Sierra Madre and Sierra Ladrone are the mountains with the Gold mines... oddly both are now Wildlife refuges, and the canyon in wich the guy was found dead is closed to anyone not on the Isleta Indian Pueblo Tribal Counsil's ok to go list!
Hi Dustedyou (or whoever stumbles across this and wants some central NM ideas)
The Ladrones do not have any significant recorded Gold deposits, though the range is still accessible (only part is the refuge). NMT report on the district is pretty depressing. Don't know where the Sierra Madre is in NM (?)
Sandias have more interesting mineralization, esp. in the N end, but the range is so contorted and twisted where the minerals are (except the argentiferous Galena - yawn) that it's hit and miss.
Bland was a bigger locale, but access is now poopy (thanks, reprehensible anti-citizen bureaucrats...)
The main eyeball Gold was over in the Ortiz area - Old and New Placers by Cerillos, Golden, etc. Bummer access, but the local gold club has a claim.
Small placers in Placitas canyon, and one older, lower-down one swallowed up by KAFB.
Magdelenas and San Mateos have more recorded gold. At one point Rosedale was the major producer in the state.
Supposed to be mine in the Manzanos, but the recorded stuff is spotty and access is difficult/nonexistent by vehicle.
Lots of copper around though. Just follow the Abo for low-grade green stains...