Artemis Site-You Go Girl


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Mar 22, 2011
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Hey guys, there might be a new player in town in the treasure signs and symbols game and she's tough. Artemis, ancient Greek goddess of the hunt as well as many other things. I'm going to post a few of my posts from some other threads, just to get started.

The owl and Athena were depicted on opposite sides of the Greek tetradrachm so could be symbolic of wealth.

I wonder if a heart at a cache site might also be associated with an owl. I know the saying about the Spanish heart and the lust for gold but here's a link about an owl that seems to be common around the world. Notice the shape of the face. A heart would be a lot easier to carve than an owl.

Barn owl - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

As for the M, 13 and B, I believe the M became the 13th letter of the Latin alphabet during the 15th or 16th century, fitting in well with any cache site speculation, about its meaning, here in North America. Because of its shape, the B could be used as code representing a 13 which could represent an M.`So what could an M indicate at a cache site? Could be the Roman numeral for 1000, could be an owl, could be a symbol representing two peaks, could mean anything the guy setting up the cache site wanted it to mean. Here's one to ponder. There is a Saint Anthony of Padua who was associated with the number 13. If an M could indicate a 13 than it could be a reference to St. Anthony who was the patron saint of lost things. Just a thought.

PinwheelHi Pinwheel. There might be another Greek goddess associated with the owl and possible cache sites. The Little Owl ( Athene noctua) is the owl associated with Athena (Minerva). Here's a picture of one.

This next picture shows the Greek goddess Artemis who is the goddess of the hunt and wild beasts as well as many other things. This figure is on an artifact from Boeotia from about 680 B.C. Look closely at the head of Artemis and compare it to the face of the Little Owl.

Here is an excerpt from a link that describes her love of the mountains and hills.


Homer, Iliad 21. 470 ff (trans. Lattimore) (Greek epic C8th B.C.) :
"Artemis of the wilderness (agrotera), lady of wild beasts (potnia theron)."
Homeric Hymn 27 to Artemis (trans. Evelyn-White) (Greek epic C7th to 4th B.C.) :
"Over the shadowy hills and windy peaks she [Artemis] draws her golden bow . . . The tops of the high mountains tremble and the tangled wood echoes awesomely with the outcry of beasts."
Aeschylus, Fragment 188 (from Orion, Etymologicum 26. 5) (trans. Weir Smyth) (Greek tragedy C5th B.C.) :
"Mistress maiden (despoina nymphê) [i.e. Artemis], ruler of the stormy mountains."
Callimachus, Hymn 3 to Artemis 18 ff (trans. Mair) (Greek poet C3rd B.C.) :
"[Artemis as a child asks for privileges from her father Zeus:] ‘And give to me all mountains . . . on the mountains will I dwell.’"
Ovid, Fasti 4. 751 ff (trans.Boyle) (Roman poetry C1st B.C. to C1st A.D.) :
"I entered a forbidden wood . . . forgive my offence . . . Keep from our sight the Dryades and Diana's [Artemis'] bath and Faunus [Pan] lying in the fields at noon."
Seneca, Hercules Furens 406 ff (trans. Miller) (Roman tragedy C1st A.D.) :
"O [Artemis] queen of the groves (regina nemorum), thou who in solitude lovest thy mountain-haunts, and who upon the solitary mountains art alone held holy."

She also had an association with golden objects.

[TABLE="class: cms_table_box"]
[TD="class: cms_table_map_cnt"]CHARIOT & DEER OF ARTEMIS Artemis' golden chariot was drawn by a team of four golden-horned deer.[/TD]
[TD="class: cms_table_map_cnt"]BOW & ARROWS OF ARTEMIS Artemis used her golden bow and arrows not only to slay beasts in the mountains, but also to bring disease, plague and sudden death to women.[/TD]

The golden bow is interesting because when a bow is drawn, way, way back, it is somewhat similar to a heart and when the arrow is released, if the arrow is made of gold, wherever it lands. There is gold.

How could this stuff be used at a cache site. If there are owls at the site they could represent Artemis who favors high places so you might want to see if the owls lead you to the top of a bluff or hill. My site is like this. The large, 30 foot owl is at the foot of a bluff and the small 18 inch owl is at the top and pointing to the cache site.

Also, if you find a heart, you might want to look at it like a drawn bow with an arrow in it and look in the direction the arrow would fly. This worked at my site too.

Just my opinion.

Could these type of owl images been used in North America before Columbus came here. Here's a picture of some artifacts found at Poverty Point in Louisiana. I don't believe the Little Owl is found in North America but note the similarities.


