While we don't have any firm criteria, we follow these general guidelines...
Finds Must be Made while Detecting, Treasure Hunting naturally Buried, lost or purposely hidden Treasures,gold Prospecting, artifact hunting,
Rock / Fossil Hunting , spelunking,
Bottle Hunting, Or Diving I hope you get the Idea (we reserve the right to change all rules. If We say it doesn't Qualify. Don't Argue, or try to Nit Pick words !!!!!!
We know what we mean )
Finds must be significant, and plausible.
Finds / posts must be RECENT.
If you have a Banner up there Showing, You cannot earn another till
yours is gone at least 6 Months .
Images must be hosted on the TreasureNet server.
Posts with great stories are more likely to be selected.
If the post is one of the members first posts, it is less likely to be selected.
Finds must look good in the banner.
Members campaigning for votes for themselves or others ruins threads.
Do Not Do IT !
New Members are not Eligible for banner . if your find & your membership are within 90 Days of each other, we reserve the right to say No. too soon.
we want to be sure Members are signing up here to share & not because someone told them If they sign up quick, They can get their find on our Banner. Sorry !
Find must be found by a current TNet individual, YOU.
Making matters worst, is nominating your own find for the banner.
We don't count the word "Banner" in a Post only the ones in Reports.
We prefer "Rare to the Banner Finds" not necessarily "Rare according to the Books"
If you see one like yours up there now, it is not rare to the banner
Please note * Originality is important ! If We don't think your Picture looks different then what is up there, we will No Longer Count Votes till new photos are supplied.
For all Future Banner Submissions
""Willingness to share information " will be added to the criteria.
This does not mean members need to I.d. their hunting Spot.
This means if questions on the Object found, including but not limited to extra photos of the object etc. are ignored. Banner will no longer be considered.
If you are proud of your find(s) Please Take a lot of Pictures to choose from !
Banner Recipients should show that much Appreciation to those who voted and not be Hit & run Members.
These Rules may be Added to but Not repealed
Since seeing several Requests We are going back to the Old Way &
Since Members seem to mainly Vote for posts in Today's Finds .
Posts in Other Forums like Beach & Shallow Water, shipwrecks,
North American Indian Artifacts, gold prospecting , bottles etc. do Not require the Same numbers of votes. and may be bannered just by Moderator prerogative. to remind you they are there.
And as Marc would say; "Shake things up a Little"
Finds Must be Made while Detecting, Treasure Hunting naturally Buried, lost or purposely hidden Treasures,gold Prospecting, artifact hunting,
Rock / Fossil Hunting , spelunking,
Bottle Hunting, Or Diving I hope you get the Idea (we reserve the right to change all rules. If We say it doesn't Qualify. Don't Argue, or try to Nit Pick words !!!!!!
We know what we mean )
Finds must be significant, and plausible.
Finds / posts must be RECENT.
If you have a Banner up there Showing, You cannot earn another till
yours is gone at least 6 Months .
Images must be hosted on the TreasureNet server.
Posts with great stories are more likely to be selected.
If the post is one of the members first posts, it is less likely to be selected.
Finds must look good in the banner.
Members campaigning for votes for themselves or others ruins threads.
Do Not Do IT !
New Members are not Eligible for banner . if your find & your membership are within 90 Days of each other, we reserve the right to say No. too soon.
we want to be sure Members are signing up here to share & not because someone told them If they sign up quick, They can get their find on our Banner. Sorry !
Find must be found by a current TNet individual, YOU.
Making matters worst, is nominating your own find for the banner.
We don't count the word "Banner" in a Post only the ones in Reports.
We prefer "Rare to the Banner Finds" not necessarily "Rare according to the Books"
If you see one like yours up there now, it is not rare to the banner
Please note * Originality is important ! If We don't think your Picture looks different then what is up there, we will No Longer Count Votes till new photos are supplied.
For all Future Banner Submissions
""Willingness to share information " will be added to the criteria.
This does not mean members need to I.d. their hunting Spot.
This means if questions on the Object found, including but not limited to extra photos of the object etc. are ignored. Banner will no longer be considered.
If you are proud of your find(s) Please Take a lot of Pictures to choose from !
Banner Recipients should show that much Appreciation to those who voted and not be Hit & run Members.
These Rules may be Added to but Not repealed
Since seeing several Requests We are going back to the Old Way &
Since Members seem to mainly Vote for posts in Today's Finds .
Posts in Other Forums like Beach & Shallow Water, shipwrecks,
North American Indian Artifacts, gold prospecting , bottles etc. do Not require the Same numbers of votes. and may be bannered just by Moderator prerogative. to remind you they are there.
And as Marc would say; "Shake things up a Little"

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