Ol' Kentuck
Hero Member
Almost a year later, and I am slowly picking up my search again...
I hope you are doing well in your endeavors.
I received some new information today, that is refueling my desire to finish my long slow race.
Too much information to release at present, and a little bit of speculation to muddy up my path into the future.
Albeit, good information, my endurance is a minor concern.
My health is better than I have enjoyed in some years. But my infirmities must be kept in mind.
I have, in some sense of the word, returned!!
Great news to see you back on the hunt, Mikel!! And thank you for the good wishes, I'm still pluggin' along on the sunny side of the turf so far, and sure glad to hear you're doing well. Still lookin' forward to making it out your way at some point if and when this pandemic ever ends, those trout are callin' my name.

Sounds like you have turned a corner in your research and found a big ol' horizon to lead you forward. I'll help in any way I'm able, even if it's just as a sounding board. Will be keepin' an eye on this thread now that you're back. You just gifted me with a great big grin, thank you my friend. You made my day.

Have a Good'un