Tunnels and more just found in New Ross, N.S.


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Apr 7, 2007
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Clearfield Pa. and Nova Scotia, Canada
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Schonstedt sopt, GPL , 2 box, Dowsing Rods, Long Range Locators, Radar, Bounty Hunter & a lot more
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All Treasure Hunting
map 11.webp
Update/ Sep 30. 2016 We are done with our research and ready to go public with our findings. We believe we have enough proof to show why the Knight Templars came to New Ross and built a castle at this site. We have been through a lot and seen things no one would believe. We found many artifacts from the period. On our last trip we located a Vortex and Ley Lines in New Ross, this new info just proved our case. We have a great story to tell and this will make a great movie someday. Everything we post and said was real and there is a lot we did not post about. This is a picture of the Vortex on a old map.1c594af9b264fee6acd56eccb1302609.webp

Finders Keepers is in New Ross , NS doing research at the New Ross Castle site just 14 miles from Oak Island. We been tracking tunnels to and from the Castle site for years. One tunnel runs west from the Castle 996' up hill to a spot believed to be a round church site, just like at Roslyn Castle. Everything they are looking for on Oak Island we have at the New Ross site. 2 Templar grave stones, 3 tunnels, bones, charco, many coins from the 1790's (page 6 ), a castle in the shape of the Tree of Life ( page 7 ), many hand cut key stones , one we call The Hope Stone (page 7 ) and a well and a lot more. On our last trip we located the Vault Room or Treasure Room, not sure if anything is in it. This site could be the last place they stayed, the treasure could still be here or maybe there is something to tell us what happen to them. This location is the new hot spot for tracking the Templars.

New Ross got its name from a great stone with a cross carved in it at the Castle site ( The Cross ). We located the stone and with Joan Hope and Ron Harris help I believe we can now tell the entire story about the stone and what it was used for.(check page 4 )

There is a well at the castle site called The Holly Well and it has the best water in all of New Ross and it never went dry. This is the only safe water to drink in the area.This has been one big mystery for years . We now know were the water comes from. ( check page 6 )

Coins found at the site by Joan Hope ( check page 6 )

Round Stone Foundation in field above the Castle could be a Templar Church , shown on map above. For more info check ( page 6 )

One Vault Room is 90' down and 24' long and the other Vault Room is 40' down and 15' long. You can view the drawings of the well on the new post ( Templar Vaults Located ).

At this time we are working with Joan Hopes Husband ( Ron who is 99 yrs old ) and other people that owned the site or did work at the site. There was a lot of info that was held back and not told that we hope to tell someday . On page 7 we will show the cost involved for a dig like this . Its another Oak Island Money Pit but we still have tunnels and more and we don't have to fake anything at our site, its all real.
This is a once in a life time shot. How many Vault Chambers are being found at 90' under a castle site.

Please check out this site http://www.smu.ca/academics/name-70836-en.html it's about Joan Hope and Ron Harris donating their house to help college students. Thank You

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You've got my interest. Any pictures to show yet ?

This wouldn't have anything to do with Dennis Parada who is also from Pennsylvania would it ?

Is that your website at finderskeepersusa ? If so, you have some interesting photos.

Finders Keepers is in New Ross , NS doing research at the New Ross Castle site just 14 miles from Oak Island. We been tracking tunnels to and from the Castle site. One tunnel runs west from the Castle 996' up hill to a spot believed to be a round church site. Everything they are looking for at Oak Island we have at the New Ross site. 2 Templar grave stones, 3 tunnels, bones, charco, many coins from the 1790's, a castle in the shape of the Tree of Life, many hand cut key stones and a lot more. This location will be the new hot spot to track the Templars.

As I have always suspected, keep up the good work!

Cheers, Loki

Nicely done.

Finders Keepers is in New Ross , NS doing research at the New Ross Castle site just 14 miles from Oak Island. We been tracking tunnels to and from the Castle site. One tunnel runs west from the Castle 996' up hill to a spot believed to be a round church site. Everything they are looking for at Oak Island we have at the New Ross site. 2 Templar grave stones, 3 tunnels, bones, charco, many coins from the 1790's, a castle in the shape of the Tree of Life, many hand cut key stones and a lot more. This location will be the new hot spot to track the Templars.

While you are there, I believe you would do well to investigate the area of the divide between the Gold and Gaspereau watersheds near Blue Mountian. IMHO, this was a planned escape route put in place very early on during the habitation of the fortress. Yes, Joan should be given most of the credit, which Wolter never did.
Btw, 1790 coins, I might wonder about. The Templars, at least as I believe were there beginning in 1308.
Cheers, Loki

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This wouldn't have anything to do with Dennis Parada who is also from Pennsylvania would it ?

YA that's me. We been back to this site many times since we did the TV show for American Unearthed. Now we own a small mining company and we dig for Gold and Gems. While working at the site a few years back we started to locate tunnels but not sure if made by man or water. Today (Friday ) we are drilling into 2 of the tunnels to drop camers in to find this out. I will show potos when we can and let you know if they are man made, by the way they run I am sure they are man made but the news media needs proof so we are back to get it.

UPDATE/ Our drilling equipment will only go down 12' and both tunnels are deeper than that. We will hire a smaller drilling rig for the next trip.

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Atta boy, FinderKeeper! Like Loki, I'm not surprised, but thrilled with your report.
I can't wait to hear about the "round church site" and all the rest. Hopefully, when all is said and done, Joan will receive the acknowledgement she deserved and we'll all have a new bit of history to learn!
Very happy for you guys!

Well Well Well

The Joan Hope Well is really the remnants of a full copmplex. Can't wait to see the overhead layouts and the corresponding clues laid there.

