Abandoned Trails in Silver Country

Jim Hemmingway

Hero Member
Jan 26, 2008
Reaction score
Golden Thread
Detector(s) used
F-75, Infinium LS, MXT, GoldBug2, TDI Pro, 1280X Aquanaut, Garrett ProPointer
Primary Interest:



Silver country represents a small part of a vast, heavily forested wilderness perched on the sprawling Precambrian Shield here in northeastern Ontario. Away from the small towns and villages, and widely scattered farms and rural homesteads, there exists a largely uninterrupted way of life in the more remote areas. There are uncounted miles of lonely country backroads, overgrown tracks leading to abandoned mining camps, innumerable rough timber lanes, and a virtually infinite tangle of winding trails that reach deeply into the distant forests.

Nothing in my experience has been so completely companionable as the soft forest whisperings and the beckoning solitude that reigns over this ruggedly beautiful country. This is where my carefree days of autumn prospecting have been agreeably spent for many years. We returned again this year to unbounded, satisfying autumn days of kicking rocks, exploring and detector-prospecting adventures, followed by evenings spent evaluating silver ores and hot coffee over blazing campfires.

Irrespective of silver recoveries, the flaming autumn colors of the boreal forest are the real treasure of the season. They persist for only a few short weeks, reluctantly yielding to the autumnal yellows of the tamarack, birch, and aspen in sharp contrast to the deep conifer greens. Scenery as depicted below accentuates your enthusiasm to get into the field, and pretty much ensures that an autumn prospecting trip to silver country is a memorable experience.


General Discussion…

Unprecedented, persistently wet conditions eliminated any potential for a banner season, but nonetheless we did manage to find considerable worthwhile silver. In addition to an assortment of rich silver and associated minerals, my friend Sheldon Ward recovered a large, very high conductive native silver ore that we’ll take a closer look at shortly. Most of my quality silver finds were fairly small… although a specimen grade silver ore at five pounds was found during the final week of the trip, and frankly I felt very fortunate to get it. Larger material was recovered, for example a 24-pound highgrade silver ore from the same area… but these invariably were mixed ores dominated by cobalt and various arsenides, most notably niccolite as illustrated below.


On a more positive note, we both found plentiful small silver generally ranging between one-half and ten ounces that added real weight to the orebag over the season’s duration. It is much easier to find small but rich, high character silver than is the case with larger material. Even so, specimen grade detectable silver in any size range is becoming increasingly difficult to find at many of the obvious, readily accessible sites nowadays.

The photo below is a pretty fair representation of the overall quality, although anything below a half-oz was excluded from this shot… such are not terribly photogenic beside larger samples. Some rich ‘nuggety’ ores were HCl acid-bathed to free the silver from carbonate rock, and all samples were subjected to a rotary tool circular wire brush to remove surface residues, followed by a dish detergent wash and rinse.


By way of a brief background explanation to readers unfamiliar with this prospecting application, we search for more valuable coin-size and larger pieces of silver. Natural native silver target ID is determined by physical and chemical factors such as silver purity, types of mineral inclusions, structure (for example… dendritic, plate, disseminated, massive), size, shape, and the profile presented to the coil. Virtually all natural silver from this area will target ID from low foil up to a maximum of silver dime range. Only infrequently over the years have we found isolated, rare examples of our naturally occurring silver exceeding that range.

The specimen depicted below is a commonplace example of silver typically recovered here. It isn't terribly large or particularly handsome… but it is mostly comprised of native silver by weight. Its target ID is a bit elevated from the usual, but consider that even small changes to some of the more influential factors listed above can significantly alter target ID. I tend to pay minimal attention to it when evaluating samples.

It was detected adjacent to an abandoned mining track that leads directly to a former mill site at the mining camp scene depicted above. No treatment required other than a leather glove rubdown followed by a soapy wash and rinse… in fact it looked quite presentable fresh out of the dirt. The darker material you see is heavily tarnished native silver that I intend to leave undisturbed.


Ground conditions also play an important role in determining target ID, and refer to factors such as strength of non-conductive magnetic susceptible iron minerals, ground moisture content, proximity of adjacent targets, and disturbed ground. These factors sometimes contribute to good silver at depth producing a VLF target ID in the iron range.

Probably the best photo example available to me is a specimen found a few years back at good depth in tough magnetic diabase. It produced a predominantly iron target ID on the Fisher F75. It was detected in a fairly low trash area, the signal was suspect, and it was checked with the groundgrab feature. In this instance, there was no ground phase reduction to more conductive values as would be anticipated over rusty iron or a positive hotrock, and so the target was dug.

