pwcguy said:
I appreciate your skepticism Buckleboy. Michael J. O'Donnell was guest speaker at this months Detector club meeting and examind it him self and assured me that it was a breast plate. When the author of this book says it's a plate I have to take his word for it.
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Stick around, you won't find a better site & more knowledge folk on the web
OK, firstly I'm not trying to rubbish your find, although sometimes I feel a little mean giving the truth (however, this one is a little grey & the facts are uncertain).
What I want to share with you is, Buckleboy doesn't speak from skepticism, he speaks from a knowledgeable background & experience in the field.
Also what you need to realised is that book writers & self made experts get it wrong all the time, I know this from first hand experience & I know most UK book writers on detecting finds. Never blindly believe anyone, even if they have done a book, get more opinions &
do the research yourself (although by putting it on here you get the combined knowledge of hundreds of keen eyes), thats how you become on par with them.
Lastly, I don't have enough experience in these to make a valued judgement, however even with my limited knowledge, I would have raised the same concerns as BB.
Keep an open mind, & yes I might be a Skeptic too