Roman Lion Site - Day 3 - ROMAN GOLD RING !!!


Emerald Member
May 25, 2007
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XP Deus II v0.6 with 11" Coil
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All Treasure Hunting
Today's plan was just to finish of the outer edges of the Roman Lion Site. As it was the low yield end of the site we were only expecting a few scrappies. However, as we hadn't done this area since the last deep plough we knew anything could have come up.
At the 3 hour point we were OTWBTTC for lunch & travelling down the back edge of the site outside of most of the Roman Scatter when Cru'dad shouted over 'Gold Ring'. Immediately I thought & shouted 'how old?' 'Might be Roman' was the answer. I started walking a bit quicker. When looking at it, I couldn't make up my mind & not remembering any Roman Rings with 3 settings like this one, I thought Medieval. It wasn't until I cleaned it at home & saw the stones were likely Carnelian I changed my mine.
5.5 hours;

15 Roman Bronze Coins
13th C Annular Brooch Pin
Iron Locking Mechanism (Roman)
Debased Roman Silver of Sept Sev.
Hammered Silver Penny of Charles I

Gold washed Roman Snake Head Bracelet - Another find just before the Ring. We were happy with this as I have never seen a Gold washed type!
Extremely Rare 4th C AD Gold Roman Ring with Red Garnets/Carnelian Stones - TREASURE.:hello2: Nice find Cru'dad.
Similar & only one recorded like it, in the Salisbury Museum;
If you read the above it discusses how rare this type is & I can't find any with the same decorated shoulder. So I look forward to the British Museum's Report. I'm going to guess they will want it.:thumbsup:
This beats my 3 oldest Gold Rings by over 1200 years!


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  • Side of 4th C Roman Gold Ring.webp
    Side of 4th C Roman Gold Ring.webp
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  • Shoulder of Roman Gold Ring.webp
    Shoulder of Roman Gold Ring.webp
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    Top of Roman Gold Ring.webp
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Upvote 61
oh wow that's awesome

Great fomd CruDad (and Crusader fpr posting). I have nominated for BANNER!

B E A U Tiful!

Astounding find! Congrats to Cru'dad

Great fomd CruDad (and Crusader fpr posting). I have nominated for BANNER!
Nice thought, but as Cru'dad is not a member of Tnet he can't be consider for Banner. That's fine though.

It was about time for the Team to get roman Gold! :occasion14:
Big congrats go to Crudad and to you all for countless hours in the fields and over the aerials! This ring doesn't show any signs of wear, must been lost very early in his life. Stunning find! :notworthy:

Killer finds, congrats! :icon_thumleft:

Ok sheesh........... BAH !


There. :P

Cruz... will they wanna keep this one ?

They being "they". heh

BIG CONGRATS to "Cru'dad" & you !!! Great & beautiful find ! Cheers !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Magnificent find. You really make me jealous of your permissions and hunts. I vote Banner without a doubt. If it doesn’t make it up there something is wrong with the system.

Congrats on the treasure. Something about gold, just beautiful.

You and your Dad always seem to kill it. Nice hunt Cru and Cru Dad.

Outstanding hunt and a big "Atta Boy" to Crudad. I didn't read in your link to a similar find what karat weight was on the gold. It sure is shiny. Does that mean it goes in the 18-24k range? Finding things like that in a "low yield" area makes me think my ticker couldn't take a "high yield" area. Really cool. Good luck.

will it be restored ?? left as is ?? gorgeous

Very nice historic find. Tell dad we said congrats!

Crudad did well outstanding find....:icon_thumright:

Ok sheesh........... BAH !


There. :P

Cruz... will they wanna keep this one ?

They being "they". heh
It's always tough to guess which Museum 'might' like it. What I do know is that it's in the middle of no-where which no local museum geographical covers. Therefore, unless the British Museum wants it, it will most likely be returned. But as an extremely rare type, that I have a feeling the British Museum don't have they may want it.

Outstanding hunt and a big "Atta Boy" to Crudad. I didn't read in your link to a similar find what karat weight was on the gold. It sure is shiny. Does that mean it goes in the 18-24k range? Finding things like that in a "low yield" area makes me think my ticker couldn't take a "high yield" area. Really cool. Good luck.
They don't always test the Karat, my last ring never got tested. However, for the most part its because they assume/know its about 22 Karat.
We have noticed that sometimes the best artefacts are on the edge of the Site. The main area (high yield) had lots of good early Roman Silver Coins. It also had a small bronze Lion statue (Votive) that we named the Site after.

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