Lady Pirate
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  • Hi Lady Pirate,
    So you're in Cheyenne? A treasure hunter from Northern Wyoming started up a Wyoming Group.
    It's an exclusive group, but don't worry there's no hazing, drinking games, or having to swallow a minnow or anything to join.
    I'll look up the link and update. Also, Ron at the Digging It store in Cheyenne is forming a MD club. Have you been to his store yet?
    Talk to you soon - Mark

    OK I'm back... here is the link:

    Oh, by the way, Beagle are the Bomb!
    2nd PART

    Well, although we are located 5000 miles apart & have no inkling of each other’s intent / integrity but to that I can only say that we'll just have to trust each other because if we are successful we really don't have anything to worry about & if (God forbidding) we are not then all one loses is the effort & some money, of course, (money for travelling to those locales which are all within India).

    Considering the fact that you must be having all the equipments & the experience (since I do not have an iota of experience in this line) necessary for this kind of an expedition, I would like to make an offer of partnership for prospecting. The finer details can always be worked out later on when you decide to respond to my offer.

    I have this very simple request to make that if you are not interested, I would be hugely obliged if you could pass this message of mine to prospectors in your group who might want to try their luck and hand with me.


    Dear Boarder,

    I am an ordinary businessman from a non-descript town by the name of Cuttack in India’s State of Orissa. I too have this long unfulfilled desire of going prospecting in quite a few places I have in mind where I am sure we could find a lot of success with regard to unearthing old gold & precious stones. Now, you may surely have this question in mind that if I am so sure of the location where we might find gold then why am I looking for a partner ??? Well, although I do have a reasonably high confidence of finding some old treasures but I do not have the finance to put up the state-of-the-art equipment for this type of a venture & that is precisely the reason why I am looking for a partner.

    Since, there is a constraint of limiting messages to 1000 words, I shall be sending the remaining part of this message in the next IM.
    I don't have a tattoo. Not a requirement to using a detector to my knowledge! I just moved here from the state of Michigan so just getting to know what I can and cannot do with my machine. Any suggestions would be appreciated and welcome. I'm in the Brainerd area.
    Hi there, Lady Pirate! I'm not navigating this site so well either!! Glad you were able to make your transplanting trip from sunny FLA to the much different clime of WY! Your Auntie on the Porch sends regards! Puff is sayin' hi, too!!!
    Hello Lady Pirate... You're moving FROM Fla TO Cheyenne ?? My sister moved (in the 70's..) FROM Jamaica to (finally coming to rest in Cheyenne ...about 20 yrs ago... I have visited, Wyoming and find the population density (or lack of it !!) refreshing..!! No Spanish galleons there , tho ! Hope you make the move smoothly.. Happy New Year !!
    hi lady pirate, I'm not navigating (aargh) through this site too well, I only just found your reply to me. I hope you are still here. Yes, I will shoot the placemarks over. Do I need your email address to send them?
    btw, these are not places chosen as sites to hunt coins particularly, but geographic, historical, plantation, mission, and hernando de soto sites, most off the beaten path, some of which may be interesting to metal detect.

    Is that a beagle? I have a beagle ***** (pardon my french), 3 years old, what a character she is. I can see who's in charge at your place.

    I was in Tallahassee for two weeks when I was 14, i was a page in the Senate. That was fun.
    Yep, still here. Can't seem to find a renter for our house. Guess no-one wants to be 12 miles from F.S.U. Please feel free to send some Google Earth map locations & notes. I can see if I have hit them already or not. I'd appreciate maybe some new place's to go. I gave up working at FSU back in Dec. 2011, so detecting seems to be at the top of my entertainment list .... as far as getting out of the house. Computer, reading, and TV- I can only take so much of sitting around. Thanks for remembering that I am still here and these places may need a good Lady Pirate to investigate them ;) Good evening Argghh tis treasure awaitin' to be foun'
    Are you still in Tallahassee? I have many map locations marked on Google Earth, with notes, in your area. Let me know...
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