Interesting that the workings and measurements of the Nolan Cross led you there to those locations.

Sounds like a second party was coming through in the late 1700's and was using the old foundation, setting up the 'charing cross' name and founding a small village in the area there.

Sounds like the English settlers were founding their colony and when they took over the french colonies, built more on the foundations?

I am only saying this from the fact that :

1) The Gravestones, and early carvings you found


2) The coins and their dates you talked about.

It seems they are from a different time but it also shows a second settlement might have been made there, following the Legend of the Templars in the Americas

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Atta boy, FinderKeeper! Like Loki, I'm not surprised, but thrilled with your report.
I can't wait to hear about the "round church site" and all the rest. Hopefully, when all is said and done, Joan will receive the acknowledgement she deserved and we'll all have a new bit of history to learn!
Very happy for you guys!

Then we can go look for the UFO's !!!!

Finders Keepers is in New Ross , NS doing research at the New Ross Castle site just 14 miles from Oak Island. We been tracking tunnels to and from the Castle site. One tunnel runs west from the Castle 996' up hill to a spot believed to be a round church site. Everything they are looking for at Oak Island we have at the New Ross site. 2 Templar grave stones, 3 tunnels, bones, charco, many coins from the 1790's, a castle in the shape of the Tree of Life, many hand cut key stones and a lot more. This location will be the new hot spot to track the Templars.

How about posting a few photos FK?

New Ross questions

Finders Keeper, I am in some Facebook groups with people from Nova Scotia and they wanted me to ask you where are the Templar tombs or graves you talk about and can you give a map or a GPS?? Very interested to talk with you. also here is the link of the FB group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/622846864508312/

Hi Texas, We just returned from NS today and have a lot of info to work with before we go public. We may of located a 20' x 5' trench full of dead bones or bodies and two graves in a field. But we need to check out the TUNNELS to see if they are made from the gold age of mines or did the Templars build them, With the info we have I am 80% sure this site was built by the Knights Templars.
What we need now is a 3D scanner or the $15,000 to hire one for this site. The scans would show if their are bones in the trench and were the tunnels run, so we can drill down into them and drop a camera down to see if they are stone lined or timber cut. To date the TUNNELS would be our first choice to check out. We have many TUNNELS, some 996' long some 15' long. Some TUNNELS are 5' deep and some 10' to 40' deep. Their are escape TUNNELS and some carry water to and from the castle. Their are small amounts of gold in the ground and many other gems but not the quality to sell.

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"Caves" implies natural origin.

"Tunnels" or "Mines" would be human constructions.

You haven't located it precisely or determined structure or content but you are already 80% sure it is of Templar origin.

There's your problem. Assume nothing until you have evidence and you'll get more factual results. Don't try and bend results to your pre-determined bias.

Thank you Charlie , Ya I did post cave and I should of put tunnel. The correction is made. Its TUNNELS FOUND at the site. We been on the road 24hrs and I am still brain dead.
The main TUNNELS we been tracking are man made and they lead to a VAULT ROOM . I am not giving out any more info to people at this site that just want to prove every one wrong. We made the claim and NY Times and others have our story. We plan to return and do more work at the site. BUT not digging or drilling at the grave sites at this time we have other important sites my crew is digging at in the New Ross area .
Thank You

"Caves" implies natural origin.

"Tunnels" or "Mines" would be human constructions.

You haven't located it precisely or determined structure or content but you are already 80% sure it is of Templar origin.

There's your problem. Assume nothing until you have evidence and you'll get more factual results. Don't try and bend results to your pre-determined bias.

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Thank you Charlie , Ya I did post cave and I should of put tunnel. The correction is made. Its TUNNELS FOUND at the site. We been on the road 24hrs and I am still brain dead.
The main TUNNELS we been tracking are man made and they lead to a VAULT ROOM . I am not giving out any more info to people at this site that just want to prove every one wrong. We made the claim and NY Times and Discovery Channel and others have our story. We plan to return and do more work at the site. BUT not digging or drilling at the grave sites at this time we have other important sites my crew is digging at in the New Ross area .
Thank You

My Like is for the Correction on tunnel, not for your attitude on TreasureNet .

RE: I am not giving out any more info to people at this site that just want to prove every one wrong.

What about those of us at this site that are interested in how things are going ?
You'll punish us all because Someone asked a Question ? Common' Dennis !
Ya gotta take the bad with the good :thumbsup:
half the Reward is proving the Skeptics wrong !

no I don't believe in
Templars in the Americas Either,
But would welcome being proven wrong

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I am not giving out any more info to people at this site that just want to prove every one wrong.

Heck no. It's just easier to establish what something is likely not based on speculation because only very specific evidence can prove what something is. And even hard, physical evidence will be difficult to solidly tie to the Templars. We'll wait patiently for the evidence. But I'd feel better if it was a university or museum we were waiting on rather than a newspaper and a TV network. Hell at least it's not the hack pseudo-science "History" Channel. Maybe we'll have Templar Week next year? I know - distrust the "archies". Because they just want to prove everyone wrong.

See? It's about that bias thing again. ;-)

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I can answer some questions but there are some I can not talk about, if this works then OK ask away. We are trying to get a University or Museum or someone that will show a interest in what we found. The news media want us to keep quiet so they can run the best parts of the story. When we made the TV show for American Unearthed we drilled and hit gold in one of the drill holes, we put the video of this on our web site. We did not own any of the mineral rights so we left it their. After the TV Show aired we spent the money and set up a small mining company in Nova Scotia and started leasing a lot of mineral rights in the New Ross area. Now we dig for gold in the area and we use the treasure hunting tools of the trade, that's how we keep locating the tunnels. After 4 years we now believe we have enough to go public.

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