Boy! I'm outta practice!


Gold Member
Apr 9, 2012
Reaction score
Golden Thread
South of the Mason-Dixon Line
🥇 Banner finds
🏆 Honorable Mentions:
Detector(s) used
Garrett AT-MAX
Garrett AT-PRO,
Garrett Groundhog,

Jack Hammer!
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
I find it fascinating what we'll accept as a good day. Especially after stumbling around in a cornfield for hours! :dontknow:

BOY!!!! I AM POOPED!! :sleepy2:


Not much. :dontknow:

But, wow! What an exercise! Been so long I'd forgotten!!

That big washer gave me a big startle! :tongue3:

Anyhoo....thanks for peeking!

Upvote 27
It's good that you had a chance for some fresh air and exercise!

Man do I know what you mean a metal detected at my lucky spot for five hours and came out nothing and I also have to drive an hour there and hour back. And if you want to hear the most psychotic thing about it is I’m going back tomorrow LOL

Is your ring one of the aluminum ones? I have given my wife so many of those and she actually likes them. I also ask parents in the parks if I can give them to their kids most of the time they are ok with it.

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yea I should try and get out again.
had a few cold windy days even hear a flock of geese .

I'm debating on Hitting a Site with Likely Clad,
Or Maybe a stray Oldie Tomorrow.

cool ya got out

It’s not so much the finding as it is the hunting... at least that’s what I keep telling myself.

I say it was a good walk, congrats! :occasion14:

Is your ring one of the aluminum ones? I have given my wife so many of those and she actually likes them. Also ask parents in the parks if I can give them to their kids most of the time they are ok with it.

Oh yeah! Completely bling. At first, I thought it might have been a cigar ring. But its way too small for that and I don't even see how anyone could wear this! The edges are sharp! Lol.

It’s a great Day to be alive and out in the open !!

Any day digging is a good day, regardless of the finds

Nice!!! Congrats!!!

Nice finds Whadi. The exercise is just a bonus in our hobby !

Father time/old age waits for nobody! I feel what your describing more every day!

Ya gotta get out while the gittin’s good! That would make my day.

Your day was far from being a total loss! Nice finds! Thanks for posting.

From what you posted per my request ,you are one great detectorist.

A little something for everyone! A great stumble thru the corn, and you can still stumble with the best of 'em! Well done Sir, well done!

I was reminded yesterday that if you want to detect a place, you better do it sooner than later! I drive by this one likely looking small farm occasionally and kept thinking I should stop some day and see if I can get permission. A fellow was pulled into the driveway and was swinging near the state highway that runs by the property. Good to see you're getting out, Gary.

:laughing7:That’s a solid hunt!! It beats sitting on the couch watching the View

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