Oak Island - the real mystery is if there even is a mystery?


Dec 2, 2014
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All Treasure Hunting
Greetings everyone – first post for me at this site. Glad to join you. I’m active elsewhere, but figured this is the best place to post my thoughts/questions about Oak Island.

First, I want to say I love the TV show. This isn’t a gripe with the it – it’s made for TV, so they will do things that keep viewers engaged. I understand that. But my thoughts/questions are related.

Here we go: has there ever been, is there any absolute proof, or has anyone ever seen ANYTHING that definitively proves there were or are man-made structures underground on Oak Island? Anyone?

As I deeply read and research, it seems 100% of the legend has been passed down. The original discovery in 1795. Next thing you know, people are digging for treasure. The guy before them said it was there. The next guy says the same thing. All speak of strange and mysterious stuff – which is convenient when you are seeking funding to dig deeper. The next guy heard there were strange layers every 10 feet down. He never finds any, and assumes the last digger removed them, so forges ahead. Repeat.

The layers of logs every 10 feet down – is there any proof or fact they even EVER existed? The supposed flood tunnels and drain at Smith’s cove covered in coconut fibers – on the TV show, they found coconut fibers. OK – the island happens to be on the gulf-stream, upwind from Florida and the Caribbean, and Smith’s Cove is at the correct end of the island for seaward flotsam to be deposited on. It’s no stretch to think floating coconuts washed up there over hundreds of years. Their meat rots away in days, but the husks and fibers endure, bedding down naturally.

Where is the proof that there are any man-made objects under that beach?

I could go dig a pit in my backyard, and discover strange planks every 10 feet down. I’d take pictures. Then I’d run out of money to dig deeper so seek funding to get better equipment. But I’d have definitive proof something odd is down there.

With Oak Island, unless I’ve completely missed something, is there even a single shred of evidence anywhere that there is, or ever was, ANYTHNIG man-made under the ground?

As noted in the TV show, years of digging and hunting have destroyed and changed the land. Past diggers leave stuff behind. Is that an admission that there is no proof anything was ever there?

Again – I genuinely love this story, and have followed it since I was a child. Back then – much like today and with the TV show – it’s presented as if there WERE man-made flood chambers and past diggers DID find layers of logs every 10 feet down. There WAS a stone tablet found 90 feet down. So we all buy into the story, and move on from there as if it’s all fact. And then we base all our forum banter on it.

But the real mystery of Oak Island to me is if there is even a mystery at all. All I need to know is some fact like “sure, in 1962 they uncovered a Y-shaped drain at the beach that has since been covered naturally. It’s strange, unexplained, but it really is there.” Or, perhaps that Dan Blankenship or Mr. Restall found 200-year-old timbers, uniformly placed, during their digs. Fact that somebody in the past actually was underground.

What gives me zero hope is speculation about “flood tunnels”. It’s an island. You dig deep into the ground and your dig is likely to fill with water.

On the TV show, they say “Bob was digging in 1895, and when he hit 100 feet, the boobytrapped flood tunnels filled his dig.” Fact, or TV hype? What tunnels? Where are they?

I simply cannot find any record of any proof anywhere that tells me Oak Island isn't just a dirt island, exactly the same as every other island.

Please, somebody set me straight because I need to know. All I am looking for is one single piece of definitive evidence that there actually was/is something man-made under that earth.

Looking forward to your comments!

Best to read up on it all yourself so you arent spoon fed someone's opinion

Welcome Den_ ! I agree with most of what you said except
I don't "Love" the show.
being a treasure Hunter, I am Mentally Trapped into watching it :(
it's in my blood to need to watch.

however I am rapidly growing a Hatred for the Crew & Producers

Welcome Den_ ! I agree with most of what you said except
I don't "Love" the show.
being a treasure Hunter, I am Mentally Trapped into watching it :(
it's in my blood to need to watch.

however I am rapidly growing a Hatred for the Crew & Producers

Yep, what you said Jeff. I watched the first season and got hooked but now a couple shows in and I can't stand it anymore. I think it's all a load of malarky.

