"Bootleg" KvonM Treasure Hunters Manual #7

Old Bookaroo

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Dec 4, 2008
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"Bootleg" KvonM Treasure Hunter's Manual #7


After responding to an older post by trapperjon, I looked up a "bootleg" copy of Karl von Mueller's classic Treasure Hunter's Manual #7. He had posted a photo of his copy - looks to me like an authorized reprint (copyright violation, all the rest).

This is not an accusation directed at this gentleman! Bootleg copies of Karl's works are circulated by unknowing Sellers (more about this, below). The purpose of this post is to share some information about this "edition" of KvonM's book.

My copy is bound in green cardboard - file folder weight. It has a second, thinner plain green rear cover. This copy is "numbered" 12435. Original copies of the Gold Bug first edition were numbered with a red 5-digit stamp. So, if two or more copies have the same number (and this number is just printed on the title page) at least one of 'em is a fake.

This is the same size as the Gold Bug first edition. And it says "Gold Bug," (c) Mrs. Miller, etc., etc. There are some technical publishing details that also lead me to conclude these are fake, but I don't want to get into those here.

This copy has a store stamp from an establishment in Walla Walla, Washington. It has two ownership stamps from a collection in Washington. I purchased it from a dealer in Washington (who didn't, I'm sure, realize it is a bootleg). All this suggests a production in the northwest portion of the US.

Has anyone else seen these? I'd like to know.

I'd also like to take these fakes out of circulation. I will swap - straight up - any copies of the bootleg TreasureNet Forum readers have for a decent (nice) genuine copy of the RAM #7. I promise any bootlegs I obtain will not ever go out again.

Good luck to all,

~The Old Bookaroo

Re: "Bootleg" KvonM Treasure Hunter's Manual #7

Hi. I have a question about one of the copies that I have. It was published in 1966 but the stamped 5 digit numbers are in black not red. Also the cover is a beige color with the green colored cardboard inside of this. The green cardboard is on both the front and the back of the book. With the numbers stamped in black instead of red, I wonder if this is one of the books your looking for. I agreed that KVM's books were stamped with red numbers. I just recently purchased a copy of "Encyclopedia of Buried Treasure Hunting" copyright 1965. The four digit number in this book are stamped in red just as you stated.
I never knew that there were any bootleg copies of this famous book in circulation. I also have a 1972 copy in green hardback by Ram Publishing. It is not numbered/stamped but does state "second printing." I enjoy learning everything I can about this great man and am trying to acquire as many of his original books as possible.

Re: "Bootleg" KvonM Treasure Hunter's Manual #7


Re: "Bootleg" KvonM Treasure Hunter's Manual #7

point hunter:

Hang onto that hardcover THM! There were not very many printed and they are becoming very hard to find. The Gold Bug first editions are, of course, more rare than the hardcover RAM reprints - but any Karl von Mueller (Deek Gladson) hardcover is collectible, indeed!

Most of KvonM's early books were printed in very limited hardcover runs - Sudden Wealth, Encyclopedia of Buried Treasure Hunting, Treasure Hunter's Manual #7 - as well as the trade (large size) paperback editions.

Regarding your THM #7 with green covers - yes, it does sound like one of the bootlegs. Is the number in black "12435?" That would confirm it - there is just no point in anyone issuing numbered copies of a book and then duplicating the numbers...

You are very fortunate to have found a first edition of The Encyclopedia! Karl told me he sold over 100,000 copies of that book - although I don't know what happend to most of them, because it is rather hard to find a first edition today. I'd like to think I know that book as well as anyone - after all, I did reprint it - yet every time I pick it up I learn something new!

I'm getting ready to post another chapter in the Lost Mines of the Desert series. Part V will be The Lost Duch Oven Mine. On the yarn Probert lists a letter to the Editor of GOLD! Magazine written by Charles Millen. Well, I look up "Charles Millen" in KvonM's EBTH and my interest in that letter grows considerably!

