Well, this account is rather odd, so take it for what it's worth - maybe nothing. Maybe a lot.
About 1985, I was having lunch at a greasy spoon on San Pedro, near Lomas, called King Georges. The waitress, in her twenties I guess, looked and spoke just like Marilyn Monroe. She was a knockout. She and some guy were having a conversation about gold in the Sandias, which I was listening to since the guy was only a few feet away at the next table. She said up high on the ridge was a square hole dug in solid rock, ten feet square, ten feet deep, completely open, with many gold bars stacked on the floor. Her grandfather, an Isleta Reservation member, told her about it when she was a little girl.
The other guy asked her how grandpa knew about it and why he hadn't recovered it. "He was told that the gold belonged to someone who would return for it later and use it for the good of the Indians," she said. I grinned to myself and the other guy was rolling his eyes.
"Well, Missy, I'll bet the padre told him that yarn, huh?"
"No, it was a man in the UFO that landed in the trees by the river," she said matter of factly, as if she was talking about the weather. The other guy smiled and shook his head like he'd been the target of a joke. He paid and left.
When I paid and was ready to leave, I asked her about grandpa and the UFO. "He took a picture of it before it flew away. I've got grandpa's old picture in my purse," she said innocently. I thought I was joke target #2, and then she dug into her bag and pulled out an old dog-eared color snapshot. It quite clearly showed a UFO hovering in a field with big trees behind and mountains in the background. It was hard to judge its size, but it seemed to be a flat bottomed disc, dome topped, with no markings and possibly 30-40 feet in diameter. Go figure.
Next time I stopped in, she wasn't there - or ever again. She hadn't said in what part of the range the hole was. The Sandia ridge is a huge target. Good luck.