Dell Winders
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  • merry christmas dell hope all is well with you and youre family. got som pictures of 1 of the wreks i told you about . will get some more pictures when i get in those areas. all the best for you and your family.
    Dang! Jason already asked me that question. Isn't he also a member of AARG? First, I'd probably want to know where is the person's search lease, or their interest, before I answered the question. There are wrecks in the Bahama's, where Salvor's wouldn't even consider looking. My selection of sites is based on the finances available & logistics. What boats and equipment do I have to work with, and do I have the necessary finances in place to sustain the operation in a specific area? There are also enviornmental concerns. Some wrecks are covered by deep sand, while others are under heavy Coral. beds. Security will be a big concern working in isolated areas.

    So far, I have only been approached by one group to explore Bahamas Treasure Shipwrecks. My involvement will depend on how serious the investors are. Dell
    Hi Dell,

    I have a quick question; if you had to chose a spot in the Bahamas to look for shipwrecks where would it be?

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