SouthWestern PA Hunt Recruiting


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Aug 20, 2019
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All Treasure Hunting
This is hard for me to do. I always figured I'd take a week off or after retirement (in 2020) I'd take the wife and go get this done. But as I've already stated in another thread I've been hit with serious health issues that I've battled for a year and a half now. I may win that battle but odds are not on my side statistically. Please no sympathy responses, I am 64 this year and did pretty damn good for my family. They will be set as long as I can suffer through to the end (no suicide) and I am proud of that.

Unfortunately I am in a much weaker state than ever, makes it hard to swing a detector around and climbing rough terrain would be a challenge in itself. Maybe I will get better and regain my strength, so far, sort-of and many signs not good.

The hunt:

I actually have around a dozen sites that are 3rd stage mapped (I use a 5 stage rule) and the 2 final stages on each one can be done with about a 2 week effort on my part to produce a very accurate map of each and all of the peculiarities, obstacles (if any) and variables like wind, development etc.

I have reached a decision point based on my health, the desire to give back to those that love this type of thing like me and in the case of the two I will give away this year, a chance to have a piece in my hand just to know I was right.

I will only discuss one of the two here for now. It is in the subject area and I used NOAH weather radar archives to locate this site and I collaborated with a NASA Astrophysicist I am friends with that used to do the same thing until the radars used were redesigned, that redesign ruined the method!

So I can provide in great detail a meteorite site where based on the science shows at least one large piece and three possible fields containing smaller targets but more of them!

I offered this to (not in detail) a group trying to form in the area on this board and asked for a PM if interested and placed a time limit, the limit has expired.

It must be a group effort to cover the area effectively in a short period of time. If a group were to try this before this Winter I would like to ride along but will probably stay close to camp and I can bring my Mine lab unit if needed. I can cook and even make electronic repairs in the field and of course help as much as my body will allow.

If interested please PM - from there we can work out the details and hopefully post results here someday soon!

There will be another post regarding the 2nd site giveaway and the rest will stay in my notebooks for either followup after I regain full strength or again in the spirit of giving back, will give away by a method to be determined, to this board.

I roughly figure that with 6 people we can cover all of the area in a matter of days using a well developed plan. Plus, God only knows what other goodies could be found!

Small update - we have one college student PM'd me and indicated he could spend at least a few days at a time if others get involved. The terrain is a little rough in places, snakes, bears, bobcats, hemlock etc so don't want to see just one or 2 try to get it done. Numbers create friends and ensure maximum fun with greatest safety.

PS: After some very nice PM's about my health I just want to mention, I am not dead yet! In fact I had a good week so far. My entire point was that these things are there and I cannot count on my health to holdout for me to go do it. It could be I will heal 100% but it had to be said to give reason why (honestly) someone would just offer it away. Oh, and I want 15% if I didn't include that :) I am feeling better each day with a bad day sprinkled in for humility, God has a serious sense of humor! You just may see me reporting back MY finds if I get a couple friends to go with me. :)

Going on a new twist with this as I am getting very busy with a side project. As mentioned, there is a nearby (to target) young man, who like many of us is just thrilled at the prospect of digging up a rock from God only knows where it came from or how long it has traveled. He has no car (1st year student) but has two metal detectors (priorities :)), I am preparing detailed search maps for maximum search effectiveness and will be sending them to this person.

I don't have the time or strength (right now) to do this properly so was hoping a crew would take interest and still do. Perhaps there is an experienced team, husband - wife, hunting buds, used to deep woods that would be interested in a few days paid work? Although I probably would've done it alone at his age it's just not a good idea for too many reasons.

I am a hunter located north of Philadelphia. I am very interested in helping you out if you are still able and willing. I have always loved stories of lost treasure and relics and I have researched many lost treasures throughout the world. However this being said I do not have any in the field experience other than hundreds of hikes and a lot of outdoor exploring. I would really love to learn all I can especially about metal detecting and using things like google earth to locate sites. I have been on the fence about which metal detector to purchase as I do not want to spend too much but I also do not one to buy a cheap one that would lead me to buy a better unit just a few months later. I would love to talk more about your project if you still want to.


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