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  • Hello DiggItUp, On April 14, 2013 I made a post about me killing a snake in my yard. Your reply post was: LMFAO. That's not even venomous. You actually killed some sort of snake that eats vermin such as mice and rats. Fail.
    This week, we almost lost our cat due to a non-venomous snake bite. Luckily we were able to get him to the Vet very quickly. Here's a photo of our cat's face/mouth. I'm sorry this happened to our cat, but rather the cat than one of our grand children. Breezie
    Hello! Noticed that you'd like to detect with other t-net folks in your area. If you add your city and state under your avatar and then request contact by those living near you, you'll have much better chance of locating others seeking detecting partners. I'm an old lady who detects with my adult son in central California and since we have limited detecting time, we only detect with each other. But I've noticed that lots of t-netters are seeking new buddies to detect with, so feel sure you'll find some soon. Have fun and dig up wonderful surprises in the future! Andi
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