Almost a year later, and I am slowly picking up my search again...
I hope you are doing well in your endeavors.

I received some new information today, that is refueling my desire to finish my long slow race.
Too much information to release at present, and a little bit of speculation to muddy up my path into the future.

Albeit, good information, my endurance is a minor concern.
My health is better than I have enjoyed in some years. But my infirmities must be kept in mind.

I have, in some sense of the word, returned!!

Great news to see you back on the hunt, Mikel!! And thank you for the good wishes, I'm still pluggin' along on the sunny side of the turf so far, and sure glad to hear you're doing well. Still lookin' forward to making it out your way at some point if and when this pandemic ever ends, those trout are callin' my name. :icon_thumright:

Sounds like you have turned a corner in your research and found a big ol' horizon to lead you forward. I'll help in any way I'm able, even if it's just as a sounding board. Will be keepin' an eye on this thread now that you're back. You just gifted me with a great big grin, thank you my friend. You made my day. ;D

Have a Good'un :notworthy:

Great news to see you back on the hunt, Mikel!! And thank you for the good wishes, I'm still pluggin' along on the sunny side of the turf so far, and sure glad to hear you're doing well. Still lookin' forward to making it out your way at some point if and when this pandemic ever ends, those trout are callin' my name. :icon_thumright:

Sounds like you have turned a corner in your research and found a big ol' horizon to lead you forward. I'll help in any way I'm able, even if it's just as a sounding board. Will be keepin' an eye on this thread now that you're back. You just gifted me with a great big grin, thank you my friend. You made my day. ;D

Have a Good'un :notworthy:
It’s good to hear from you, and glad that you have a project to plug along on.
I probably will have to call on your wisdom, after I put my hands on this first road sign.

Happy hunting... for now... till the fish are ready to catch.


Resorting and repacking first aid kit.
And doing the same thing to my supply and trail gear packs, kinda feels like I’m starting over.

Just planning a day hike to check out, what I hope will be a trail marker and hopefully get a new azimuth pointing to the next trail marker/monument.

Hope to have all of my ducks 🦆 in a row.


Resorting and repacking first aid kit.
And doing the same thing to my supply and trail gear packs, kinda feels like I’m starting over.

Just planning a day hike to check out, what I hope will be a trail marker and hopefully get a new azimuth pointing to the next trail marker/monument.

Hope to have all of my ducks 🦆 in a row.

Best of luck to you!!!:laughing7:

Glad to hear this Mikel,
I'm just as excited, just to know you're back on the trail. Sure hope you find a marker, with a trail this cold, weather, and machinery can ruin anything. May all the markers still be in place for you. Have fun Amigo.

Glad to hear this Mikel,
I'm just as excited, just to know you're back on the trail. Sure hope you find a marker, with a trail this cold, weather, and machinery can ruin anything. May all the markers still be in place for you. Have fun Amigo.
You are dead right about that Homar.
I have spent a month tracking leads back to a source....
Now redirecting to the next source.

Time is not my friend... too much has passed already and not enough left of my youth..⏳⏳⌛️☕️☕️☕️

Now I’m trekking through used bookstores to find a “first edition” book, that has one page of information that I need!!! Most copies were sold, somewhat, locally... so there’s that for encouragement!


You are dead right about that Homar.
I have spent a month tracking leads back to a source....
Now redirecting to the next source.

Time is not my friend... too much has passed already and not enough left of my youth..⏳⏳⌛️☕️☕️☕️

Now I’m trekking through used bookstores to find a “first edition” book, that has one page of information that I need!!! Most copies were sold, somewhat, locally... so there’s that for encouragement!

Well, I have made progress!
Still not enough progress...
I have found the elusive, first edition!
It has a map and gps coordinates for one important landmark and leaves part of the instructions in another elusive book !!!

So..... I now have three maps, that are very close to one another... but not close enough to grant me a one day expedition, on a steep hillside ( over and under the bluff that encloses the stone!!!)
All three proposed locations are within a few hundred Varas of the original line drawn from the Keystone!!!

If the locations were on flat land, there would be no problem, but it’s as steep as a cow’s face!

I still have people to track down and a book to locate... any one of them have the ability to clear the way to the goal. Or completely wreck it!!

I need a little luck and a lot more COFFEE ☕️!!!



Here ya go!
Good luck.

Well, I have made progress!
Still not enough progress...
I have found the elusive, first edition!
It has a map and gps coordinates for one important landmark and leaves part of the instructions in another elusive book !!!

So..... I now have three maps, that are very close to one another... but not close enough to grant me a one day expedition, on a steep hillside ( over and under the bluff that encloses the stone!!!)
All three proposed locations are within a few hundred Varas of the original line drawn from the Keystone!!!

If the locations were on flat land, there would be no problem, but it’s as steep as a cow’s face!

I still have people to track down and a book to locate... any one of them have the ability to clear the way to the goal. Or completely wreck it!!

I need a little luck and a lot more COFFEE ☕️!!!


Good to hear from you Mikel, sounds like you could use a drone in your search.

I have responded to Homar’s post a couple of times, but have technical issues... in short, I am researching the idea of adding a drone to my toolbox 🧰

Let’s see if this post makes the trip.

Well, I have a new drone in hand!!!😊
Thanks to a very dear old friend, who’s only wish, is to see me succeed!

I am now challenged to master the controls ( so I don’t crash it in the woods!)

It is going to be the singularly unique tool to advance my work, for quite some time to come.

Things, unreachable, unseeable and undiscovered, are now within my grasp!!!

I owe a great big thanks to my friend, who wishes to be nameless, and also to Homar Alvorez, for encouraging me to take that path. He was right to suggest that I get a drone!!!

