April Fools & Easter Unbelievable Bucket List Coin and OLD Silver Charm. No Jokes!

Centsless Detecting

Bronze Member
Aug 13, 2017
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Milwaukee WI
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-Minelab Equinox 800 with 11" and 6" coils -Minelab Manticore-
-Garett AT Pinpointer-
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All Treasure Hunting
April Fools & Easter Unbelievable Bucket List Coin and OLD Silver Charm. No Jokes!

Hello everyone. Its been a while since my last post, not intentional. Im in between cameras at the moment since I let my girls play with it for 5 minutes and of course it was dropped :( Also not that I haven't been finding some neat things, just haven't had the need to go out of my way to get pics taken of the finds.

UNTILL TODAY! I want to thank my brother for the pics.

First off, yesterday my wife took the kids to church so I had about 2 hours to hunt until family gatherings. I have been going to new sites this year with not too much to show for it. No silver coins yet but that can wait lol. About 10 minutes before I went out, I checked historicareals just north of my house and found some homes that are in park land that have been gone since the 60s. Just had an itch for some silver coinage. Started a grid in the front yard, which I usually don't do.

On the third or fourth pass I get a chunk of metal, about the size of a marble. I thought it was lead so I just tossed in in the pouch. It wasn't till later I showed it to my wife and noticed some makers marks on it. Looks like a clover with a bust in the middle, and an awesome sunburst. I scan it again and it reads a solid dime on my ACE 250! Not sure how old it is but its interesting and heavy! Cant wait to clean it up and make a necklace out of it.

UPDATE: With thanks to Plumbata he identified this item to be a Siamese (Taiwan) Silver Bullet Coin. Made up until around 1850. Truly unexpected find!

Feel free to double click to get the details.

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I kept the grid going and made my way around a tree, not more than 80 years old I would say. Right up the base I get a square nail, a good sign there was somthing older here than the houses I was looking for. Kept finding rusty junk and ash in the plugs. I had an iffy penny signal near a root. Dig down about 7 or 8 inches. I pull out what I thought was a token. Man was I in for a surprise! Whipped out the tooth brush and carefully cleaned off some dirt. I start to see some lettering at the top. Then I had a heart attack. Right facing bust, a wreath on his head and a HUGE NOSE! NOO WAAY! I flip it over and brush the other side and see Britania...I thought mother nature was pulling a April Fools joke on me. Im brushing off the date 1807... Am Im loosing my mind? I sat in awe for about 5 minutes.

1807 King George III

dsc_0085.webp dsc_0082.webp

dsc_0077.webp dsc_0079.webp

My oldest coin and one off the bucket list I thought Id never be able to check. At least not here in Milwaukee. Im still in shock. I haven't even found an IHP yet. Oldest coin prior was a 1910 wheat that was toast.

So there it is. I love this hobby and all of its surprises. I am going back as soon as I can and will continue to grid.

Thanks everyone for taking a look.
As always Good Luck out there and Happy Hunting!

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Upvote 21
Hello everyone. Its been a while since my last post, not intentional. Im in between cameras at the moment since I let my girls play with it for 5 minutes and of course it was dropped :( Also not that I haven't been finding some neat things, just haven't had the need to go out of my way to get pics taken of the finds.

UNTILL TODAY! I want to thank my brother for the pics.

First off, yesterday my wife took the kids to church so I had about 2 hours to hunt until family gatherings. I have been going to new sites this year with not too much to show for it. No silver coins yet but that can wait lol. About 10 minutes before I went out, I checked historicareals just north of my house and found some homes that are in park land that have been gone since the 60s. Just had an itch for some silver coinage. Started a grid in the front yard, which I usually don't do.

On the third or fourth pass I get a chunk of metal, about the size of a marble. I thought it was lead so I just tossed in in the pouch. It wasn't till later I showed it to my wife and noticed some makers marks on it. Looks like a clover with a bust in the middle, and an awesome sunburst. I scan it again and it reads a solid dime on my ACE 250! Not sure how old it is but its interesting and heavy! Cant wait to clean it up and make a necklace out of it.

Feel free to double click to get the details.

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I kept the grid going and made my way around a tree, not more than 80 years old I would say. Right up the base I get a square nail, a good sign there was somthing older here than the houses I was looking for. Kept finding rusty junk and ash in the plugs. I had an iffy penny signal near a root. Dig down about 7 or 8 inches. I pull out what I thought was a token. Man was I in for a surprise! Whipped out the tooth brush and carefully cleaned off some dirt. I start to see some lettering at the top. Then I had a heart attack. Right facing bust, a wreath on his head and a HUGE NOSE! NOO WAAY! I flip it over and brush the other side and see Britania...I thought mother nature was pulling a April Fools joke on me. Im brushing off the date 1807... Am Im loosing my mind? I sat in awe for about 5 minutes.

1807 King George III

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My oldest coin and one off the bucket list I thought Id never be able to check. At least not here in Milwaukee. Im still in shock. I haven't even found an IHP yet. Oldest coin prior was a 1910 wheat that was toast.

So there it is. I love this hobby and all of its surprises. I am going back as soon as I can and will continue to grid.

Thanks everyone for taking a look.
As always Good Luck out there and Happy Hunting!

Great find and a worthy way to remember that Easter!

Nice finds TheMilDetector. Thanks for sharing...

Finding that old coin had to have you shaking for some time. Congrats on finding it.

Congrats on that old coin and the rest of your finds.

