Hola amigos
I know the area where the vessel from the civil war story was wrecked. unfortunately other ships have come to grief near the same spot. in 2011 a ship Olivia with a crew of 22 and soybeans from Santos Brazil to Singapore struck an undersea rock and sank below.
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In 2019 an ex research ship Geosearcher converted into a crabbing processing ship with crew of 62 stuck the rock and sank both crews was rescued.
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There are some very dangerous underwater pinnacles under the water around the island. Where you think there is deep water you can drift over a pinnacle before even knowing it.
Hola Amigos
In 1821, the “Blendon Hall Incident” drew the attention of mariners everywhere. The 450-ton East India Company merchant vessel Blendon Hall was lost in the fog while sailing from Jamaica to Bombay, India. Blown off course in heavy seas, she ran aground off Inaccessible Island. Two seamen drowned, but 50 passengers and crew scrambled over the rocks to safety and watched their ship sink. Survivors were marooned for four months while living on fish, birds’ eggs and seal meat. After one failed attempt, another party made it to Tristan in a makeshift boat and sent help to the remaining castaways.
In 1836, the American schooner Emily, sailing out of New York, was outfitted as a sealer to hunt the animals for their skins, oil and meat. While moored off Tristan, Capt. Peter Green’s ship dragged its anchor during a sudden storm and sank off the south shore. No lives were lost. Green, however, remained on the island, married an islander and had eight children. A highly respected resident, he became “Headman” of the Settlement and lived to age 94.
In 1892, the Italia, a merchant ship sailing from Scotland to Capetown, South Africa, caught fire near Tristan. The quick thinking captain ran his vessel ashore, saving himself and his 16 crew. Two of them, Andrea Repetto and Gaetano Lavarello stayed behind, married Tristian women and had families whose descendants are still on the island today.
Other shipwrecks in the archipelago include the Beacon Light, Henry B. Paul, Shakespeare, Helen S. Lee, Mabel Clark, HMS Julia and the Lark.
I think from memory it was the vessel "The Lark" Had treasure hidden on nightingale?