Monument Trail to ................


Gold Member
Jan 2, 2006
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Arizona Vagrant
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Minelab SD2200D (Modded)/ Whites GMT 24k / Fisher FX-3 / Fisher Gold Bug II / Fisher Gemini / Schiebel MIMID / Falcon MD-20
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting

So here we go. I started exploring this area several years ago based on a well known history of Spanish presence for hundreds of years. At the mouth of a particular canyon, there was a large boulder. Once I had sat back and stared at it until I started getting hungry (and a little cross-eyed), a theory as to its' meaning started coming to me.


Look carefully, and see the arrow pointing up to where there is the top half of a heart (the bottom is hidden). After a lot of contemplation (this is where I was shooting from the hip based on what I knew about symbols and monuments), I came to believe that the monument indicated to follow the arrow along the trail (it pointed the way), and it would eventually lead to hidden gold. Let me explain why I thought this: Heart=Gold. The bottom point of a heart typically indicates the spot to dig. Since the dig pointer was hidden, I assumed it meant that the place to dig for gold was hidden.

............... or it could mean that somewhere up the canyon lived a tribe of large breasted women! :hello2: :hello2: :hello2:

About a mile up the canyon (high up on one side) was a very evident number "7". The number "7" on a trail (according to Kenworthy) indicated a protected campsite. Around the back of the rock formation was a very well protected site. Digging at the site produced a good bit of old charcoal.


Further up the trail, high on a ridge, was what is called a "balanced pointer". It is a man placed rock, about seven feet on the side, four feet across the back, and a couple of feet thick. It points to a saddle in the ridge which leads to the only year round water source in the area.


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Another mile or so up the canyon (again high on a ridge) is a very beautiful, and well made bird monument.


Look carefully, and you will see that this bird is made from four separate rocks (none from that particular outcropping); The body, neck, counterbalance for the head, and the head with beak.

According to Kenworthy, a bird monument directs the hunter to go in the direction the beak is pointing, but keep an eye out as a change of direction will be coming up. In this case, the beak is guiding us in the same direction we are already traveling.

A ways further up the canyon, off to one side, was a box canyon. In the middle of this box canyon there is an outcropping of very dark lava rock. In the middle of this outcropping, a chunk of the dark rock was removed, and in it's place a large piece of white bull quartz was inserted. This is what Kenworthy called an "eye catcher". It is well named. Mother Nature did not place that rock there.


When I got up close to the "eye catcher" I noticed what looked like a place to stand in front of the rock.


Standing in that spot, I began searching the sides of the canyon walls and ridgelines. Eventually, I saw a large rockfall of uniform gray boulders. In the middle of this rockfall, I saw another large chunk of white bull quartz. Again, not the work of mother nature.


Also, notice how many of the rocks in this "natural" rockfall seem to be nicely fitted together.


Now, there are some more monuments, and no, I won't show whether there was or was not anything at the end of the trail. Don't PM me for any details. I tell you now that I won't reply. This exercise was strictly to show that Chuck A. Kenworthy did not make up the monuments, symbols, and signs he included in his books. I will say that he did not include ALL the monuments, symbols, and signs he knew about, but the ones he did include were based on factual evidence.

Best - Mike

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Great leapfrog journey following the signs - thanks for posting it.

Sure, Kenworthy's books do contain interesting information. And the signs you found are nice - I particularly like the bird cairn. I don't like your second eyecatcher as much. There are plenty of manmade signs out there, and the most effective ones are obvious and distinct. Kenworthy did publish some good information re trail signs. I don't believe anyone has disputed that. Hopefully he didn't set up your course, ha ha.

Seriously, here's the point about Kenworthy: there was no such thing as a 'King's Code'. He either fabricated the claim or was scammed. You don't have to take my word on it. Do your own research (I know you are a tenacious truth seeker). Find the truth about the nuts and bolts of mining in the new world under control of the King of Spain: who located the mines; who financed the operations; what resources and skills were required to operate a mine; who owned the properties; how the King determined his share; how he collected it. While you're at it, find out the truth about the range and extent of 'Spanish mining' beyond the northern frontier (ie today's USA) prior to the Mexican War. You'll find that there was nowhere near as much activity as the treasure magazines would have you believe. Again, I'm not going to argue about it - find out for yourself (you're capable). Unfortunately, most folks would agree with the newspaper man in The Man Who Shot Liberty Valence who said, "This is the West, sir. When the legend becomes fact, print the legend".

When one has a firm understanding of the reality of 'Spanish mining' in the American southwest, then it's time to begin trying to reconcile all the carvings, monuments, etc. (the real ones, not the looky-likes) that people have been locating all over the place. Of course, most markers have quite rational explanations that don't relate at all to treasure caches, etc. The list of who may have erected the markers and why is legion, and the subject has been thoroughly covered many times. Admittedly, some of these signs actually have led a curious fortunate few to recovery of a nice cache. It occasionally happens. Maybe you're one of the fortunate ones - I hope so.