I have read up. That's the problem. There's nothing there. There's no proof anything ever was. 100% of everything is hearsay and legend. So I'm watching a TV show about a bunch of grown men with heavy machinery who might as well be digging out in the middle of a random field in New Jersey?

My point remains - I, like many (especially like the treasure hunters) have been sucked in by the legend over the years, where legend starts to blend with fact, or be taken as such. Only recently did I put on the brakes with a great, big WTF.

It's a pretty simple question - which of the following statements are true/fact?

There has always been verifiable evidence that something man-made and something strange went on under Oak Island, which at least warrants a continued hunt.

There have only been legend, and no human, living or otherwise, has ever actually seen anything man-made under the dirt of Oak Island, and thus, 100% of treasure hunters are drawn by lore and legend.

One glimmer of hope I have - on the TV, they drilled to 140 feet to the "Chappell Vault". Funny how it's called a "vault" - oh, did somebody go down there and see a vault-shaped item? No - some past driller hit cement and wood and speculated it could be a vault...but that's another story.

Regardless, on the show - they did in fact bring up core samples from 140 feet that did show wood. Wood should not be down there. And correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think anyone ever dug to 140 feet in the past, so thus, it's not junk scaffolding left over from a previous dig?

Is this the proof I'm looking for that there really are man-made objects (placed long ago) under the earth of Oak Island?

Unfortunately, it's conveniently disappointing that they decided to stop drilling that area. Uh, why? They locate a possible "vault" or at least a man-made object at the original money pit, then move on to other things? Makes zero sense.

I have read up. That's the problem. There's nothing there. There's no proof anything ever was. 100% of everything is hearsay and legend. So I'm watching a TV show about a bunch of grown men with heavy machinery who might as well be digging out in the middle of a random field in New Jersey?

My point remains - I, like many (especially like the treasure hunters) have been sucked in by the legend over the years, where legend starts to blend with fact, or be taken as such. Only recently did I put on the brakes with a great, big WTF.

It's a pretty simple question - which of the following statements are true/fact?

There has always been verifiable evidence that something man-made and something strange went on under Oak Island, which at least warrants a continued hunt.

There have only been legend, and no human, living or otherwise, has ever actually seen anything man-made under the dirt of Oak Island, and thus, 100% of treasure hunters are drawn by lore and legend.

One glimmer of hope I have - on the TV, they drilled to 140 feet to the "Chappell Vault". Funny how it's called a "vault" - oh, did somebody go down there and see a vault-shaped item? No - some past driller hit cement and wood and speculated it could be a vault...but that's another story.

Regardless, on the show - they did in fact bring up core samples from 140 feet that did show wood. Wood should not be down there. And correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think anyone ever dug to 140 feet in the past, so thus, it's not junk scaffolding left over from a previous dig?

Is this the proof I'm looking for that there really are man-made objects (placed long ago) under the earth of Oak Island?

Unfortunately, it's conveniently disappointing that they decided to stop drilling that area. Uh, why? They locate a possible "vault" or at least a man-made object at the original money pit, then move on to other things? Makes zero sense.

I can think of 2 Reasons to give up Drilling.

#1. the core with wood & cement they pulled up was faked,
& all their drilling was a waste of Money. so they felt why continue ?

#2. they got a Positive sign, Investments will now come in.
and Last thing they want to do is drill all around that hole
and disprove there is anything else wood & Cement in the area,
before the investments stop

again I'll be more then happy to post the story in treasure In the News
showing Golden treasures or whatever along with a Personal note "I was Wrong" IF
they can prove me wrong :laughing7:

at least Capone left an empty vault, I don't even expect to see that here.

No I am not normally a Skeptic.
only two well known Treasure Stories I can think of that
I disbelieve of because of wild stories.

Oak Island & Beale

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I can think of 2 Reasons to give up Drilling.

#1. the core with wood & cement they pulled up was faked,
& all their drilling was a waste of Money. so they felt why continue ?

#2. they got a Positive sign, Investments will now come in.
and Last thing they want to do is drill all around that hole
and disprove there is anything else wood & Cement in the area,
before the investments stop

Exactly! When I watched that I was shaking my head. They either figured the narrative is too good to screw up, or, they already knew it was a pointless venture to continue.

