Bill D. (VA)
Silver Member
I was getting ready to go through a bunch of boxes to look for this, and amazingly it was in the first place I looked. I dug it at the site Dan and I hit earlier this winter where we found a ton of early silver and buttons. We know the site dates to the mid-1600s so it's not surprising one of these spoons turned up. The mark is a little difficult to make out, but after looking at the chart in the Price book I think I know which one it is. I couldn't quite figure out what the large symbol was in the center, but it appears to be flanked by the letters "R" and "B". There's one shown in the book with those same initials on either side of a heart symbol. So I'm pretty sure that's what it is. Not sure what maker that represents, or the exact age, but its a start. I'm now thinking I may have other spoons hidden away from other sites so guess I need to go look through all those other boxes anyway.
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