What do spend a lot of time talking about when we talk about signs and symbols? Animals... we talk about animals all the time. We post pictures and spend most of our time talking about owls, bears, gorillas, elephants, fish, ducks, dogs, rabbits, lions, you name it. The monuments and carvings are there. Some of the stuff, I can't see, but a lot of it is right there plain as day. Who better to represent all of these beasts, than the goddess of beasts herself?

Many of the Spanish trackers give examples of the black and white dog at a treasure site.

Hunting Dog Artemis got her hunting dogs from Pan in the forest of Arcadia. Pan gave Artemis two black-and-white dogs, three reddish ones, and one spotted one - these dogs were able to hunt even lions. Pan also gave Artemis seven *****es of the finest Arcadian race. However, Artemis only ever brought seven dogs hunting with her at any one time.

Artemis - Greek Mythology Wiki

The KGC trackers have posted information about Moon carvings found at cache sites... waning, waxing and full. Artemis is associated with the Moon and some call her the Moon goddess.

The Greek goddess Artemis was often associated with the moon, especially the crescent or "new" moon

We have also seen carvings of the rising Sun.

Artemis was a dawn-goddess, the bringer of light, and crop-destroying frost. This role was later devolved to Eos (the dawn personified, a goddess developed in Homeric epic).

We have seen many trail monuments, fashioned to look like animals, guiding the way to campsites, missions and mining areas. These monuments also show the way to water.

Godess Artemis grew to become the virgin goddess of hunt, of wild animals, and of childbirth (due to her involvement in Apollo's birth). When she was three, Zeus asked Artemis what gifts when wanted. Among many others, she named:

  • A bow and arrows
  • All the world's mountains (as her home and playground)
  • Just one city (she wanted to live in the mountains)
  • Eternal virginity
Zeus gladly gave her all she wanted and more. He ordered the Cyclopes to forge a silver bow and fill a quiver of arrows for her. And he presented her with 30 cities and named her as the guardian of the world's roads and harbors.​

Here's an excerpt from a book, Evolution of the Dragon by G. Elliot Smith.

She was regarded as the goddess of the portal, not merely of birth, 2 but also of gold and treasure, of which she possessed the key, and of the year (January). This brings us back to the guardianship of gold and treasures which plays so vital a part in the evolution of the Mediterranean goddesses. For, like the story of the dog and the mandrake, it emphasizes the conchological ancestry of these deities and their connexion with the guardians of the subterranean palaces where pearls are found. But Artemis was not only the opener of the treasure-houses, but she also possessed the secret of the philosopher's stone: she could transmute base substances into gold, 3 for was she not the offspring of the Golden Hathor? To open the portal either of birth or wealth she used her magic wand or key. As Nūb, the lady of gold, the Great Mother could not only change other substances into gold, but she was also the guardian of the treasure house of gold, pearls, and precious stones. Hence she could grant riches. Elsewhere in this chapter (p. 221) I shall explain how the goddess came to be identified with gold.

Here's the link.

Evolution of the Dragon: Chapter III. The Birth of Aphrodite: Artemis and the Guardian of the Portal

Here's a link about Smith.

Grafton Elliot Smith - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What do you think guys and gals.... new queen of treasure hunters?

Here's an excerpt from a book, Evolution of the Dragon by G. Elliot Smith....

That Smith stuff is real interesting, mdog. Artemis's (Diana's) symbol is the crescent moon - lots of ways to play that. Yeah, she's the hunter. However, I think the owl is clearly in Athena's camp (sister of Artemis). Her Roman name is Minerva - that's when the M comes in. M=owl. I think that the 'M' might mean we're more interested in the Roman point of view than the Greek, although they're very similar, other than the names of course.

Another thing to think about is that these gods and goddesses were siblings. What happens when we find, say, an owl and a crescent moon at the same site? Might have to go back and read the mythology to see if (Diana) Artemis and (Minerva) Athena teamed up on any adventure with each other or additional gods. It could be a deep rabbit hole.

Mdog and Springfield. I like where your research is leading. Springfields thoughts on the Minerva and Athena are outstanding and add the process on Diana (Artemis) explains a lot. We all have symbols that are not found in any treasure hunting book that I know of. So like Mdog has said perhaps I have been looking in the wrong place to explain those symbols. Thanks Guys. This is new ground.


