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  • Hey, oroblanco how much research have you done on Solomon doing mining around the world for his gold stores. Many people don't like to discus these things because they don not want to have to admit that the Bible may in fact be true.
    Roy~ Oroblanco, Thank you for the sound advice and encouragement, I had no idea that these guys were out there ready to put crap on the thread to try to discredit people they don't even know. I can tell just by the way you express yourself that you are a decent , honest man and I have much respect for you and I am proud to have had the opportunity to exchange thoughts or ideas with you. It saddened me when I read that you would not be spending as much time on this site in the future. This place needs good honest people like you. I still hold hope of meeting you in person so I can truly call you my friend and acquaintance . God Bless you and if you are ever in AZ and would like to have a look at the rock you know who to call.
    Roy~ Oroblanco, Thank you for the sound advice and encouragement, I had no idea that these guys were out there ready to put crap on the thread to try to discredit people they don't even know. I can tell just by the way you express yourself that you are a decent , honest man and I have much respect for you and I am proud to have had the opportunity to exchange thoughts or ideas with you. It saddened me when I read that you would not be spending as much time on this site in the future. This place needs good honest people like you. I still hold hope of meeting you in person so I can truly call you my friend and acquaintance . God Bless you and if you are ever in AZ and would like to have a look at the rock you know who to call.
    some days its better to just stay in bed and wait for the world to call ...lol how you doing roy
    Hi Roy,

    How are you and Beth doing? :dog::dog::dog: still in charge of the wagon? You guys need a bigger ride!

    I hope you make it to this years Rendezvous. Always look forward to talking to you both.

    Take care,

    You seemed to have a genuinely sincere and intelligent curiosity on the whereabouts of King Solomon's mine. Also, I found it refreshing when you quoted the Old Testament, which I do, because most people do not and I do not think it is findable apart from scripture. I believe the mine's location was an extremely covert secret. David spoke of Ophir when he was dying and Job, who was prior to David and Solomon, wrote two verses on Ophir. The mine existed in Jobs time and the Bible also says that Abram was rich in gold. I'm just trying to get someone to hear me out even if I am dead wrong. I'm not a know it all. Furthermore, Proverbs says iron sharpens iron. When I read your style of conversation; you seemed like someone who could at least listen to something new and give a fair evaluation. I see a written map that points to the location and I find it in the definitions of the names of Ophir's family found in Genesis. I hope we can discuss more later.Thanks for listening, Brother Bob
    HOLA amigo,
    I won't be here on T-net so often in future, write me by email at roy_a_decker@yahoo.com or you can find me on some of the other forums such as Lost Treasure or LDMA, as I am always Oroblanco, "constant as the Northern star". Good luck and good hunting amigo, I hope you find the treasures that you seek.
    your friend in Dakota,

    Matthew 7:7
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