Good luck to all,

~The Old Bookaroo

Re: "Bootleg" KvonM Treasure Hunter's Manual #7

Hi. Thanks for your response concerning my Treasure Hunter's Manual. In response to your question the 5 digit numbers stamped in black are "12080". If it truly is a "bootleg" copy of KVM's famous book, I hope you or some of the other members will have more information concerning their production dates and number published. I had no idea there were any produced and actually thought I had a first edition in paperback. When I get time in a few days, I'll scan some pics of it and post them if other members are interested. The book is in fairly good shape but obviously well used. There are no identifying stamps/marks on the book anywhere for me to help trace it's origin. I can't even remember right now where I bought the book.
I had no idea you were the man that published the reprint in 1990, I think it was, of the EBTH. The reprints are already very valuable and I had to search for awhile to get my 1st edition. It is an honor to chat with you and I look forward to reading anything you publish.

Re: "Bootleg" KvonM Treasure Hunter's Manual #7

I would be very interested to see the scans Pointhunter!

Re: "Bootleg" KvonM Treasure Hunter's Manual #7

point hunter:

You are too kind. I'm here to have some fun and do my best to help folks get started and be successful.

That is the most important lesson Karl wanted to teach - anybody can do it!

Good luck to all,

~The Old Bookaroo

Re: "Bootleg" KvonM Treasure Hunter's Manual #7

Here's a copy of the Gold Bug first edition. The photo sections (including the first one - with the famous LUE Map as the initial illustration) are grouped in 8-page "signatures" printed on slick (glossy) paper. The Bootleg edition photos are printed on the same paper stock as the text.

Gold Bug THM #7.webp

Book No. 3884

Good luck to all,

~The Old Bookaroo

Re: "Bootleg" KvonM Treasure Hunter's Manual #7

The front cover of my copy is not even similar to the one you posted except for the background color. That along with the numbers stamped in black and the green inside cardboard covers seem to confirm my copy is not an original. I am working nights through the middle of next week. As soon as I can, I will make some scans and post them for the members to see. Hopefully we will hear from others that have information regarding these "bootleg editions" and possibly pictures as well.

Re: "Bootleg" KvonM Treasure Hunter's Manual #7

Here are the scans of my "bootleg" copy of the THM 7. As you can see the cover is nothing like the previous scan pictured. The inside cover is light green cardboard and the numbers are stamped in black. I am very interested in finding out more information about these copies.


  • THM 7 cover0001.webp
    THM 7 cover0001.webp
    79 KB · Views: 561
  • THM 7 front page0001.webp
    THM 7 front page0001.webp
    21.6 KB · Views: 584
  • THM 7 copyright.webp
    THM 7 copyright.webp
    11.3 KB · Views: 552
  • THM 7 copyright page0001.webp
    THM 7 copyright page0001.webp
    15.5 KB · Views: 560
Re: "Bootleg" KvonM Treasure Hunter's Manual #7

point hunter:

That copy looks just like mine. Yes, I would say that is one of the "bootleg" editions.

While I would hazard a guess that these were printed up in the Pacific Northwest, I can not offer any more information on their origin than that. Clearly someone who would undertake such a project must have run off quite a few copies.

I have a bootleg copy of Sudden Wealth that is a very crude photostatic ("Xerox") reprint. The THM #7 copies are far more professional. My copy has the first page beginning to separate from the binding. Other than that, and the fact the photos are printed on regular and not glossy stock (as previously noted) are really the only printing shortcomings.

Good luck to all,

~The Old Bookaroo

Re: "Bootleg" KvonM Treasure Hunter's Manual #7

Those green cardboard covers also appear on some of the Association imprints put out by Gene Ballinger. The Sam Wolf / Jack Cubit book comes to mind but I don't recall the title for sure. ?Today's Treasure Hunter? If I am correct I'll leave this post as is. If I am wrong I'll correct it. siegfried schlagrule

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