But otherwise, the rule of thumb over questionable weaker signals is to remove some material to acquire a stronger signal and target ID readout before making a decision to continue digging in our difficult, hard-packed rocky substrates, or move on. If there is the least doubt we dig the target and learn what actually produced the signal.


The specimen depicted below was found by eyesight while hiking along an old abandoned rail track. In the field our rock samples seem more attractive or valuable than they do once we return to camp, where we tend to view them far more critically. If they don’t look to have good specimen grade potential, my samples either get chucked or given away. But that’s just me… others are more resourceful with unwanted samples, they’re refined by some, subjected to treatments, or slabbed… and ultimately sold. In any case, this rock didn't terribly impress me and was placed with the other discards on the picnic table. But nobody other than my wife seemed much interested in it, and that is how it came to be included here.

In its original condition, it could only be described as nondescript, with very little showing on the surface prior to treatment. It did produce a broad solid PI signal, despite that the few surface indicators were non-conductive dark ruby silver pyrargyrite and to a much lesser extent what I think is the black silver sulfosalt stephanite. To see more, it was acid-washed to expose silver and associated minerals, cleaned-up with a rotary tool followed by a dish detergent bath and rinse.

Both these minerals produce a good luster that makes them a bit more difficult to distinguish from native silver in a photo. But in reality it is easy to see the differences and do some simple tests to confirm if necessary. As it turned out… the sample does have a good showing of dendritic native silver… a timely reminder that metal detectors see what we initially can’t see inside rocks.


Abandoned Trails, Minesite Tracks and Roadbeds…

Abandoned, frequently overgrown trails, mining tracks, and roadbeds provide convenient routes to prime detecting sites that otherwise would be much more difficult to access. But the important thing is that most such routes were built with discarded mine tailings to considerable depth, and contain good silver more frequently than you might think possible. Some snake through the bush to more remote areas, but the vast majority of these now abandoned routes were built to service existing minesites at the time. They were used to transport discarded rock to the tailing disposal areas, and silver ores to storage buildings and to mill sites, and generally to service other mining camp requirements.


We know from research and experience that silver was misgraded, inadvertently misplaced, or lost directly from spills to eventually reside on, within, or alongside these now abandoned trails and roadbeds. These mine tailings… frequently containing rich silver… were also used to build storage beds, minesite entrances, loading ramps, and as noted… routes to facilitate waste rock transport. All these offer excellent, obvious prospects to search with a suitable metal detector.

The nugget below, with several other pieces, was found in the tailings adjacent to the abandoned track in the photo above. Some good weather following a horrendous week of persistent heavy rainfalls prompted me to head out late one afternoon for some casual detecting. I had sampled those tailings earlier in the season but nothing by way of thorough searching. And while the silver was generally small, it had been surprisingly good quality. So I was looking forward to a few relaxing hours of detecting… nothing ambitious that late in the day… just happy to get out of camp.

That particular spot formerly housed storage beds, and was now replete with large rusty nails. I should have used a VLF unit, as things would have gone much more quickly. VLF motion all-metal detection depth in that moderate ground would pretty well match Infinium equipped with the 8” mono, with the further advantage of target ID. If conductive pyrrhotite hotrocks had also been present, I would have switched over to my F75 or MXT.

But I stayed with the Infinium primarily because I enjoy using it. By comparison it is slow going, but that isn't such a bad thing over potentially good ground. It silences what can be described as VLF ground noise, in addition to sizable non-conductive mafic hotrocks in this area. It also has some limited high conductive iron handling capability, for example elongated iron such as drillrods or rail spikes at sufficient depth that VLF units… even using small iron discrimination… misidentify with perfectly good signals and non-ferrous target ID readouts. More information on this subject can be found at… Garret Infinium Silver Rock Hunting - Revised Edition February 2011 White's TDI Pro in Silver Country [including Infinium Comparison]

Nearly all the signals proved to be nails, plus one drillbit with a perpendicular profile to the coil. The silver below produced a low-high signal in zero discrimination and a good high-low signal in reverse discrimination at maybe eight to ten inches depth… almost identical to the drillbit. The exposed silver was unusually tarnished and the remainder partially embedded in carbonate rock. It was acid-bathed to free the silver, cleaned with a rotary tool diamond bit and circular wire brush, followed by a detergent wash and rinse.


