Treasure Tracker (LRL)

  • Thread starter Thread starter Kentucky Kache
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For a few rubles more

Don't waste your money on that thing. For a few rubles more you can get the "JEOTARA BIONIC SYSTEM". Guaranteed to find small treasures 30 meters deep. It uses the proven technique of ion vibration. Just picture yourself and a buddy operating this state of the art marvel.

(Scroll down for visual instructions)
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Just contact: спросить по специальной цене for more details


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But wait, act now and be one of the first 100 to order and for an additional $ plus shipping and handling, get two!:laughing7:

Why do you guys always think you're funny with those ridiculous sayings? You're really not.

But don't worry, I'm not trying to order anything. The last I heard of this machine, it wasn't even for sale.

In case you need to know, I posted this so I could ask someone if they had heard about it. So everybody just relax, no metal detector sales were harmed in the making of this post.

I was responding to the Russian sales pitch, but you do have sence of humor, chiefly good timing of the punch line!:headbang:

I was responding to the Russian sales pitch, but you do have sence of humor, chiefly good timing of the punch line!:headbang:

I just can't understand the fear people have over those three little letters, LRL.
I use to have a collie, the gentlest dog you could ask for, but when you uttered a certain word, she would eat you up if you didn't get out of her way. Some of these guys on here remind me of that. It's like they're trained to strike at the sound, or sight, of "LRL."

If you found it on utube, I posted it. You may be able to see my name somewhere. Its a scam sorry. However I like the proven JEOTARA BIONIC ion vibration technique from Estonia..

If you found it on utube, I posted it. You may be able to see my name somewhere. Its a scam sorry. However I like the proven JEOTARA BIONIC ion vibration technique from Estonia..

BARK! BARK! SNARL! GROWL! :laughing7:

I had no choice. I couldnt figure how to post it on TN from my video files. I came up with the bright idea to post it on utube so I could post it here on TN.

I wonder how many people are going to see it. Its an old video and GeoGlobal is out of business. His partner admitted it didnt work. I thought it was good of him to eventually man up.

I thought the rods with the activated chambers to put a piece af gold or other in made sence to me! Not because of any scientific reason, but to make me believe it inhanced my ability to dowse. Kind of like the placebo effect when taking a sugar pill and thinking your headache will go away!:coffee2:

If you watch the video, you will see that Kelly forgets to remove his gold ring.

I just can't understand the fear people have over those three little letters, LRL.
I use to have a collie, the gentlest dog you could ask for, but when you uttered a certain word, she would eat you up if you didn't get out of her way. Some of these guys on here remind me of that. It's like they're trained to strike at the sound, or sight, of "LRL."
I have no problem with LRLs. I guess thats because I havent seen any that work. One after another they all seem to be proven failures. Im not saying its impossible but I havent seen or heard of any that work. You know there are people online that buy these and test them. You know that dont you?

I have no problem with LRLs. I guess thats because I havent seen any that work. One after another they all seem to be proven failures. Im not saying its impossible but I havent seen or heard of any that work. You know there are people online that buy these and test them. You know that dont you?

Does that mean you would have a problem with one if it DID actually work?

I do know that some people say they try them and they don't work. I also know people who say they use them and they DO work. If I'm to believe either group just because of what THEY SAY, my head would spin clean off my body. Like YOU SAID, "I'm not saying it's impossible..."

Its not impossible that at some point in the future some type of LRL may come into use. But it may be hard to follow a signal with ferrous metal in every direction. But at this point I dont care but I have a question. You say you have the TreasureTracker video on your hardrive but you decided to search utube instead in hopes of finding another? You didnt see my name "posted by TheBigCypresshunter?" Click "more info" top right.

I just posted that video on utube Jun 17 as an example of a scam. I didnt expect anyone to take it serious. I wish now I had never posted it. I moved it to comedy.

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The letters dont scare me, but personally I would never recommend one nor if someone asks would I advise them to buy one..... I would always try to guide them towards a proven metal detector....... Some people swear fortune tellers are real, yet if they were why arent they rich, if they can see the future they and or their relatives would be rich, instead they have small cheap offices.....

The letters dont scare me, but personally I would never recommend one nor if someone asks would I advise them to buy one..... I would always try to guide them towards a proven metal detector....... Some people swear fortune tellers are real, yet if they were why arent they rich, if they can see the future they and or their relatives would be rich, instead they have small cheap offices.....

No one has a problem with your view on that. The problem is that that same favor is not returned. I don't mean that to you personally, but so many who close their minds to possibilities like to follow every single post that contains those three letters, HARASSING the poster. I think every treasure hunter should have the right to hunt as they choose, and I think they should be able to come on here and discuss their chosen method without harassment. It doesn't work that way, but I'll always think it should.

But how do you know that some of those guys aren't sitting somewhere enjoying their new found wealth? How could we possibly know, unless we have a long range detector system which tells us so? :wink:

Its not impossible that at some point in the future some type of LRL may come into use. But it may be hard to follow a signal with ferrous metal in every direction. But at this point I dont care but I have a question. You say you have the TreasureTracker video on your hardrive but you decided to search utube instead in hopes of finding another? You didnt see my name "posted by TheBigCypresshunter?" Click "more info" top right.

I just posted that video on utube Jun 17 as an example of a scam. I didnt expect anyone to take it serious. I wish now I had never posted it. I moved it to comedy.

Why do you have such a problem over my posting that video? You act as though I stole it from you. You know, when you post something on Youtube, it's fair game...anyone can use a link to it at any time.

Yes, I have had that video on my hard drive for a long time. I found it on Youtube and used it because it was there. I didn't notice your name on it, as I didn't need that info. I just posted it so I could ask a question about it, not meaning to stir up a stink, but that seems to be what happened. Look, I give you full credit as the poster of that video to Youtube. I hope that makes you feel better about it.

We do agree that it's possible for a true LRL to be built, maybe in the future, because the theory is good. So what I'd like to know is, If you believe such is a possibility, how on earth can you know it hasn't already been done? Because you've never seen one? For you to possess such infinite knowledge, you'd have to have something far greater than a machine that could detect gold at a distance, wouldn't you agree?

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