"Over the summer, divers surveyed just a tiny patch of deep water, spending much of their time picking through fishing traps and other modern debris."
"Castro, the Texas A&M professor who has researched shipwrecks around the world, believes it is unlikely park officials will find wrecks not already picked over. But that shouldn’t stop researchers from looking."
"So far, searchers have turned up two intact wrecks and a good deal of debris with no historic relevance: a cement mixer, a television console and more milk crates than they care to count."
Your tax dollars at work for you!!!
“Would you rather see a grizzly bear in Alaska with your children or would you rather see a grizzly at the zoo? The same holds true with shipwrecks,” he said. The park would rather have its visitors “stumble on an old anchor and say what in the world is this? You can have that moment of thrill and discovery and connection to the past that is unregulated. That is raw.”
“These sites can be filmed and made into virtual reality and visited by any kid in any school..."
Well which way is it? Go to the zoo or don't go to the zoo?!!?
Divers can't go see the artifacts in-situ that the State of Texas looted, plundered from 1554 wrecks after stealing the wrecks from private sector salvage!!
**cough cough, Mister Castro***
"Castro said most shallow wrecks were picked clean.“They found cannons and silver coins, and put everything in their front yards,” he said."
Really? Where are these front yards with silver coins in them? I'd like to know!!
Hmmm Mel Fisher Museums?, Key West museum, the most visited museum in the southeast USA?
The museum at Delaware Technical Community College?
Treasures of the Sea Exhibit - Delaware Technical Community College
all from an Atocha investor!!!
The artifacts in Tallahassee at the State museum....from private sector.
"These people are finding shipwrecks nonstop and sacking them and destroying them.”
Chicken Little?!!?
"since 1988, federal law has largely blocked treasure hunters"
I'm not certain how the reporter meant this.... but... I agree to a degree...
But that is not how it IS suppose to be working...
"Further, it is not the intent of the Committee that
states discourage private salvage of shipwrecks that is consistent
with the protection of historical values and the environmental in-
tegrity of the shipwrecks and the sites."
"guarantee recreational
exploration of shipwreck sites, and allow for appropriate public and
private sector recovery of shipwrecks consistent with the protection
of historical values and the environmental integrity of the ship-
wrecks and their sites."
"facilitate recreational access and utilization of shipwrecks; and recognize the interests of individuals and groups engaged in shipwreck discovery and salvage"
"Section 5(b) directs that the guidelines be developed after
consultation with the appropriate public and private sector interests. The
Committee expects that such consultation will include the diverse
community interested in these historic shipwrecks Section 5(b) directs that the guidelines be developed after consultation with the appropriate public and private sector interests. The
Committee expects that such consultation will include the diverse
community interested in these historic shipwrecks"
"Section 4(a) sets forth the Congressional policy under which
states are to carry out their responsibilities for abandoned ship-
wrecks to which title is transferred under this Act. Two of the cen-
tral purposes of this Act are contained in this section: (1) to clarify
that state waters and shipwrecks offer recreational and educational
opportunities to sport divers and other interested groups; and (2) to
provide that reasonable access by the public to certain abandoned
shipwrecks be permitted. It is the intent of the Committee that
states manage shipwrecks covered by Section 6 of this Act so as to
protect natural resources and habitat areas, guarantee recreational
exploration of shipwreck sites, and allow for appropriate public and
private sector recovery of shipwrecks consistent with the protection
of historical values and the environmental integrity of the ship-
wrecks and their sites.
The Committee intends that states should provide sport divers
with recreational access to all non-historic shipwrecks. The states
can take into account human safety or the fragility of particular
shipwrecks as legitimate exceptions to this policy. A State law that
does not provide a method of legal recourse to individuals denied
access is inconsistent with this bill and the Committee's intent. The
Committee distinguishes between providing non-destructive access
to shipwrecks and the salvage or collection of artifacts from histor-
ic shipwrecks.
Further, it is not the intent of the Committee that
states discourage private salvage of shipwrecks that is consistent
with the protection of historical values and the environmental in-
tegrity of the shipwrecks and the sites."