While searching one such abandoned route with his Fisher F75, Sheldon Ward found a large highgrade silver ore comprised of a thick calcite vein containing massive dendritic native silver. It should weigh about 20 lbs give or take a bit, and is attached to dark country rock. It generated a moderate but broad signal from several feet depth, requiring about 30 minutes of hard pick and shovel work to recover it. It possesses an unusually elevated target ID well above silver dime range, making it quite rare indeed. Over nearly 30 years in this area and perhaps thousands of silver samples later, I've seen only a handful of silver produce a similar target ID.

On site we obviously have the benefit of closely examining the vein material, but it’s impossible for readers to evaluate the silver based on the photos below because of the camera to rock distance and the smudged dirt layer on the vein. And outdoor photos do tend to make native silver look much like grey rock. A better view of the cleaned sample can be had at Sheldon’s photobucket link to a half-minute video.

Sheldon if you happen to be reading along here, congratulations on your many superb silver and associated mineral recoveries over the past year. Nothing that your dedication and persistence achieves in the years to come will ever surprise me. :)



Persistence Pays Dividends…

Let’s wrap things up with a tale about the rock sample below. It was recovered at the edge of a tangled overgrown trail near a former millsite just a few years ago. Its recovery exemplifies that the more you work towards your objective of finding silver or gold, the more likely your luck will correspondingly improve.

I’d been searching that particular area for two days without meaningful results while evaluating a newly purchased Garrett Infinium for this application. The second day had again been filled with digging hard-packed rocky substrates for iron junk, worthless or otherwise unwanted arsenides, and plenty of conductive pyrrhotite hotrocks. As the sun was reaching for the western horizon, I decided to make one final effort before heading elsewhere the following day.

Methodically working along the old track towards the mill, lots of old diggings were plainly evident. But previous hunters had avoided an area with a scattering of large, flat rusty iron pieces and other miscellaneous modern trash. I moved quickly to clear it away, because daylight was fading fast beneath the dense forest canopy. My Infinium soon produced a surprisingly strong high-low signal that practically vanished in reverse discrimination… a promising indication of naturally occurring ores. I dug down a foot before my Propointer could locate the signal.

Probability says that it could have been any number of possible targets altogether more likely than good silver. But fickle Lady Luck was more kindly disposed towards me that evening. The rich, finely dendritic piece depicted below was in my gloved hands just as twilight was stealing across that lonely abandoned trail in remote silver country.


A Final Word…

A special mention to my friend Dr. Jim Eckert. I hadn’t seen much of Jim recently, but happened across his trail late one overcast afternoon in the outback. I was about to hike into a site when this fellow came flying down the trail on a motorbike, and despite the riding helmet I recognized him. We had a good long chat about this and that…

Later in the season, one bright sunny afternoon at the site of my short-lived testhole diggings, Jim stopped around to show me a recent specimen find comprised of native silver and possibly crystalline stephanite. We talked mineralogy and other interests many hours until finally the sun was going down. These were highlights of the trip, and I want to say how much I enjoyed and appreciated having that companionable time together.

Thanks to everyone for dropping by. We hope that you enjoy presentations about our silver, particularly since it is different from what many rockhunters normally encounter in their areas. All the very best with your prospecting adventures… perhaps one day it will be our good luck to meet you in the field.

Jim Hemmingway
December 2014

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Upvote 4
Always fascinating reading! Thanks!

Thanks for dropping by Aufisher, I'm glad that you enjoyed the article. Frankly I wasn't sure about posting silver here on the gold forum, but then you never know... it might be a nice change of pace for some folks.

I think we're close enough in time to wish you a Merry Christmas, and all the very best heading into the New Year. :)


Jim, any post from you is welcome and valuable ore is valuable ore and I might just be talking more about the pictures of the forest. Enjoyed!!..........................63bkpkr

Well done. *nods* Thank you for taking me with you and showing me something I may never see.:award_star_gold_3:

Hi Herb... it is always a good feeling to hear from you young man. :) I'm glad you enjoyed the scenery shots, the boreal forest is so beautiful at that time of year. Of course by the time I leave, usually early November, the leaves have fallen and generally the landscape has taken on a rather stark, forbidding appearance. Mind you, at that point if not before, we've already had a taste of cold and snow.

