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This is a ministry my husband has been involved with for several years. I have only joined in for a couple now. So, Wednesday, the 24th, we went up to the lake and I proceeded to do my minor part and bake goodies for the guys to take out on the boat fishing. The fall event is quite small with only approximately 20 Heroes involved. The Spring event has about 100 Heroes participating. Now I can't help but think with all the military, law enforcement, fire rescue, and EMS people on Treasurenet, there isn't someone who may be qualified to participate in one of these events. So, I thought I would share a little more about it.
Mission Statement
Walleyes for Wounded Heroes, Inc., (WWH) provides opportunities for our nation’s current or former uniformed members of the United States Armed Forces, sworn Law Enforcement Officers, sworn Fire Fighters and sworn or affirmed Emergency Medical Responders, all of whom have been injured from combat operations or line-of-duty service, to fish and reconnect with nature’s healing properties. Charter captains and private boat owners take our Wounded Heroes walleye fishing for a 4-day event annually during the last week of June at no charge. WWH provides lodging, meals, entertainment, and transportation around Port Clinton, Ohio and nearby areas.
The mission of WWH is to honor and empower our men and women. Founded in 2012, our enrichment event, Lake Erie fishing, has grown and been refined annually. WWH partners with civic, social, and service organizations as an all-volunteer 501(c)3, non-profit, non-discriminatory, non-sectarian organization. A growing number of volunteers execute projects, set daily itineraries, secure transportation, lodging, meals, insurance, and funding and/or in-kind contributions. Heroes participate free of charge. Referrals come from employers, social service/public agencies, and by word of mouth. Men and women are served; no one is turned away unless space of funding restricts. Volunteer staff often includes doctors, nurses, counselors and professionals attending as escorts. It is not unusual for Heroes to describe renewed spirit and appreciation for the opportunity to participate in positive “activities of a lifetime,” interacting “like normal people” with similarly injured Heroes and WWH escorts.

Captain Dave is holding his Hero's fish. It was the big fish of the weekend.

They are always conspiring pranks with the captains.

Flirting with the photographer
My cookies are in the box. There was a lot of food donated for this event. I had to "guard" the food from the other Hotel guests accidentally helping themselves while the guys were out fishing.
Home made chicken noodle soup
Home made vegetable soup. Best I ever had!!
Cake donated by the Hotel manager
Ferd giving instructions about the possible alternatives to fishing on Saturday due to bad weather.
The Chaplain always prays over the food and safe fishing and travels.
View attachment 1648317 Only half of the guys were at the soup supper. We started eating before the others arrived. I wasn't kidding about the vegetable soup. That's my empty bowl.
View attachment 1648319 This is Joe at a fishing show in Michigan. He and his wife set up booths at these shows all winter long to recruit Heroes.
You can check out the link in my signature for more information.
Thanks for looking!
Mission Statement
Walleyes for Wounded Heroes, Inc., (WWH) provides opportunities for our nation’s current or former uniformed members of the United States Armed Forces, sworn Law Enforcement Officers, sworn Fire Fighters and sworn or affirmed Emergency Medical Responders, all of whom have been injured from combat operations or line-of-duty service, to fish and reconnect with nature’s healing properties. Charter captains and private boat owners take our Wounded Heroes walleye fishing for a 4-day event annually during the last week of June at no charge. WWH provides lodging, meals, entertainment, and transportation around Port Clinton, Ohio and nearby areas.
The mission of WWH is to honor and empower our men and women. Founded in 2012, our enrichment event, Lake Erie fishing, has grown and been refined annually. WWH partners with civic, social, and service organizations as an all-volunteer 501(c)3, non-profit, non-discriminatory, non-sectarian organization. A growing number of volunteers execute projects, set daily itineraries, secure transportation, lodging, meals, insurance, and funding and/or in-kind contributions. Heroes participate free of charge. Referrals come from employers, social service/public agencies, and by word of mouth. Men and women are served; no one is turned away unless space of funding restricts. Volunteer staff often includes doctors, nurses, counselors and professionals attending as escorts. It is not unusual for Heroes to describe renewed spirit and appreciation for the opportunity to participate in positive “activities of a lifetime,” interacting “like normal people” with similarly injured Heroes and WWH escorts.

View attachment 1648317 Only half of the guys were at the soup supper. We started eating before the others arrived. I wasn't kidding about the vegetable soup. That's my empty bowl.
View attachment 1648319 This is Joe at a fishing show in Michigan. He and his wife set up booths at these shows all winter long to recruit Heroes.
You can check out the link in my signature for more information.
Thanks for looking!
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