That Smith stuff is real interesting, mdog. Artemis's (Diana's) symbol is the crescent moon - lots of ways to play that. Yeah, she's the hunter. However, I think the owl is clearly in Athena's camp (sister of Artemis). Her Roman name is Minerva - that's when the M comes in. M=owl. I think that the 'M' might mean we're more interested in the Roman point of view than the Greek, although they're very similar, other than the names of course.

Another thing to think about is that these gods and goddesses were siblings. What happens when we find, say, an owl and a crescent moon at the same site? Might have to go back and read the mythology to see if (Diana) Artemis and (Minerva) Athena teamed up on any adventure with each other or additional gods. It could be a deep rabbit hole.

I think the Latin connection is important and I agree with you that the owl has a better fit with Minerva. I was more interested in finding an ancient connection between the heart and the owl when I started noticing this other stuff. You're right about it being a big complicated project....but I like those. Looks like I'm going to be putting the honey do list on hold.... Break out the Tylenol, boys. :BangHead: :censored:

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What do you think guys and gals.... new queen of treasure hunters?

Wealth and seeing what others don,t as in an owl fits a cache cipher..Athenian Owls
A.Q.E. =Of The Athenians. Til 1883 old Athenian was the language before Athens was raised. Early ancient Greek was written from right to left.
Multiple dialects and language would mean needing to know what one was the key to use to decipher. So a symbol associated with a time period ,or geographic location of an era could help find a key. If such a queen led to a usable key great! Thinking brought me to this state of mind,thanks for asking ,l.o.l..

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Wealth and seeing what others don,t fits a cache..Athenian Owls
A.Q.E. =Of The Athenians.

That looks like a good link, Releventchair. I'll have to read it later. Right now I'm hiding from my wife. She thinks I should be doing something useful....imagine that.:dontknow:

That's a good picture DTH. Have you looked inside the hole? Looks like that small owl shaped stone is sitting on another rock inside the hole.
no, mdog,sorry to say i never did make it over there to look inside. i wanted to,but i was working what it is looking at. i think Qunioa is right on the eye,and what it is looking at. what it is looking at behind me, from where i took the photo,is what appears to be a large stack of boulders stacked by man,with a large turtle on top, + many other worked stones.the first time i was there,it gave me the creeps,and i took off out of there,even though it took awhile to hike in there. there's a mean ole face carved there too. i didnt even see it till later at home.i posted the photos before,i just didn't tie it all in.could be some kind of tomb there. there's some kind of guarding spirit there,i think so anyways.but its tolerant of me i really like the eye theory.

I wouldn't move anything in the eye. That type of eye is intricate and looks at something important. You need to figure out exactly where it is looking. Other things nearby may help. Also the bird's beak is pointing out a small sign, in fact the beak tip is touching it.

Hi Quinoa, Are you talking about that little quarter sphere looking rock?

Please tell me about the turtle. Legs or no legs? Head facing up or pointing level? Mouth open or closed? Also size of shell relative to head? You can pm me, kind of sidetracking thread, sorry Mdog. You have a good thread subject here.

You're not sidetracking, Quinoa. I would like to hear about the turtle too.

I might have found another link between the owl and the M. Here's an excerpt from Smith's book Origin of the Dragon.

This brings us back to the guardianship of gold and treasures which plays so vital a part in the evolution of the Mediterranean goddesses. For, like the story of the dog and the mandrake, it emphasizes the conchological ancestry of these deities and their connexion with the guardians of the subterranean palaces where pearls are found. But Artemis was not only the opener of the treasure-houses, but she also possessed the secret of the philosopher's stone: she could transmute base substances into gold, 3 for was she not the offspring of the Golden Hathor? To open the portal either of birth or wealth she used her magic wand or key. As Nūb, the lady of gold, the Great Mother could not only change other substances into gold, but she was also the guardian of the treasure house of gold, pearls, and precious stones. Hence she could grant riches. Elsewhere in this chapter (p. 221) I shall explain how the goddess came to be identified with gold.

(a) "Ceremonial forked object," or "magic wand," used in the ceremony of "opening the mouth," possibly connected with (b) (a bicornuate uterus), according to Griffith ("Hieroglyphics," p. 60).
(c) The Egyptian sign for a key.
(d) The double axe of Crete and Egypt.

Here's the link.

Evolution of the Dragon: Chapter III. The Birth of Aphrodite: Artemis and the Guardian of the Portal

Here's another picture showing the Egyptian glyphs for the M sound.

hieroglyph M 600.webp

You can see the sign for the key is the same as the sign as an M but horizontal instead of vertical. Here's the link the picture came from.


  • egyptian key.webp
    egyptian key.webp
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