In any case Herb thanks for dropping by, I often think about you and hope everything is going well for you in the Lone Star State. Now, knowing you've been nice this year, and not naughty... I think we can safely wish you a very Merry Christmas and all the very best in the New Year. :D


Thankyou DDancer for dropping around, and for your kindly comments. It is especially nice at this time of year to have a chance to speak directly to you. I'd like you to know that while I don't often have much to say these days, I certainly do enjoy following your informed, knowledgeable posts. I'm pleased that you enjoyed the article, and I think maybe you liked seeing the photos of the area... it is a ruggedly beautiful place to spend some holiday time chasing after rocks and minerals.

Now I know for a fact that you've been especially good here on the forum, we would like to wish you a very Merry Christmas, and all the very best in the forthcoming New Year. :)


Great read as always. Happy holidays to you and yours Jim!

Jim, I bet most of us gold types would love to add one of those righteous silver specimens any day of the week. Now, thanks to you, we know what to look for! Thanks again! Bill

Season's Greetings to you GoldProspector, thankyou for dropping around and for your kindly comments. I had hoped this article might be a nice change, something a bit different for anyone interested. I don't see myself as much of a candidate for storytelling, and it was hard to decide what to include in it... I didn't want to post anything terribly technical this time around... just a light, easy read. Anyways, I am pleased that you enjoyed it.

Well, there's no getting away from the certainty that you have been very good this year on the forum, and as one of Santa's trusty helpers, I feel that you deserve a stocking full of goodies, and our very best wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. :)


Season's Greetings to you GoldProspector, thankyou for dropping around and for your kindly comments. I had hoped this article might be a nice change, something a bit different for anyone interested. I don't see myself as much of a candidate for storytelling, and it was hard to decide what to include in it... I didn't want to post anything terribly technical this time around... just a light, easy read. Anyways, I am pleased that you enjoyed it.

Well, there's no getting away from the certainty that you have been very good this year on the forum, and as one of Santa's trusty helpers, I feel that you deserve a stocking full of goodies, and our very best wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. :)


Your writings are always very well written and always a good read. This next season I will attempt to be as you are.

Your kind words fall deep, and I thank you much. If there Is Anything I can ever assist you with. Please ask

Well thanks Aufisher... that is a very generous comment from you. You know I've mentioned above that I was a little apprehensive about posting silver here as a general interest read, but I figured there might be some interest in it. And besides, at this time of year it is nice to be able to speak with everyone that drops around and have the chance to extend our very best wishes heading into the New Year. Thanks Bill... you've always been consistently a good, supportive friend here and that means a lot to me. :)


Thankyou GoldProspector, your comments above are most kind. You know, over the years I've learned to not take this hobby terribly seriously, although I doubt anyone enjoys tramping the outback searching for rocks and minerals more than I have for nearly 30 years. I sometimes see the irony involved with some hunters... they seem to get frustrated or exasperated when their results don't meet with their expectations in the field. I've often remarked to them at such times that they should look around at their beautiful, wilderness surroundings and enjoy the moment for what it is. Sometimes it is hard to imagine. or we forget to realize what the vast majority of people in this world have to contend with... while we are doing what we love the most in life.

Now, one can't divulge secrets... but I have a feeling Santa Claus is going to be really good to you this year... all the very best. :)


Thankyou GoldProspector, your comments above are most kind. You know, over the years I've learned to not take this hobby terribly seriously, although I doubt anyone enjoys tramping the outback searching for rocks and minerals more than I have for nearly 30 years. I sometimes see the irony involved with some hunters... they seem to get frustrated or exasperated when their results don't meet with their expectations in the field. I've often remarked to them at such times that they should look around at their beautiful, wilderness surroundings and enjoy the moment for what it is. Sometimes it is hard to imagine. or we forget to realize what the vast majority of people in this world have to contend with... while we are doing what we love the most in life.

Now, one can't divulge secrets... but I have a feeling Santa Claus is going to be really good to you this year... all the very best. :)


Has the old man told you some secrets? Please divulge. Haha

You are indeed most correct, for the real treasure we can find, is Being amongst the amazing wilderness we choose choose our hunts
Coming out of this nasty infection, I cannot feel anything except my downfall of taking Good Health for Granted
Quite blessed we All are.

Be well Jim!

Frankly I wasn't sure about posting silver here on the gold forum, but then you never know... it might be a nice change of pace for some folks.

Silver, Gold, Platinum, we don't care! As long as it's worth hunting it's worth posting! From what I saw that was with out a doubt worth hunting! Glad to see you back Jim. I hadn't seen anything from you on here for quite a while. Guess you're back with a vengeance.


Really fun and interesting read... thank you Jim for taking the time!