Congratulations on the nice hunt! :occasion14:

Wow, what an incredible find. Congratulations!!


You found a Siamese (Thai) silver "Bullet Money" coin! They are pretty scarce and frequently faked nowadays by the chinese but that looks right as rain, I think they stopped being made by the 1850s, and using the marks it ought to be possible to identify and link it with a particular ruler.

Way cooler and perhaps older than that crusty copper, congrats!

WOW that's a bizarre cool find, congrats!


You found a Siamese (Thai) silver "Bullet Money" coin! They are pretty scarce and frequently faked nowadays by the chinese but that looks right as rain, I think they stopped being made by the 1850s, and using the marks it ought to be possible to identify and link it with a particular ruler.

Way cooler and perhaps older than that crusty copper, congrats!

WOW I had no idea thats what it was! Thanks for the ID Plumbata! Googled it and saw several with the sunburst mark on it.
That is simply incredible. SOO glad I took a second look at it! :icon_thumleft:

After thinking a bit more about your finds, it seems appropriate to encourage you to go back to that area and detect even more thoroughly and carefully. There may not be any connection between the Siamese silver and the 1807 copper (finding the latter amid ash and junk metal suggests a small dumping area, so it may have been purposefully discarded) but perhaps the former yard you were detecting was owned by a coin collector and/or world-traveler and additional interesting finds may be waiting for you. The bullet coin is something I never expected to see posted here and is extraordinarily impressive, it may be the only darn one that was ever lost in the Milwaukee area and is certainly a more rare find in the USA than any gold coin.

After thinking a bit more about your finds, it seems appropriate to encourage you to go back to that area and detect even more thoroughly and carefully. There may not be any connection between the Siamese silver and the 1807 copper (finding the latter amid ash and junk metal suggests a small dumping area, so it may have been purposefully discarded) but perhaps the former yard you were detecting was owned by a coin collector and/or world-traveler and additional interesting finds may be waiting for you. The bullet coin is something I never expected to see posted here and is extraordinarily impressive, it may be the only darn one that was ever lost in the Milwaukee area and is certainly a more rare find in the USA than any gold coin.

Thanks for the input Plumbata. I plan on spending a lot more time at the site. I only detected a small grassy area. The river is about 50 feet east from where I was detecting. Some wooded areas and a sizable island in the river exactly where I was. I found the KG III about 30 feet south from a busy street where they built a bridge across the river in the 60s. Its possible that they graded some of the soil towards the street, that once was a dead end. The Silver Bullet Coin was about 40 feet south of the KG III. I had no idea about the coin untill you said anything, really appreciate the info. I thought finding the KG was impressive, this is an even better surprise. I hope to go back this weekend. We'll see what pops out this time :icon_thumleft:

Happy Hunting,

Hello everyone. Its been a while since my last post, not intentional. Im in between cameras at the moment since I let my girls play with it for 5 minutes and of course it was dropped :( Also not that I haven't been finding some neat things, just haven't had the need to go out of my way to get pics taken of the finds.

UNTILL TODAY! I want to thank my brother for the pics.

First off, yesterday my wife took the kids to church so I had about 2 hours to hunt until family gatherings. I have been going to new sites this year with not too much to show for it. No silver coins yet but that can wait lol. About 10 minutes before I went out, I checked historicareals just north of my house and found some homes that are in park land that have been gone since the 60s. Just had an itch for some silver coinage. Started a grid in the front yard, which I usually don't do.

On the third or fourth pass I get a chunk of metal, about the size of a marble. I thought it was lead so I just tossed in in the pouch. It wasn't till later I showed it to my wife and noticed some makers marks on it. Looks like a clover with a bust in the middle, and an awesome sunburst. I scan it again and it reads a solid dime on my ACE 250! Not sure how old it is but its interesting and heavy! Cant wait to clean it up and make a necklace out of it.

UPDATE: With thanks to Plumbata he identified this item to be a Siamese (Taiwan) Silver Bullet Coin. Made up until around 1850. Truly unexpected find!

Feel free to double click to get the details.

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I kept the grid going and made my way around a tree, not more than 80 years old I would say. Right up the base I get a square nail, a good sign there was somthing older here than the houses I was looking for. Kept finding rusty junk and ash in the plugs. I had an iffy penny signal near a root. Dig down about 7 or 8 inches. I pull out what I thought was a token. Man was I in for a surprise! Whipped out the tooth brush and carefully cleaned off some dirt. I start to see some lettering at the top. Then I had a heart attack. Right facing bust, a wreath on his head and a HUGE NOSE! NOO WAAY! I flip it over and brush the other side and see Britania...I thought mother nature was pulling a April Fools joke on me. Im brushing off the date 1807... Am Im loosing my mind? I sat in awe for about 5 minutes.

1807 King George III

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My oldest coin and one off the bucket list I thought Id never be able to check. At least not here in Milwaukee. Im still in shock. I haven't even found an IHP yet. Oldest coin prior was a 1910 wheat that was toast.

So there it is. I love this hobby and all of its surprises. I am going back as soon as I can and will continue to grid.

Thanks everyone for taking a look.
As always Good Luck out there and Happy Hunting!

Amazing! I thought there wasn't anything older than 1900 in Wisconsin! Wow amazing find.

That is a GREAT find! You now need to GO to church next Sunday with the family to give thanks for such a treasure....and thank your bride too!
We don't see stuff like that here in central Texas. Nicely done!

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