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  • hey whats up, I'm not sure how old all these posts are .Looking to be SILENT investor only. Need to know how much money do you need? I broke my back in the oil field in Alberta in 2003 andand am just now going back to school in the fall. It took a long time to recover from that little mess,4 surgeries over 6 years was an absolute nightmare.I ended up retiring at 30. I'm a guy that needs hobbies. if you want to build a dredge and the specs and the project outline looks good, I'll invest. Where do we go from here? I think you should send me an email outlining your plan i can believe in. I am completely reasonable, this is looking for gold and I'm not wantting 4.5 percent over 3 years like in some bank. I'm in for this type of project but I need to see the specs the crew and some outlines.basically everything you're going to do.Here's my email address and if you're serious hit me up.Thanks, Matt
    hey I have been in the construction business for the past 20 years. I work hard I am honest and I am somewhat intelligent. I am equipment operator. excavator mainly. besides everyone needs a rookie. I want to be that rookie.
    Are you still looking for a partner to go to Nome. I can operate equipment, lead a crew, I'm a certified diver, I can weld. I've owned my own construction company for 18 years now. I've been placer mining for several years now and I'm ready to go big. Give me a call if interested 970-424-8378 Mike
    Hi i live in alaska just recently out of tge army i have three years experince being on supplied air. I have no peior gold dredge or diving for gold but id teally like to be apart of a team
    Hi, I have designed a platform with a rotating cutter and suction system that does not need divers or a excavator and it can be used all year round, When the ice comes in she will crawl and dig the next hole herself, can be operated by three people.
    Email me andymuller777@gmail.com
    i'm a certified diver and i know how to run a dredge. if you decide not to go with the excavator idea.
    Hey Raddoc,
    I read your post about looking for partners in an operation in Alaska. Although some have told you about needing a claim already. There are other options and areas to be of great interest in mining for gold and/or gems. If you are willing to invest your funds into other mining operations. Please contact me here, on Facebook, or call 920-460-0340. I have contacts in Africa, Alaska, and other parts of the US. I am sure we can work something out to prosper together.

    P.S. I am one of the most honest people you will ever meet and there are few people in the mining industry that can actually be as trustworthy as myself. Please be assured that I will always be direct and that my integrity will speak for itself.

    Take care, Ron Beck (BrutalBeck)
    Do you really have the capital needed to search for gold in the bering sea? If so, I have a deal for you. I am a commercial sat diver...my stepsons are commercial sea divers...and we are very interested in working with you. We have our own dive equipment and can secure some generators and hoses that would be helpful to us in the gold digging process. Contact me if you would like to talk further.
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