Jim Very informative explanation of the different types of ore that you encounter while enjoying the pristine wilderness. Your choice of words make it like we are the. Please post mor thoughts and pictures. Always interesting.

Silver, Gold, Platinum, we don't care! As long as it's worth hunting it's worth posting! From what I saw that was with out a doubt worth hunting! Glad to see you back Jim. I hadn't seen anything from you on here for quite a while. Guess you're back with a vengeance.


Hi Jeff... thankyou for those very kind and supportive comments. As much as we like to travel, it's good to be back home again. We've been away a lot over the summer and most of the autumn was spent kicking rocks up in silver country. It wasn't the most successful trip in terms of silver finds, but we had a great time. I think that to persist at this hobby, one has to be an eternal optimist. We see a lot of variability with how much silver is found over the years, it often comes down to whether a good productive site is found and how thoroughly it can be worked.

Well, its good to hear from you Jeff... I'm glad you enjoyed the article. Enjoy the festive holiday season, and take along our very best wishes for a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year. :)


Really fun and interesting read... thank you Jim for taking the time!

Hi IDdesertman... thanks a lot for dropping around with the above comments. I've found that writing a bit about our detector-prospecting experiences is a very satisfying way to close out a season. I do tend to worry a bit that the write-ups will be suitable, or sufficiently interesting reading material to the guys here. But then at the same time I figure these are my friends, they're men of good character, this is where I feel comfortable, and I doubt that anyone expects perfection. So you might guess that it's a bit of a relief to me that so far everyone has seemed to enjoy the read.

Yes... I guess that yesterday we did have some fun spreading around some Christmas cheer. If you can give everyone something to smile about, especially at this time of year, well I think that's great. On that note, I'd like to thank you for your interesting posts over the course of the past year, and to wish you a very Merry Christmas, and all the very best in the forthcoming New Year. :)


Jim Very informative explanation of the different types of ore that you encounter while enjoying the pristine wilderness. Your choice of words make it like we are the. Please post mor thoughts and pictures. Always interesting.

Hi goldenmojo... I had wondered if we'd hear from you, so thankyou for dropping around with the above comments. I'm glad that you have found the article interesting and so yes... let's look at a few more photos. The first one is a scene shot depicting just one section of a mining camp and former mill site... you can imagine that one could easily spend many seasons searching there. And there are many such sites scattered through the area. I've found many silver ores and nuggets in the general area over time...


Before proceeding, allow me to point out that we are lucky to live within accessible distance to an area where native silver and associated minerals occur in relative abundance. Over time persistent searching is bound to recover a variety of good silver. So these photos are not intended as a boast, but rather to point out that anyone can and any number of hobbyists have found similar material... and frequently in much larger sizes. The piece below was found maybe a kilometer further back in the bush many years ago now and was one of my first genuine massively structured silver nuggets...


The next photo depicts an attractive branching or what is described as a dendritic native silver structure in a calcite matrix. Although it was found at a good distance from the above site, I think it is a pretty fair example.


The next photo shows you a good example of crystalline native silver in calcite. It was found at the above site, such pieces are fairly rare and valuable. I use the word "valuable" advisedly because frankly I don't sell my silver and therefore couldn't care less. I decided long ago to never allow money to interfere with the only real interest that stayed with me all my life, because I feared that it might destroy my interest over time. That's just me... please don't take that as a negative comment on those who do sell their samples... because that certainly is not the case.


The next photo depicts a silver sulfosalt mineral that is fairly common at various sites in this area. Otherwise it is generally known as 'deep ruby silver'... pyrargyrite... that contains a roughly 60% silver by weight, in combination with antimony and to a lesser extent some sulfur. I've found many such ores over the years...


I think we'll wrap it up with a photo of massively structured native silver that now can only be described as a "nugget". At one point it was embedded in considerable calcite, in fact my wife can attest that there was no silver visible on the surface of the initially found rock. At the time I did not possess a target ID prospecting-capable detector and had no idea that it was such a good quality find. It was the last night of that particular trip, I was situated on a rather steep rocky ridge and twilight was quickly fading to darkness. I retrieved the signal and simply tossed it down below where my wife placed it into an orebag for the trip home. There was no opportunity to examine it with discrimination circuitry at the time, you can imagine my surprise later on. I understand that it doesn't sound very likely, but nonetheless it is a true story.


OK I think that's it for now goldenmojo, I hope these are suitable. Now we mustn't overlook this opportunity to wish you every success with your prospecting endeavors, a very Merry Christmas, and a happy, prosperous forthcoming New Year. :)


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