Hi Old Dog, hope things are well for you. Read a lot of your posts, and learned so much from them. Then I saw you visited your old tread recently. How thrilled I was to think maybe I had a change to ask you some questions. MIKEL mentioned in is message that you were planning to delete your treads. If you plan to leave, it does not mean you have to delete your tread. Just look at the activity of your tread, ' Basic signs and symbols ..... Everyone is still using it. You have over 200 thousand views, think of what all of these people have learned from it and the effect it had on their lives. This thread is LEGENDARY, ''THIS THREAD STILL LIVES ON''. Even your icon, the picture of the golden lab and the name you used, 'Old Dog' is so cool and original. It would be a shame to destroy it, when it could continue to do good. Your thread could help future generations of treasure hunters to come. It would become ''LEGENDARY''. What ever you decide, may GOD be with you and guide you. trailrider