivy in the 50's. Growing up he showed us a certificate he has framed for participating in the operation. He also used to tell us a story about him and some buddies hiking there and one of them reached into or looked into a cave and saw a bunch of gold bars stacked all over the place. Don't remember many details but he said they were never allowed to go back there.

He also talked about them hiking in the areas after atomic tests and being amazed at all the cool "glass" on the ground. Also stories about St Elmo's fire and UFO's. My dad has a lot of interesting stories.
-------------POST: There were NO "airmen' stationed at White Sands in the 50's !! Navy yes--but no Air force ! I was stationed there in the mid 50's---------airmen from nearby Holloman AFB at Alamogordo sneaked into WSPG in 1958 ( Fiegge, Berlett, Wessel, & Prather ) and found a Noss stash----------I am Martian Monster

I love this thread :headbang: :notworthy: :headbang: :notworthy: :headbang: :notworthy: :headbang: :notworthy: :headbang: :notworthy:

And I am Connecticut Danny of Bridgeport Connecticut. How do you do?

Connecticut Danny said:
And I am Connecticut Danny of Bridgeport Connecticut. How do you do?
I do just fine, considering my age ! What can I do for you ? Every one at WSPG was involved in rocket tests---no airplanes there ! The Navy was there to test Navy missiles----crawl into a cave and see gold bars all over the place ! It should be so easy !! I started looking in 1955 and have not quit yet, and I have YET to see any gold ! Even when I was a member of the Noss Family team in the 1990's !! I am still looking for that first bar !

Did the Army take away all the treasures?

#11...... The army took all the treasure.

Martian Monster said:
OldNBroken said:
My dad was an airman stationed at White Sands and in Operation Ivy in the 50's. Growing up he showed us a certificate he has framed for participating in the operation. He also used to tell us a story about him and some buddies hiking there and one of them reached into or looked into a cave and saw a bunch of gold bars stacked all over the place. Don't remember many details but he said they were never allowed to go back there.

He also talked about them hiking in the areas after atomic tests and being amazed at all the cool "glass" on the ground. Also stories about St Elmo's fire and UFO's. My dad has a lot of interesting stories.
-------------POST: There were NO "airmen' stationed at White Sands in the 50's !! Navy yes--but no Air force ! I was stationed there in the mid 50's---------airmen from nearby Holloman AFB at Alamogordo sneaked into WSPG in 1958 ( Fiegge, Berlett, Wessel, & Prather ) and found a Noss stash----------I am Martian Monster

Haven't checked this thread in a while.
Dad is 81 now and lives in Washington.
Martian Monster, you are correct. Just got off the phone with him and he says he was at Holloman from '51 to '53 except when he went to Kwajalein for the test. Still tells that story though.
Another story he tells I would really like to take him on the adventure before it's too late. Prior to his enlistment he was working on the highlines behind Davis Dam and tells about a deep hole worn in the bedrock from an ancient waterfall. It is now underwater but he always wanted to go searching for it. Says he can still find the location and he would love to find out what's at the bottom. I love N. Az anyways so am thinking about mounting an "expedition" with him. Just finding it would make for a trip of a lifetime for him.

Anyways, I am not trying to prove anything. Just saw the thread and it reminded me of my dad and his stories.
I wouldn't even know anything about VP or be reading anything about it if it wasn't for what he told me growing up. Just sayin'

After hearing this story I would like to know what else was found with the silver/gold bars? By the way, the bars were of both silver and gold. They also contained stuff like copper.

Well if you guys do any metal detecting here, count me in. The Organs is the first things I see every time I go out my front door.

Who are you Martian Monster?

Pertaining to #13, it is good to hear that good old dad is alive and well, and hope that he find the treasures he known about. I am 70 years old and doing well. Thanks for asking.

After hearing this story I would like to know what else was found with the silver/gold bars? By the way, the bars were of both silver and gold. They also contained stuff like copper.

Well if you guys do any metal detecting here, count me in. The Organs is the first things I see every time I go out my front door.

Who are you Martian Monster?

Still waiting for you to ask for help carrying or just' following the trail.

After hearing this story I would like to know what else was found with the silver/gold bars? By the way, the bars were of both silver and gold. They also contained stuff like copper.

Well if you guys do any metal detecting here, count me in. The Organs is the first things I see every time I go out my front door.

Who are you Martian Monster?

are you still active in the organs?
seems like quite a tourist area to me???
what is going on there?

You can find an assay report of the gold bars on the Internet. I have it saved somewhere if I can find it. I believe it was like sixty percent gold can not remember the rest. But the gold was real.

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