Its all about perspective


Gold Member
Apr 9, 2012
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Golden Thread
South of the Mason-Dixon Line
🥇 Banner finds
🏆 Honorable Mentions:
Detector(s) used
Garrett AT-MAX
Garrett AT-PRO,
Garrett Groundhog,

Jack Hammer!
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
I didn't find a lot but considering they were all from a cornfield! I feel I did more than alright today.

Just being able to go for a walk was pleasant enough. I could have chosen a sports field or a cornfield. I muscled up my gumption today and stumbled around this old cornfield for FOUR & A HALF hours!!


I was hoping for at least *ONE* old coin!! :BangHead:
I swear by all the saints! If I was dropped inside the perimeter of King Tut's tomb....I'd *STILL* find nothing but clad!!! :tongue3:


Thought I might've had something here, until I flipped it over. :dontknow:


Its too bad this one was destroyed. It would have been a nice add to my growing collection of elongated, smashed pennies! :sadsmiley:

I didn't realize what was on it until I got it home. A picture of the Cap'n !!

1201201737a~2.webp least I got out, thought I'd share.

Stay safe folks.

And....thanks for peeking!

Upvote 20
Heck of a cornfield trove going on there.

Congrats on the outing. The extended outing at that!

I stumbled around in a disced cornfield yesterday for about the same amount of time. Only find was a 1/2" diameter button. And yet I had fun, like you. Try to explain that to someone! My wife doesn't understand but she is positive about it "If you like it, go for it, but just one button after 4 hours?" I have detected this site a lot and really didn't expect anything, and I almost got it! I had some nice early 18th century era finds previously so the site doesn't owe me anything.


Glad you got out and managed some finds wtg.

Any day digging is a great day, the 39 thing is cool

Cool ear tag, sir, and a pirate penny! Too bad that one wasn’t intact. I bet it would have got you an extra ration of rum! Which you could have given to me, since you don’t drink the stuff. LOL. I do wish I could find the clad, like you do , in my field. Glad you got out. Good day IMO. [emoji4]

I think the ear tag is your best find out of that lot. I wouldn't mind finding one of those...

Love the ear tag as well Whadi, interesting that it has the name of the farm on the back. :thumbsup:


Good morning to the whole crew.

I also like that ear tag Whadi. Nice finds.

I love the ear tag, and I find it cool that the farm's name is on the back of it. That's something pretty rare according to my knowledge :)

At least you could get out. Ground is frozen here in Wyoming with snow on top of the ground. Keep the hunt stories coming, they might be all I get till next spring!

Thank you for sharing!

a 4 1/2 hr stumble in the cornfield and a bunch of goodies! Congrats!
I see Blingie is happy with his portion of shinny.
...psssst, ya know if da Captain see that half penny portrait o' his self, he be a snatching it. Mums the word!

Everyone looks happy with your walk results. Nicely done Sir!

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