Shallow Water Hunting ---> Any leases south of S-23 besides the Jupiter Inlet lease


Jr. Member
Jan 14, 2013
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Shallow Water Hunting ---> Any leases south of S-23 besides the Jupiter Inlet lease

Hi All

It was suggested I re-post this here from the Beach and shallow water forum

New on this forum but a dedicated water hunter. I've hunted the treasure coast for years on vacations and am familiar with the salvage leases and staying out of the water in those areas etc. I have a bunch of the published books showing locations etc. I've also recently searched past posts on this subject on this forum and the web in general and collected all the info I can find.

However, I do have a few questions. For the Lat/long locations given what datum are they in, NAD 83, NAD 27, WGS etc. You need to have the correct datum in a GPS or to match on Google earth for the locations to be accurate.

Back to my S-23 question. I'd like to shallow water hunt for modern and my research has shown no leases south of the S-23 which ends around Nettles Island, with the exception of the Jupiter Inlet lease which I'm also aware of. So as an example I would conclude that shallow water hunting for coins/Jewlery would be O.K. at Jenson and Bathtub and points south with the exception of the Jupiter inlet area.

Just trying to confirm my conclusions with some people with the local knowlege. I don't want to step on any toes.

I'm looking forward to testing out my new CTX with the 17" coil on the beach and see how deep it will go. Might work like a Sov with a WOT well see. All I know with sanded in conditions on the Treasure Coast beaches you need to go deep. I'd use the 11" or the Excal in the water just so everyone knows.


Here is a lease map that I got from Tnet a few years ago:


Looks like everytihing is covered from Cape Canaveral to Miami!

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I don't think you will run into any problems detecting in shallow water anywhere south of the Jupiter lease area. Be advised that Riviera Beach prohibits detecting on their beaches but you can go in the water! Tom

Salvor 6: Thanks for the map. I'm wondering if the blue areas are salvage leases and the green exploration leases?

Tom: Thanks for the feedback and heads up on Riviera Beach. Does Riviera's policy cover Singer Island and Plam Beach Shores and Palm Beach south of the Inlet? I looked at the map and see that Riviera Beach is West of the barrier islands on the mainland. Sorry for my confusion. I noticed Bicentennial park with a beach in downtown Riviera is that beach closed but the water OK?

From the information I have as of July 2011 JWI has the only "salvage lease" on the East Coast of Florida North of the Keys other than salvage leases held by Queen's Jewels, LLC.

Tulco "Juno Beach wreck" has an exploration lease south of Jupiter mostly offshore it comes close to the beach near the golf course but does not encompass the beach area near the Golf Course.

Vone E-149 is an exploration lease in Broward, North of to South of Hillsborough Inlet

View attachment Martin Palm Beach and Broward County Leases.bmp

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Thanks for the maps and info Au Dreamers

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