WW2 Japanese Treasure Maps Hidden in Mindanao, Philippines


Jr. Member
Jul 21, 2006
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Golden Thread
Mindanao, Philippines
To treasure hunters to all over the World. I know some of you out there don't believe about the YAMASHITA'S GOLD TREASURES hidden in the Philippine during WW2. If you read the websites on the internet, WW2 Japanese treasures hidden in the Philippines , You will see that, There were 172 WW2 Japanese treasure sites that were scattered and buried to all 3 big Island, namely Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao. And I know for example as an I withness., the locations to were our Ex- Pres. Marcos had there excavation and exploration in our place Mindanao. Actually, My father was also one of the civilian laborer of the treasure excavation joining with them
with the new recruits new trained Soldiers. As found in the websites, there were 30 treasure sites that Marcos explored and discoveries. see the Philippine Daily Inquirer News dated 1/3/95 stated that { SOLDIERS OF FORTUNE: "We were there; we dug up gold" the 96 soldiers sued Ex-Pres. Marcos claiming, that they received no compensations for 12 years of digging treasures total to 60,000 tons(metric) gold bars, ETC...} and even including present Senator Enrile and Ex-Pres. Ramos knows these. Because, They were under Marcos Regime..RAMOS was the chief of staff of the Philippine Constabulary and ENRILE was the SECRETARY OF THE NATIONAL DEFENSE, And They never talk about the Gold "Instead, they will deny and torture the minds and belief of the people by telling them
that these Marcos Gold is nothing but a mere hoax, fiction fantasies of a fertile and
speculative mind" they said. "They do not want to exposed the truth about the Marcos Gold because, they are expecting to benefit out of it in collaboration and connivance with foriegn conspirators both here and abroad"they added. As what his rivals says in Politics, that Marcos was a thief, That was not TRUE..For 20 long years of his regime, no one can defeat him during Elections, Because the front liner of Marcos were his huge much money to be spread out throughout the Philippines that every individual voters wanted for. That was why I will revealed the truth that one of his treasure maps that I will present to these Treasure net Forum. And you treasure Hunters to all over the world will know and comments to my post if it is real or fake.. The arrows of the map dated 1945, May-June
were the Japanese Treasure site, and One of the site was our site that still on progress. As what I had remember, Marcos had two sites and the other sites were recovered by politicians and civilians. I will also attached one Japanese Map that were all written by Japanese dialect. Hope you will request and interpret this to your Japanese friend to what was written on it.. and hoping to contact me for I will also know..see my blogspot to see our actual excavation still on progress seeking an investors to finished my project. Hope you all enjoy looking my file,,My,, URL.blogspot...http://garyvbautista.blogspot.com..
and here are the 2 maps that I will want to show.



Hello Gary ~

These are not genuine Golden Liliy maps, but they may still be authentic. There are actually 175 GL maps, because 3 were set aside. I know, because I have been trained for 2 years by Bob Curtis to be his heir apparant.

You may want to email me off board to discuss this if you are looking for equipment, money, and personnel to work on your sites.


To SWR and Wayne Philips!
Can you find a Japanese Friend of yours to interpret and read the markings of the first map that I had posted? By interpreting this maps will help us all in these treasure Net Forum members know what were the meanings that were written on it.

To all Treasure Net Members,
I know that If we all help and find a Japanese friend of yours to interpret this map,
all of us will understand. If you need another map that I will produce because I knew that It is not will clear. Just Email me.

It is nice and very great..but my problem is..how can i help?or how can i find the treasure? do i need to be team up with you?..i am a Filipino but i can read japanese but not that expert..i've studied it..but i'm sure i can read..maybe i can help?

Hi Gary,

I am a Japanese. I saw the first map that you posted, it is just a map of whole Davao and it is not a treasure map. the writings on the lower-right corner are the distance between the dots.

