Finally broke the silver barrier


Hero Member
Apr 20, 2011
Not too far from a beach
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
There's no old ground within maybe 20 miles of my house, and by old, I mean pre-1965. I was getting sick of hunting up clads all the time. I had hit the beach a few times while away from home, and a couple of older parks, but again, found only clads. I had also hunted my dad's yard and swale 2 or 3 times when I visited him back in town; he has a 1920's house about 35 miles away. I had anticipated finding a silver coin or two there, but again, found only clads and copper pennies, not even a wheatie. I was wondering if MD'ing was worth the trouble in this part of the country. I decided to try my dad's one last time. I had a new tactic. I set the ACE 250 I'd recently scored at a yard sale for $20 to discriminate against every signal except dimes and quarters. I thought the welter of constant signals I'd encountered previously may have been getting in the way of finding silver coins. To my amazement and delight, I hit a beautiful 1944 Mercury dime in AU condition (IMHO) after only a few minutes. I then found my first half dollar (clad). I turned the corner and worked the adjoining swale and knocked myself out by finding another Mercury. Then I found a silver Roosevelt and a wheatie. I worked the entire area over again, even furtively hitting the neighbors' swales (got one stern look), but no more luck. I knocked off, pretty tired. Now, I remembered that the house I'd grown up in, which was about 3 miles south of my dad's, had a bus stop next to it on a grassy swale. That bus stop had always been there as long as I could remember, and that memory goes back to the 60's, and more fuzzily, to the late 50's. I had taken that bus many times myself as a kid. I determined to hunt it. The "new owners" who had bought the place from my folks in the early 80's, were still there, and had erected a 6' masonry wall along that side of the property, so I knew they would not notice me there, and I am so careful about putting the dirt and sod back in place that they 'd never notice anything amiss later. I should mention, that here, as probably elsewhere, the swale does not belong to the adjoining property owner, though they are required to maintain it. Anyway, after just a few minutes of searching, I dug up a 1963 Roosevelt.The coin shows moderate wear, so it probably was in circulation a couple of years at least; it must have been dropped just as silver coinage was disappearing from circulation, in the mid to late 60's, and just about the time I would have been old enough to be taking the bus, mowing the grass, and of course, just generally passing by that spot around my house.


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Good days hunting in my opinion!!!!! I love those Mercury dimes!!!!! You have to learn a few things about detecting and that is a detector(especially the ace 250) will not give an accurate ID on items more than 4 inches in the ground. So if I was you I would lower the discrimination settings back down and I would dig every good repeatable signal especially if it says the item is deeper than 4 inches and then see how you come out. The higher you set your discrimination the less depth your machine is going to get and that is with all detectors. Good luck and thanks for sharing!!!! Tim

Thanks for sharing the story! I love hearing stories like that. Nice results with some oldies too!

bigtim1973 said:
Good days hunting in my opinion!!!!! I love those Mercury dimes!!!!! You have to learn a few things about detecting and that is a detector(especially the ace 250) will not give an accurate ID on items more than 4 inches in the ground. So if I was you I would lower the discrimination settings back down and I would dig every good repeatable signal especially if it says the item is deeper than 4 inches and then see how you come out. The higher you set your discrimination the less depth your machine is going to get and that is with all detectors. Good luck and thanks for sharing!!!! Tim

Thanks, now that you mention that, I had read that before. I think what I'd like to do when possible is to run more than one sweep, with different settings, and I will now return to my dad's yard and follow your advice, now that I've picked out the shallower coins. I do think it helped me locate these particular dimes by running with less constant chatter from the machine.

scaupus said:
bigtim1973 said:
Good days hunting in my opinion!!!!! I love those Mercury dimes!!!!! You have to learn a few things about detecting and that is a detector(especially the ace 250) will not give an accurate ID on items more than 4 inches in the ground. So if I was you I would lower the discrimination settings back down and I would dig every good repeatable signal especially if it says the item is deeper than 4 inches and then see how you come out. The higher you set your discrimination the less depth your machine is going to get and that is with all detectors. Good luck and thanks for sharing!!!! Tim

Thanks, now that you mention that, I had read that before. I think what I'd like to do when possible is to run more than one sweep, with different settings, and I will now return to my dad's yard and follow your advice, now that I've picked out the shallower coins. I do think it helped me locate these particular dimes by running with less constant chatter from the machine.

Be sure to go slow and also dig the medium and high toned signals that will only sound off in one direction. Alot of times those will be coins on edge. Good luck and keep us posted!!!!! Tim

Wow, not only did you score an Ace 250 for $20 (unbelievable!) but you nailed some good silver in the process! :icon_thumleft:

I have been hunting on and off for over three years and have never found a half dollar, clad or otherwise. :hello2:

bigtim1973 said:
scaupus said:
thanks tim, more good advice! I really appreciate it.

Your welcome and keep us posted on your finds!!!! Tim

Pardon if i reply again, but you are like reading my mind: "One day that pull tab will be a gold ring....".

I have found it very difficult to spend time digging up pull-tabs when I could be hunting coins, but I had determined today to start doing just that, and I dug up about a dozen of them this afternoon. It just felt like such a waste of time again, but as I pulled up the upteenth pull-tab, i could literally see with my mind's eye something golden, and it was at that point that it became real to me that I was going to find some fine jewelry someday, just as I have started finding silver coins - which also had seemed like an impossible goal previously. And then you placed that very sentiment in tiny letters at the top of your post.

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