Well Mental Granny, you've been away for a while... So you still have time to work on that
My sweet Oklahoma Granny....
Please know that I consider you and yours as my family and that I've always "got your back."
You are always welcome to post on any thread that I have commented upon and that you had better watch out, 'cause I'll be coming to see you and collect on that hug, soon, I hope. And Hunter will be my best buddy! What adventures that we may discover! {still working out details of times and travel arrangements...}
Lots of Love from me your way,
PS. You WILL introduce me to Mrs. Timberwolf, right? And shoot, Monty is close by. I'd like to personally meet Monty and do some metal detecting in y'alls neck of the woods....I'll bring my magic beep-stick. {a part of my plans.}
My few remaining relatives, not seen for years, in Kansas, is paramount to my journey. A Grandmother, an Aunt, a niece and my only sibling, my sister.....everyone else is dead......
When I make this journey, I will walk barefoot, to the cemetary where my Mom rests in peace, as I did during a Kansas winter of 2001-2002 after my Mom died on Dec. 20th. I have thought and even dreamed of my Mom and her lessons of life since. The time that I spend at my Mom's grave will be a final journey for me. I remember walking, barefoot, to the cemetary where my Mom lays when I lived in Lawrence, Kansas. It was a good 2 miles to the cemetary......many more miles than I live today...
(My Grandmother has assured me that I shall be laid to rest next to my Mom as they had purchased the appropriate plots.... OK...I don't plan on needing this relevation for MANY years!) ((But it's comforting to know....))
Ummm.....this is the crap that you think of when you get old....
Overall, the world is right with me. How 'bout you?