Now, about all the fake treasure legends, cache rumors, enigmatic carved signs, mysterious Mexicans with maps, cemetery clues, buried pointers, geometrical sign layouts, etc. This stuff is real. The challenge is to determine who, where and why. Your beloved Jesuits may be in the mix, as are many others.

nice post...couple of observations

1.the top of the heart, shows the right lobe bigger than the left, [as true in nature* lol] :tongue3:
2.this could make it not only top of a heart which I have found many many times
3.but also the letter "B" which Dign decoded as meaning the number 13
4.which is the letter M, the diminutive part of the Owl Sign
5.I really like the Owl Hoyo sitting on your right knee ~!
6just curious what the other hoyo is saying - cant see the entire outline
7 nice call on the correct place to stand, Lost horse called this the Vista Spot
8.I concure with him - each moument has this spot
9.debunking the KW scoffers one monument at a time
10. Thanks for posting it - you done a great service to all true trackers
oro objective

~!* is confirmed by plenty of hands on investigation

Thanks Gollum. I like it when people post pics of the trails they're on. It's informative.


Yes. The Jesuits are definitely in the mix. Thing is, if ANYBODY ever tells you that they have figured out the Jesuits' Codes, you have my permission to laugh in their face and tell them that was from me. HAHAHAHA

The Jesuits had a lot of wealth to hide, and they were the preeminent scholars of their day. They invented most of the Earth Sciences we know today. They were some of the best Cartographers (ref many of the maps of the New World drawn by Jesuit Priests), mathematicians, and cryptographers. It is likely that with the sudden arrests and expulsion of the Order (along with the deaths of so many of the Fathers during the trip from their missions to Europe), that the Jesuits themselves have lost part of their code. I say this because even though the Order was restored in 1814, a cache of treasure totaling $70,000,000 was found in the vaults of the Castle San Antonio in Rio de Janeiro in 1891. Much of the documentation found with the cache leave absolutely no doubt that the owners of the cache was the Jesuit Order. So, why, in the 77 years between their restoration (in 1814) to the find under Castle San Antonio (1891), didn't the Jesuits find a way to secretly recover their wealth? Surely the Jesuits would NEVER have just forgotten about $70,000,000 in gold and silver??



Yes. The Jesuits are definitely in the mix. Thing is, if ANYBODY ever tells you that they have figured out the Jesuits' Codes, you have my permission to laugh in their face and tell them that was from me. HAHAHAHA

The Jesuits had a lot of wealth to hide, and they were the preeminent scholars of their day. They invented most of the Earth Sciences we know today. They were some of the best Cartographers (ref many of the maps of the New World drawn by Jesuit Priests), mathematicians, and cryptographers. It is likely that with the sudden arrests and expulsion of the Order (along with the deaths of so many of the Fathers during the trip from their missions to Europe), that the Jesuits themselves have lost part of their code. I say this because even though the Order was restored in 1814, a cache of treasure totaling $70,000,000 was found in the vaults of the Castle San Antonio in Rio de Janeiro in 1891. Much of the documentation found with the cache leave absolutely no doubt that the owners of the cache was the Jesuit Order. So, why, in the 77 years between their restoration (in 1814) to the find under Castle San Antonio (1891), didn't the Jesuits find a way to secretly recover their wealth? Surely the Jesuits would NEVER have just forgotten about $70,000,000 in gold and silver??


I agree with all you've said. The caches aren't 'lost', they're still controlled by their owners, who know their method of secreting the goods won't be compromised by outsiders. As always, the nagging question is, 'why is it still hidden?'

I'm weary of face-laughing. I'll just direct them to you from now on.

I am the first to admit that I have no knowledge of searching for Jesuit caches. But there seems to be one common link here between the KGC and Jesuit....The monitoring of caches by those still living today. That is why I have basically quit hunting for these. Initially for years I kept finding empty holes after empty holes. The only place that I have not found empty holes (except decoy empty holes) are public land that certain individuals have unique topographical access too on a daily basis. Until I find out their agenda I will leave these locations along. If I find out that the agenda is something other than honorable. I will post the EXACT gps coordinates to a handful of cache LOCATIONS on this forum....Steve

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I am the first to admit that I have no knowledge of searching for Jesuit caches. But there seems to be one common link here between the KGC and Jesuit....The monitoring of caches by those still living today. ....

Maybe they have the same boss.

Thanks for posting. Your info seems concise and well explained. Much of what is posted here just seems to be whatever the poster wants it to mean. Yours is not in that category. Best of luck to you and thanks for explaining to those of us who are curious but haven't seen actual proof.


Charliejr 4 Corners Over-View.webp
When I compiled Spanish control and French control, what I found was that the Spanish controlled the U.S. further west, and south into Florida. The French into the middle of the country and farther north. It seemed as if a line traverses the country in between their historical control.

I have plotted further travel routes, and to see the information in mass makes entire sense. Some mines I have found that may at one time been apart of a treasure trove/lore/story, were taken by modern mining companies. The only mines or potential areas that were not taken were either on protected land, sacred areas, or areas noted as Native Ameridian culture.