Also got a laugh out of the kid recommending they take a quick jaunt over to the South of France to follow up on his "research".

I'm just frustrated with all the fluff these shows feel they have to throw in. I know it's entertainment but I was at least hoping they may find something that points to an early presence on the island. Would be happy if they uncover any context of past happenings, not even treasure related. Give me something empirical. Guess that doesn't make good TV for the masses...

"There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true."

and one more fitting quote:

"All hypotheses scientifically probable are the last gleams of the twilight of knowledge, or its last shadows. Faith begins where Reason sinks exhausted. Beyond the human Reason is the Divine Reason, to our feebleness the great Absurdity, the Infinite Absurd, which confounds us and which we believe. For the Master, the Compass of Faith is above the Square of Reason; but both rest upon the Holy Scriptures and combine to form the Blazing Star of Truth."

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I can think of 2 Reasons to give up Drilling.

#1. the core with wood & cement they pulled up was faked,
& all their drilling was a waste of Money. so they felt why continue ?

#2. they got a Positive sign, Investments will now come in.
and Last thing they want to do is drill all around that hole
and disprove there is anything else wood & Cement in the area,
before the investments stop

Logic again...I love it.

We could use some more of this in this forum, and in the world. If I could have just one wish granted, it would be that everyone in the world thought critically. What a world that would be!

Logic again...I love it.

We could use some more of this in this forum, and in the world. If I could have just one wish granted, it would be that everyone in the world thought critically. What a world that would be!

lol probably a boring one :laughing7:

but personally, it seems to me I can't help watching shows that make me :BangHead:

or it's just that all shows made are like this

They seem to jump around a lot, drilling, metal detection etc.
To many signs that run into a blank wall.
I know one thing..the purse will empty one of these days soon enough, If not much else is found the purse strings will dry up sooner.


The missing logic that I can't get past with this show is the extreme depths they claim it's buried at. First, there is absolutely ZERO reason to ever bury something so deep. 18th century, out of site = safe.

Second this is an island. It has a shallow water table. You couldn't dig much a hole anywhere without it filling up with water. If the diggers can't overcome the water obstacle, how do they expect the original buriers to have overcome it?

I agree with the OP, is there was real evidence, it could be enough to keep searching, but everything is being based on the assumption that everyone before them was being truthful, going all the way back to the beginning.

They seem to jump around a lot, drilling, metal detection etc.
To many signs that run into a blank wall.
I know one thing..the purse will empty one of these days soon enough, If not much else is found the purse strings will dry up sooner.


Well My guess it will go the same way up till the point The Island is declared a National Protected area.
I'm not sure What N.S. calls there Protected areas.

But until that point , my guess just enough will be "found :tongue3: " to loosen someones purse strings :laughing7:

they can always convince another TV crew to pay the bills

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The missing logic that I can't get past with this show is the extreme depths they claim it's buried at. First, there is absolutely ZERO reason to ever bury something so deep. 18th century, out of site = safe.

I believe the Ancient Egyptians and other cultures/civilizations would disagree with this premise. However, there are those who I suspect would claim that the pyramids and such aren't "real evidence". You know, they're just natural rock formations and the Valley of the Kings is nothing but natural flood tunnels. :-)

Second this is an island. It has a shallow water table. You couldn't dig much a hole anywhere without it filling up with water. If the diggers can't overcome the water obstacle, how do they expect the original buriers to have overcome it?

I believe that some theories contend that the unknown builders were not trying to 'overcome' the water table; but, rather to use it as part of their design. Right or wrong, real or fantasy, the contention is that the builders understood the water table to the point of using it in their design.

I agree with the OP, is there was real evidence, it could be enough to keep searching, but everything is being based on the assumption that everyone before them was being truthful, going all the way back to the beginning.

There are many assumptions; enough to go around. For example, to claim that there is absolutely nothing unusual about Oak Island's history one must assume that EVERY SINGLE PERSON ever involved is/was either duped or a liar. That's a lot of people; many of whom show no indications in any other part of their lives to be fools or grifters. It may be the case, but that is a pretty tall assumption.