Hi! thanks for the welcome. Do you really have a maps and got the stuffs? I have a map that I got it from an old library where Gen. Yamashita's hometown. I got it from his right-hands diary. I already read the diary, the book was named as " The Right-Hands Diary" It is written in old kanji's and it is barely to read them. The records of Gen. Yamashita was recorded on that diary started on 1942 till Dec 1945, 2 months before he was executed. The treasure is real and in that diary there was 6 pages of maps. I took a pics with my iPhone 4 and printed in A4 paper. Have you ever got to one of the sights?

Who's gonna scam me?
The world doesn't know that there is a diary from hi right-hand. Some old man on my neighbor is telling me that he is the grandson of Yamashita. His family name is Yamashita and he, my neighbor was born on Kochi Ken the place of Gen. Yamashita. They believed that the diary is written by some subordinates of the General. On the last page of the diary was a hanko of his name. Sadly, I can't read it. I ask the librian about the book. They said that on 1967 some veteran gave that book to the library. The young people here in Japan doesn't have an idea about the WWII. Schools never teach. The maps are located in Cagayan de Oro and Davao and Samal island. One of the maps is similar to the one which Gary uploaded. Where is Gary now? His last post was 2007. What happen to him? Did he got the stuffs? My big question is, why did he stop the operation, on 2004, before the election when he was almost there?

Hi everyone,
Where's gary?
I'm newbie here just sign in today, I'm out for this curiosity and knowledge of treasure hunting,lol. I have explored a big old man made cave(8'x6') in Davao del Norte. Would they Japanese hide a treasure in a cave? And how would they hide it? I'm an outdoor guy and I love exploring, this treasure thing would be a kind of another sideline hobby when I go exploring again. Your advice would be a great help and thanks in advance guys.

:hello2: This is a very interesting story, i am curious about the lost Japanese treasure cave even though i live far far from the Philippines.
i do how ever live in a area of America that was bombed by the Japanese, at leats they tried to bomb it.
bombed 3 miles inland from the light house but got the wrong light house.
another interesting is the story's from the local Indians who claim the Japanese occupied the area.

??? ??? ???
i am curious why they hid so much gold? ???


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Yeah, you're right SWR there are lots of scams of everything and everyone should be aware of that. Well I don't believe this Yamas but I do some researching for my curiosities sake, what if it's true-- (wow that gold). Any ideas anyone(TH), regarding how they would hide it in a cave. I've heard they would make a false wall or what are their style of making a tunnel for a hidden treasure?

you just said that some of the treasure is in cagayan de oro, well, I'm from Cagayan De oro, and I find that information quite interesting, if you could just post more info about it, we might find some treasure around here...but me I don't really care much of the price, all I care is to know the TRUTH, for everybody.you got to admit we have been living in a country full of secrets...

Hi Wayne Phillips,

it is me,Ching,how are you and also your two companys especially, with kuya Bucth too...now i am stay living at my Granfather's farmland far away
in Manila.so i'm stay here with 3 years ago now since i leaving in manila oct.23,2009.

however i had a good news for your companys in i think this is very with you too..... Wayne.,My grandfas named is Andres Fano living in Panabo City,at 85 years since his birth in the province Davao del Norte,Southrn Mindanao,Philippines.,and he also a 85 years old now in the other words he is
the living a livepointer until now but he so strength by hiself..

one time i visit him or let say i wanna vacation at his house with farmland so i willing to stay with him for longest vacation too..here in Davao.
but my grandfa he i asking me and what he do and he telling me regarding to "KOREAN and JAPANESE camp with his FARMLOT'even his ages of 8,
and he show me to the wheres the korean and **** engineering buried a lot treasure and told me some defferences assorted treasures and he saw
it in two his eyes wheres buried already with his parents land in embracing of total almost 5 hectares as in Privateland.

so i proved it cause i saw items a japanese broken bowls,plates,double action bullets too.. and 7 meters away from a riverside East/North front in PACIFIC ocean.In this river called a BUNAWAN RIVER. secondly,this farmlot is along in the proper of upper LICANAN and too many a Bananas PLANTATION here. But so safety and good places and so privateland too..