Without friends like these, I would most certainly be stuck in a rut in the middle of the woods. LITERALLY!!!

Thank you!! To my friends… my earthbound guardian angels!!!

I don’t know what I would do without you 🙏🙏🙏🙏😳☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️

Well, I have a new drone in hand!!!😊
Thanks to a very dear old friend, who’s only wish, is to see me succeed!

I am now challenged to master the controls ( so I don’t crash it in the woods!)

It is going to be the singularly unique tool to advance my work, for quite some time to come.

Things, unreachable, unseeable and undiscovered, are now within my grasp!!!

I owe a great big thanks to my friend, who wishes to be nameless, and also to Homar Alvorez, for encouraging me to take that path. He was right to suggest that I get a drone!!!

Without friends like these, I would most certainly be stuck in a rut in the middle of the woods. LITERALLY!!!

Thank you!! To my friends… my earthbound guardian angels!!!

I don’t know what I would do without you 🙏🙏🙏🙏😳☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️
All the best to you in your search.I truly hope you are successful.From S.E.Arkansas!

Howdy Mikel,

This is the best news I've heard in quite a while, now your search is going to a higher level. :icon_thumright: You will cover more ground with no pain, and have views from different angles. I am very happy for you, and am sure you have done your share of good deeds for others. That's how blessings happen, they are paid by others. I am sure your good friend will have his blessing coming in several fold.
As a master craftsman with gifted hands, I am sure a few buttons won't be a problem for you. Thank your Amigo on my behalf.


Howdy Mikel,

This is the best news I've heard in quite a while, now your search is going to a higher level. :icon_thumright: You will cover more ground with no pain, and have views from different angles. I am very happy for you, and am sure you have done your share of good deeds for others. That's how blessings happen, they are paid by others. I am sure your good friend will have his blessing coming in several fold.
As a master craftsman with gifted hands, I am sure a few buttons won't be a problem for you. Thank your Amigo on my behalf.

Homar, the blessings have been, simply awe inspiring!!

I have found a few hurdles to clear, but nothing that will stop me!!

The photos that this bird takes are awesome 😎. I have been practicing the “fly by the seat of my pants “ path. And I am getting better results. The lack of depth perception is the biggest obstacle, for now. Not knowing how close I am to things like, free limbs and structures, makes me overly cautious.

GPS is most important. If I loose contact with too many satellites 🛰, I loose control of the drone, and it wanders off on its own!!

I have experienced that a few times. The worst thing to happen so far is that it flew into some vines and tangled itself by three motors!!
No real damage to anything other than my nerves 😬!

It’s all just part of the experience of learning something new.

It became just fun 🤩 after I got accustom to the controls.

I’m enjoying the practice time. And the beautiful pictures that it takes.



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Howdy Mikel,

Glad to hear that you are enjoying your new tool. Those are great pictures. I don't know anything about drones to be of any help. Practice practice practice, reminds me of the first time back-hoe operators. They would think they had a dirt load in the bucket, and we would tease them by pulling open our shirt pocket while pointing to it with the other hand.:laughing7:

I don't know if you are using goggles, or if you have a picture screen. If you have a screen, I would suggest you practice with the drone as close to you as you can. Like over, and around your truck, and trees. That way you can actually see how close you are, and register the camera view into your brain. The close up picture should be the same if the drone is a mile away.

Good luck, you'll get better, just stay away from limbs, and private swimming pools.:laughing7:

Howdy Mikel,

Glad to hear that you are enjoying your new tool. Those are great pictures. I don't know anything about drones to be of any help. Practice practice practice, reminds me of the first time back-hoe operators. They would think they had a dirt load in the bucket, and we would tease them by pulling open our shirt pocket while pointing to it with the other hand.:laughing7:

I don't know if you are using goggles, or if you have a picture screen. If you have a screen, I would suggest you practice with the drone as close to you as you can. Like over, and around your truck, and trees. That way you can actually see how close you are, and register the camera view into your brain. The close up picture should be the same if the drone is a mile away.

Good luck, you'll get better, just stay away from limbs, and private swimming pools.:laughing7:
Practice practice practice, is the answer to most everything about it!!

I’ve become much more comfortable with it, for the closeup operation in tight quarters….
I even challenged a dragonfly to a round of maneuvers!!…. About two minutes before the bug got bored and flew away.

It’s when I try to stretch my reach, that I get into trouble.

It’s where I need to get to with my skill set.

I’m loving it!!!



There are still new discoveries!!
In spite of thinly veiled threats pointed at me and a fellow treasure hunter.

I ain’t dead yet. And I’m not done exploring my site!!
There will be at least one more expedition…
And probably one more chapter concerning this latest discovery!!


There are still new discoveries!!
In spite of thinly veiled threats pointed at me and a fellow treasure hunter.

I ain’t dead yet. And I’m not done exploring my site!!
There will be at least one more expedition…
And probably one more chapter concerning this latest discovery!!

Howdy Mikel,

Sure am glad to hear from you Amigo. We are a rare breed of treasure hunters who pick centuries old legends instead of something fresh and simple. I know the cold trail you follow, is over a very large area, making it harder with so much new construction all over the place.

These trails were marked by men from other lands, so they could find their way back to the rich deposits. Making sense of the rock carvings is the fun part, some make the gears smoke. Those who search with greed, and just think of how they are going to spend it all on themselves, get stumped. Those like yourself who think of how many others one can help, get a little help from above to make sense of those rock carvings. He also protects us from thinly veiled treats.

Can't wait to see what you have uncovered, good luck to you and your partner, I'll be praying for you.


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