I don't know what happened there. That's why I think it's a neat story.

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The missing logic that I can't get past with this show is the extreme depths they claim it's buried at. First, there is absolutely ZERO reason to ever bury something so deep. 18th century, out of site = safe.

Second this is an island. It has a shallow water table. You couldn't dig much a hole anywhere without it filling up with water. If the diggers can't overcome the water obstacle, how do they expect the original buriers to have overcome it?

I agree with the OP, is there was real evidence, it could be enough to keep searching, but everything is being based on the assumption that everyone before them was being truthful, going all the way back to the beginning.

If the purpose of placing it so deep was to keep peoples hands off it then I'd say that's a pretty good reason. It has worked so far. There is also the reference to the temple of Enoch if there really were 9 levels of timbers.

18th century out of sight = safe? That's an assumption that cannot be verified. Technically something is only safe if no one's looking for it or knows it exists.

Secondly a shallow water table does not explain enough sea water flowing into the money pit to fill it up to the 33 foot mark in a matter of hours. There is a distinct difference in taste between brackish water and sea water.

The original diggers are the ones who built the obstacle. There is a big difference between a little seepage and water flowing in at several gallons a second.

Let's all just assume from now on that everyone is lying and see how far we get as a society. Why have you no trust in your fellow man and treasure hunter?

If the purpose of placing it so deep was to keep peoples hands off it then I'd say that's a pretty good reason. It has worked so far. There is also the reference to the temple of Enoch if there really were 9 levels of timbers.

18th century out of sight = safe? That's an assumption that cannot be verified. Technically something is only safe if no one's looking for it or knows it exists.

Secondly a shallow water table does not explain enough sea water flowing into the money pit to fill it up to the 33 foot mark in a matter of hours. There is a distinct difference in taste between brackish water and sea water.

The original diggers are the ones who built the obstacle. There is a big difference between a little seepage and water flowing in at several gallons a second.

Let's all just assume from now on that everyone is lying and see how far we get as a society. Why have you no trust in your fellow man and treasure hunter?

:sign10: :laughing7: trust? I trust in facts and evidence! There ZERO of either in this fairy tale.

I agree, Jeff. There has been little if any proof that anything is there. A couple of coins, I've seen coins like that found in a field.

If the purpose of placing it so deep was to keep peoples hands off it then I'd say that's a pretty good reason. It has worked so far. There is also the reference to the temple of Enoch if there really were 9 levels of timbers.

18th century out of sight = safe? That's an assumption that cannot be verified. Technically something is only safe if no one's looking for it or knows it exists.

Secondly a shallow water table does not explain enough sea water flowing into the money pit to fill it up to the 33 foot mark in a matter of hours. There is a distinct difference in taste between brackish water and sea water.

The original diggers are the ones who built the obstacle. There is a big difference between a little seepage and water flowing in at several gallons a second.

Let's all just assume from now on that everyone is lying and see how far we get as a society. Why have you no trust in your fellow man and treasure hunter?


This report from John Brown in 1867 while he was supervising the dig on Oak Island contradicts everything in your above post.

Dunfield was lowered into the pit and found no evidence of any tunnels..........they dug deep pits and trenches trying to find the flood tunnel and couldn't.....excavated huge portionds of the beach and found some type of drains but they stopped well short of the money pit .....his dye test proved all but 15 gallons per minute were coming into the pit below the 140' level.

There is no flood tunnel and never was...........it was a cool story but it is time to let it go.

Its like telling someone you dont have legs........but you walk and you can feel the ground under your feet.......doesnt look that way when your walking on your own two feet

found some type of drains but they stopped well short of the money pit

Stopped short?? Cmon.....a partial drain system all of a sudden?

we can see the openings on google earth........we see both of these pits and the channels even caused a cave in pit to manifest right in between the Cove and the Money Pit.

its much more obvious when there......and having drilling experience, you know when there is groundwater, and when there is something in the way, another material.

What I find perplexing, is the show features them dumping dye into 10x........to find a leak to the shores.......they couldn't find any dye, so 10x goes to nowhere, it fills due to the lower layers of the aquifers beneath

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