so Wayne, i need your responces or you may reply me too.. urgent./Danny Ching Fano Ortiz

here is my contact number: landland tel. 082-3009742
email: dannyfano1@yahoo.com
facebook: dannyfano1
my address: 213 Juan dela Cruz street,Brgy.29-c


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Hi Wayne Phillips,

it is me,Ching,how are you and also your two companys especially, with kuya Bucth too...now i am stay living at my Granfather's farmland far away
in Manila.so i'm stay here with 3 years ago now since i leaving in manila oct.23,2009.

however i had a good news for your companys in i think this is very with you too..... Wayne.,My grandfas named is Andres Fano living in Panabo City,at 85 years since his birth in the province Davao del Norte,Southrn Mindanao,Philippines.,and he also a 85 years old now in the other words he is
the living a livepointer until now but he so strength by hiself..

one time i visit him or let say i wanna vacation at his house with farmland so i willing to stay with him for longest vacation too..here in Davao.
but my grandfa he i asking me and what he do and he telling me regarding to "KOREAN and JAPANESE camp with his FARMLOT'even his ages of 8,
and he show me to the wheres the korean and **** engineering buried a lot treasure and told me some defferences assorted treasures and he saw
it in two his eyes wheres buried already with his parents land in embracing of total almost 5 hectares as in Privateland.

so i proved it cause i saw items a japanese broken bowls,plates,double action bullets too.. and 7 meters away from a riverside East/North front in PACIFIC ocean.In this river called a BUNAWAN RIVER. secondly,this farmlot is along in the proper of upper LICANAN and too many a Bananas PLANTATION here. But so safety and good places and so privateland too..

so Wayne, i need your responces or you may reply me too.. urgent./Danny Ching Fano Ortiz

here is my contact number: landland tel. 082-3009742
email: dannyfano1@yahoo.com
facebook: dannyfano1
my address: 213 Juan dela Cruz street,Brgy.29-c

Hi my name is Allen,
I’m not looking for curios person, I’m looking for someone serious means looking for Concerned with work or important matters rather than play or trivialities, I’ve reached beyond what some they called curiosity, It Is nice after hard work I hold actual things in my hand, but unfortunately is not easy to share these information with others cause they kill me, If there is someone serious, please contact me at allendavoodi@yahoo.com or text me 416-458-9629

I’m sorry for those are sitting in front of computer to gather some information about Yamashita’s treasure, some of you are innocent but, some are hunting the treasure hunter, means they are unsuccessful in their hunting and seeking for some strategy from successful people but, some pretending as curious trying to locate you then rob you, either way no one successful people like me and some others would put our lives in danger share their experience with others. There is a lot of hidden treasure of Yamashita time wwll exist but, the reason less successful cause people trying to cheat each other, rob each other and most problematic when after so much signs and articles they reach to covering which is very difficult to break they give up, hopefully my information be benefit to those who are decent and serious.

i remember watching a show on TV some years ago about a expedition to dig up some of this gold , they followed a map and used the landamrks , and ended up digging a shaft that was like 20 feet deep and never found the gold , but felt they were on the right track because at like 15 feet they found some japanese artifacts and there was no way they could be down there unless some one burried them there.
so saying that , i do believe there is treasure out there and wish you diggers good luck, please post if you find anything .

Sorry pal, the successful people that found the treasure never reveal their secrete with others, I personally experienced horrible time researching and digging till success, as advise to good people if they discovered there is a bomb in their site and reach to impossible breakable manmade concrete, just ask yourself why somebody went through that much high protection for what? That is not just for some articles or some Japanese accessories, also because you are far away from these discoveries and is difficult to see these things, it doesn’t mean is not exist, like an actors or actresses or most movie stars, they are the same as other people but, not easy to be found or seen, the problem is some people misunderstood and they think is good enough they believe but, to be successful you need to believe and follow up.

No wonder why this site is dead, once a year people they communicate with each other,

Hello Fariborz i am really interested in what you have to say about treasure hunting .
Are you living in the philippines right now ? Could you please share you methode of treasure hunting ?
What equipments do you use ? and so on
You can as well email me at : Handssup@gmail.com
Hope to hear of you

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