I was camping near Wolf Creek , Colorado , It was the whole crew maybe 10 or 12 all family, the camp host was from Aranzas pass . he told me when he was a kid , a story of a man he was doing some cleaning for , the man had a heavy door stop , bar of silver , anyway the man showed him a closet full of these bars about 50 or so, he didn't think much of it at the time , and he wouldn't divulge the mans name , but Monte Mortas was a friend of Don Francisco Villegos , funny hah. as for Arzona a name in Tayopa lore , his name was actually Tararazona , as in Taharamara maybe mara indios under Tararazona , Mission. and Moris is Temoris . These Jesuits were working for both Crown and Church, and apparently using their name as in Jesus , Maria , Garcica, and so on , but also named places the same like Tayopa to create confusion , sneeky devils .