Back from our trip/ we have proof the Vikings were here before the Templars


Bronze Member
Apr 7, 2007
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Golden Thread
Clearfield Pa. and Nova Scotia, Canada
Detector(s) used
Schonstedt sopt, GPL , 2 box, Dowsing Rods, Long Range Locators, Radar, Bounty Hunter & a lot more
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
OK if you saw our other post and you thought I was nuts:BangHead: you will like what we found last week in New Ross. We located over 15 stones drilled and cut some 10' up to 20' long ready to be used and they sit . We are having them dated and the drill holes look well over 600 yrs old. WE located a gold coin and locket from the 1630's that belong to a king , a slaughter stone like the one in Stonehenge, uncovered a Templar made water system that runs 1000' to the castle and it still works, gem stones and a lot more. I need the film crew to OK what I can post . O Ya we had many drinks with the crew from Oak Island and they are filming now. We plan to return in a few weeks to do more work.:occasion14:

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You're getting warm.

The Norse were "here" in the 10th to maybe 12th century AD. That's pretty well established before you stumbled along. The Templers never were.

Keep at it.

I hope you got all the required permits this time. In case you forgot since your last chat with the ministry:

"8 (1) No person shall carry out explorations or make excavations on any land in the Province, including land covered with water, for the purpose of seeking heritage objects, without a heritage research permit."


"11 Where a heritage object has been recovered from any site in the Province by a person who is not a holder of a permit or by a permit holder in contravention of his permit, the Minister or a person authorized by him may seize the heritage object and deliver it to the Museum, which object becomes the property of the Province. R.S., c. 438, s. 11; 1994-95, c. 17, s. 1. "


"12 Notwithstanding the issue of a licence pursuant to the Oak Island Treasure Act or the former Treasure Trove Act, no person shall

(a) excavate or otherwise alter a protected site or remove any objects from a protected site unless he is the holder of a permit;

(b) knowingly destroy, desecrate, deface or alter archaeological or historical remains or a palaeontological site whether designated or not unless he holds a heritage research permit to excavate the specific site. R.S., c. 438, s. 12; 1990, c. 45, s. 6; 2010, c. 39, s. 15.

a slaughter stone like the one in Stonehenge

I can't wait for you to go on TV and utter the word Stonehenge.

Just for old time sakes ... how important was I in advancing this new Stonehenge discovery of yours?

Was "your" stone originally placed upright? Like the one at Stonehenge?

Nice. This forum has been too quiet.

Time to break out the popcorn, I suppose.

Raparee COOL DOWN :icon_thumright: Its all good . Do you think I would post all of this and not know what the laws are and I have the biggest law firm in Halifax working for me . We plan to return when we redo our digging permits in a few weeks.

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We plan to return when we redo our digging permits in a few weeks.

So you found all these fantastic things without digging?
Was that king owned 1630 gold watch dangling off a tree limb?

With your track record in NS ......I'm not sure you will get the permits you are seeking.

Raparee COOL DOWN :icon_thumright: Its all good . Do you think I would post all of this and not know what the laws are and I have the biggest law firm in Halifax working for me .

Are you sure? Are you sure you didn't do this work with only a mineral exploration license?

Are you sure? Are you sure you didn't do this work with only a mineral exploration license?

We only need a mineral license, I don't need a Heritage permit , we are not digging for artifacts at the castle site , our permit is for down at Gold River 400' from the castle. We are not in a area under historical protection YET. Tim's house is empty and he is getting ready to dig , this is when the xxx will start with the local land owners. Don't worry about me its Tim who wants to destroy the Holy Well for GREED.

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FK , thanks for the update.. I just finished watching a Nat Geo documentary on the recent Viking site found in Point Rosee, Newfoundland. Scientists are starting to think the area was far more travelled in antiquity than suspected..we just need more data i.e. Discoveries

Are you sure? Are you sure you didn't do this work with only a mineral exploration license?

"8 (1) No person shall carry out explorations or make excavations on any land in the Province, including land covered with water, for the purpose of seeking heritage objects, without a heritage research permit."

I don't work for the biggest law firm in Halifax ....but this may be a problem for FK.

I'd guess as soon as the authorities find out what FK and crew have been up to recently.There is no chance they issue them any permits.

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Oak Island 1.webp

I'd guess as soon as the authorities find out what FK and crew have been up to recently.There is no chance they issue them any permits.[/QUOTE]

I just don't know what you people are thinking, Heritage got a report on our trip, we did everything by the law. WE been doing this kind of work for many years with no problems. We work with Mining and Heritage and 2 Historical Society's, and are willing to work with any other government group. We need help at this site from the local schools and Governments , There is a lot of history here that could change the way we think. I have posted some pictures of workers from Oak Island and my crew .

