My buddy and I recently found a cache of 16 very similiar tokens, many were different , but several had a number on them, 35054.Any idea how to find out if there is a registry for the vendors?Some were for 5 cents in trade , one was marked "southern confectioners co, memphis tenn"," keeneys co. good for 5 cent in trade", etc. yesterday we returned to the same site, but didn't find anymore there,( a spot about as big as a pickup truck bed) but just across the road we found 5 more ! I sold 11 for 150 dollars, and my buddy sold his for 130 ! Ironically,Even though a couple of them said, "this token has no cash or trade value", I beg to differ ! It was an exciting find, but unfortunately, I didn't have time to even get pictures of them. I guess I'll have to go find more !