It has been interesting to compile the maps, although, with help, it could have gone much faster and easier.

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Here is all I will say about Jesuit Codes;

I know several clues that are inextricably linked to the Jesuit Order over a span of hundreds of years. The part that nobody has figured out is how they are related and in what order. Finding out how they are related will teach one how to understand what they are looking at. Learning about the relationship between clues will show one how one clue leads to another. This will teach one how to follow a trail not meant for you to follow.


Great post and very informative, Thanks

Great leapfrog journey following the signs - thanks for posting it.

Sure, Kenworthy's books do contain interesting information. And the signs you found are nice - I particularly like the bird cairn. I don't like your second eyecatcher as much. There are plenty of manmade signs out there, and the most effective ones are obvious and distinct. Kenworthy did publish some good information re trail signs. I don't believe anyone has disputed that. Hopefully he didn't set up your course, ha ha.

Seriously, here's the point about Kenworthy: there was no such thing as a 'King's Code'. He either fabricated the claim or was scammed. You don't have to take my word on it. Do your own research (I know you are a tenacious truth seeker). Find the truth about the nuts and bolts of mining in the new world under control of the King of Spain: who located the mines; who financed the operations; what resources and skills were required to operate a mine; who owned the properties; how the King determined his share; how he collected it. While you're at it, find out the truth about the range and extent of 'Spanish mining' beyond the northern frontier (ie today's USA) prior to the Mexican War. You'll find that there was nowhere near as much activity as the treasure magazines would have you believe. Again, I'm not going to argue about it - find out for yourself (you're capable). Unfortunately, most folks would agree with the newspaper man in The Man Who Shot Liberty Valence who said, "This is the West, sir. When the legend becomes fact, print the legend".

When one has a firm understanding of the reality of 'Spanish mining' in the American southwest, then it's time to begin trying to reconcile all the carvings, monuments, etc. (the real ones, not the looky-likes) that people have been locating all over the place. Of course, most markers have quite rational explanations that don't relate at all to treasure caches, etc. The list of who may have erected the markers and why is legion, and the subject has been thoroughly covered many times. Admittedly, some of these signs actually have led a curious fortunate few to recovery of a nice cache. It occasionally happens. Maybe you're one of the fortunate ones - I hope so.

Now, about all the fake treasure legends, cache rumors, enigmatic carved signs, mysterious Mexicans with maps, cemetery clues, buried pointers, geometrical sign layouts, etc. This stuff is real. The challenge is to determine who, where and why. Your beloved Jesuits may be in the mix, as are many others.

Well done! You are 100% correct about Spanish mining. Truly very little activity and the Jesuit treasure stories are laughable. Signs? I think not. But people want to believe so let them...

For Charlie Jr.: Think you forgot about Texas partner...

Been away for a while, but ..............


"Jesuit Treasure Stories are laughable" A statement like that can only have come from someone that hasn't done much research into the Jesuits in the New World. Without rehashing what has already been rehashed a million times, read the journals of the Jesuit Fathers. Read about what wealth the Jesuits had. Suddenly, when the Spanish began arresting them shortly after midnight on June 25th, 1767, none of that wealth was found.

Read also about the 70 odd million dollars of gold and silver found in Rio de Janeiro in 1891. Not only gold and silver, but a metal box with papers directly linking the treasure cache to the Jesuit Order. The cache was hidden shortly before the Jesuit Suppression by the Portuguese in 1759.

There is much more, but you can find it for yourself.


Hello gollum, good to have you back.I believe you may have been referring to me, but that's ok. I read about the Jesuits, but for treasure you can't find anything on treasure. The information on rio is incorrect.I have a copy of the original map. All you read is true but its not in rio its in arizona.I found the locations to all the markings.the island has a two hump hill and it was sopose to have a monistary.the same hill shapes are in arizona.
The best document to study is the latin hearts. Its in latin and is authentic, I know because I located everything on it.this coded map overlaps the santa Maria map that I hold.other maps that are in the area is the peralta stone markings, the stone crosses.
I hope that one day you will meet with me, your the only one I would show my photos of alll the markings.

Some people hate to respond and someone a while back stated that they knew of jesuit codes but knowone has been able to break them.on another article it was mentioned to laugh at anyone that claims they broke the codes.learning. about jesuit activities in history is great.if your so good break the code of the latin hearts, and its in latin.good luck

Hi Mike,

Might I also recommend you get a copy of a sign book that will help you.

"The Book of Signs" by Rudolf Koch Copyright 1930

I have followed many trails like this. Feel free to send me a message if you need some assistance interpreting the signs a little more accurately. Your research should target the mid 1500's. The wear pattern on the signs is also indicative. Two of your markers look altered like a more recent change has been made to possibly throw the trail off.

Your trail signs are Christian and atypical of Spanish influence in the U.S. If this is in Colorado or New Mexico, I have some complimentary information that may help you isolate which group was there and for how long.

It looks like you are on a trail but the pictures are either out of order, missing a couple or from different trails in the same area. Nothing like treasure hunting in the SE US.

Good luck in your searching.


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