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FK , thanks for the update.. I just finished watching a Nat Geo documentary on the recent Viking site found in Point Rosee, Newfoundland. Scientists are starting to think the area was far more travelled in antiquity than suspected..we just need more data i.e. Discoveries

Thanks for the post Ryano, We are doing everything we can to get the government to step in and start looking at this site. We have proof of Viking at this site and then Templars but no matter what we prove its just not enough to get things going . Its like they have something to hide and even some on this site try to stop us. Well the word is out and someday this site will tell its story.

WE been doing this kind of work for many years with no problems.

I guess you don't consider the following problems

1) You took artifacts off PA DCNR property......which is illegal and you had to give them to DCNR
1a) They were not Civil War age as you had claimed and DCNR sent them back to you.

2) You wouldn't post a bond to further explore the PA DCNR property ...... which most people know is required to do any type of excavation on state property
2a) It doesn't seem you were aware you could go thru an insurance company to secure a bond,which would have been a small fee for only a 50k bond.

3) You eventually got kicked off PA DCNR property

4) You dug on Hobson Island......which was illegal

5) You were featured on a TV show treasure hunting on the Harris property.Only reason you weren't fined is because the History channel has deep pockets and it was their show.
5a) You were kicked off the Harris property by the new landowner

6) Your claims of working with some of these agencies doesn't seem to be the actual case.You send emails to them with far fetched claims.Is this what you consider working with an agency? I don't know how many times you have claimed to be working with such and such an agency then turn around and post that they wont come to your site or wont accept your evidence.I would not consider this working together.I would call this pestering the agency.

7) Not long ago you posted a production company told you to stop posting info because of the tv show you had under contract ......You have now posted what you have found but can't post more until they clear it.This makes no sense at all....not even a tiny bit.
7a) If a production company filmed you finding anything at all interesting.You would not be posting about it.They would want to tease that find in many episodes for a rating spike on the reveal episode.

8) You posted many times giving me much.much credit with advancing your Stonehenge find.Ask the biggest law firm in Halifax the legal ramifications of those posts and my standing if you find anything or a tv show is produced about a Stonehenge site.

In summary these are the actions of a rank amateur not a seasoned professional.

New Age you have been twisting everything so it fits your way . By now we all see how stupid your post are but you keep posting , Keep it up maybe someday you will get it right. Have a good day

New Age you have been twisting everything so it fits your way . By now we all see how stupid your post are but you keep posting , Keep it up maybe someday you will get it right. Have a good day

You posted this on Facebook on April 29th ..... "Finders Keepers is up for our own TV series again . This time I think we will get it."

After posting this here on April 21st .......... "We just signed up with a Film Crew to do our own TV show at New Ross, N.S this summer "

On this site you claim to have a tv show under contract but on FB a week later claim it is still being decided..

Do you think people here are stupid enough to believe everything you claim or don't you feel comfortable misleading your closer friends and family on FB?

Treasure hunters sent packing | | Endeavor News | Serving Potter and Cameron Counties in Northcentral Pennsylvania
I have posted this link before but it backs up everything I have just posted about your "problems" in Pa.

A couple good quotes from this article.
"DCNR ordered Parada to vacate the area last week"
"That agency concluded that the items were from around 1880"


My comment was deleted!

Don't carry sharp objects into a dull individual's bubble.

You posted this on Facebook on April 29th ..... "Finders Keepers is up for our own TV series again . This time I think we will get it."

After posting this here on April 21st .......... "We just signed up with a Film Crew to do our own TV show at New Ross, N.S this summer "

On this site you claim to have a tv show under contract but on FB a week later claim it is still being decided..

Do you think people here are stupid enough to believe everything you claim or don't you feel comfortable misleading your closer friends and family on FB?

Treasure hunters sent packing | | Endeavor News | Serving Potter and Cameron Counties in Northcentral Pennsylvania
I have posted this link before but it backs up everything I have just posted about your "problems" in Pa.

A couple good quotes from this article.
"DCNR ordered Parada to vacate the area last week"
"That agency concluded that the items were from around 1880"

OK lets try this again, We did sign with a Film Company to do a TV series in New Ross , we are under contract now. So what is your problem, How do you twist this around. The film crew did not sign with a Network yet so until then we are on hold . I have no control of them. You just twist things around so it makes you look good . When we sign with a Network I will let you know. IN Pa. DCNR ordered us to vacate the site after I called the FBI on them and the State Police after I caught them digging up our site when we were gone, Ya you don't post this sxxt only what you want to post to make us look bad. You know the truth and the hole story yet you twist it around for what reason. The truth will be told soon and you will be wrong as always

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