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  • καλημέρα aart 2 ερωτήσεις για ραβδοσκοπία χρυσού, με βρεγμένα χέρια μπορώ να ραβδοσκοπίσω;
    ,όλες τις ημέρες ολες τις ώρες μπορώ να ραβδοσκοπίσω ή χρειάζεται να πάρω την έδεια από τον ειδικό σοφό? και τι όνομα έχει αυτός;
    ,Μπορείς να δεις που στην Ελλάδα είναι ο τάφος του Μεγάλου Αλεξάνδρου;
    ,Ευχαριστώ, υγεία πολύ να έχεις
    HI My name is Ron. You know me as BARKER on the Forum. I to broke "every" vertebrae in my spine from head to toe. Paralyzed 17x and had 8 operations to reconstruct the bones in my spine. Over 65% of my spine is solid metal. There is no bone. !!! If I can be of any help just email me at bronaye742@yahoo.com I'll be very glad to help in any way I can ok. PS: I still go digging :laughing7: 45 years detecting and I aint quit yet.!! PEACE:RONB
    Hi Art, I live west of Salt Lake City and have a friend who recently purchased the new Rangertell Vekta. Cant get it to work after about 1 month. He was asking me if anyone I knew could help and I have seen many of your post on the Ranger. We were hoping you knew of someone out our way or if you yourself would be interested? We are not criminals, crooks or scam artist of any kind, just a couple of guys with a few legitimate desert targets that need help with the ranger. We would be willing to drive out for a few lessons, its a lot closer than Australia. Thanks
    Thanks for trying. Have you had and luck with dowsing other maps and actually digging up valuables there as a result?
    Hi Art, Joe again. After trying several unsuccessful attempts at sending an image, here's a link to the Area.

    Fairport Harbor Map | United States Google Satellite Maps
    hello art ..my name is giannis from greece..i posted in dowsing two photos for dowsing with nickname holborn..please if you want you can look them and after you answer me ..
    hello aarthrj3811 i'm adam05 i thank for your help ,i know the areas of ancient Roman and I doubt whether you can help me
    Hi Art,
    I read your reply about friends w/ MDs using regular MDs and are able to follow a signal line using your LRL devices. I have tried this and my Tesoro does not detect a signal line generated w/ a LRL transmitter. Perhaps you could elaborate on this statement you made regarding my novel passive LRL.
    Hi Art,
    I made it out there today for a few hours. I found underneath a thick cover of leaves there are many old hollow logs and trees buried into the earth. I did some digging and found an old musket ball, but nothing more. I am going to continue searching in the area and will let you know as soon as I find anything. Thank you so much!
    I returned the rangertell and they sent another one,i have some questions,when testing your do you walk or stand and sweep,when walking i have so much trouble holding it steady,also are there days that it just will not work and how to predict the days it will not work at all.
    Hi Art -
    I noticed on a blog that you mentioned you would dowse for someone wanting to find something.
    I would like to know if you would be willing to dowse for me.
    I am interested in finding a gold nugget of a certain value out here in California or even Nevada.
    I would be willing to split the profits with you for doing so.
    Please let me know if you are interested.
    If so, please contact via email at jeffjohnson.v@gmail.com
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