An update on a couple of things in this old thread:
Since we bought one of GME's Seaspy magnetometers and it appears that I am the new "mag guy" on the crew, I am spending a good bit of time familiarizing myself with Open Captain, Humminbird PC, Raytech Planner and GPS Tracker. We have 3 boats - a 19' Pro-Line, the 26' Stamas and the 38' Bertram, any of which could be used to pull a mag, a sidescan or a sub-bottom profiler. (Yes....I have plans

) Jason and Bill Seliger have done some very good work with these Seaspy mags and were kind enough to send along some great info on how they managed their mag surveys. Thanks to both of them...I can see that I have hope!
Some observations:
There is a lot to be said for having the same electronics on every vessel, as each manufacturer has their own proprietary operating systems and interfaces. At the moment Showdown has a Raymarine setup with it's own radar, sounder and nav gear, the Carib has a Humminbird 998 and the Proline will be getting a Garmin 4612 and sounder. I am not a great fan of Raymarine at the moment so I suspect we will be all Humminbird or all Garmin within a year unless I find a way to integrate it all into a PC based system that is reliable, customizable and less expensive. In the interim, I'll be looking around for an 1198 head unit to use as the portable survey navigation unit that stays with the mag and is powered by a separate battery (as Terry suggests above).
I have a couple of laptops with GPS pucks and a Surface tablet with an integral GPS. When I get time I will be experimenting with GPS Tracker as mentioned above.
So many of these areas have been magged in the past, I am hoping to refine my technique so we can get better results. Time will tell.
and now...if you are planning to use Open Captain and the SAR plugin...well...Open Captain is not offering that plugin as of today (01Jan2018) so I hunted it down and snagged the original off of Google Earth. Here's the download page link:
I'm reading "A Field Guide to Geophysics in Archaeology" and just ordered a book that I am looking forward to reading as well...a cheery volume called: "Ship of Death-A Voyage that Changed the Atlantic World"
Here's the link:
Now...enough frivolity...I have to go fix a boat.
More as it happens.