Gee Joe:

""We all want to here each of you tell us where the mine is.....Especialy Dr.Glover who has
Written two books on the subject...

Sounds like a perfectly reasonable request....don't it ?


Of course it "sounds like a perfectly reasonable request". I believe, if they get the podium and mike you mentioned over
on the other site, they will get perfectly reasonable replies.:occasion18:

On the other hand, there is no other place on the earth, IMHO, to get better information on the history of the LDM. Of course, if you have already advertised that you know everything there is to know, I doubt you will learn much.

There are some very knowledgeable people who show up, every year, at the Rendezvous, like you. Many of them come to the event to share some of the things/history they have learned. Others are there because they know they have much to learn. I count myself among the latter.

Others will come to speak, something I seldom do there, and will not "here" a single word spoken by others. For them, the Rendezvous will be a waste of their valuable time.

Look forward to seeing you there.

Take care,



This is a corrected post from what I posted earlier in this thread. I will probably bring my big shade, but not much else.

You should bring your own drinks, chairs, tables and a little firewood never hurts. We had more kids and wives last year than ever before. I believe they all enjoyed the weekend.

Wayne, Greg and Randy do us all a great service by setting this event up every year. Make your plans now, and don't miss out on the Dutch Hunter's Rendezvous.......again.

The gate for the Don's Camp will be open Friday morning for early arrivals. There is plenty of room to set up your camp, close to others or a bit farther away if you're so inclined.

Hope to see more wives and kids this year, as it's a good family outing. .

East on 60 to Peralta Rd. Left on paved......it turns into hard packed dirt. There will be signs at the Don's Camp entrance,(it's a left turn) but if you get to Peralta Trailhead, you have gone too far. Once you turn off Peralta Rd. come in a little ways and look to your right. The gate to the camp will be uphill from you.


Closer map:


You will need to bring drinks and meals, for after Wayne and Randy run out of chili, hot dogs and burgers.

Joe Ribaudo

See you there.


Of course it "sounds like a perfectly reasonable request". I believe, if they get the podium and mike you mentioned over
on the other site, they will get perfectly reasonable replies.:occasion18:

On the other hand, there is no other place on the earth, IMHO, to get better information on the history of the LDM. Of course, if you have already advertised that you know everything there is to know, I doubt you will learn much.

There are some very knowledgeable people who show up, every year, at the Rendezvous, like you. Many of them come to the event to share some of the things/history they have learned. Others are there because they know they have much to learn. I count myself among the latter.

Others will come to speak, something I seldom do there, and will not "here" a single word spoken by others. For them, the Rendezvous will be a waste of their valuable time.

Look forward to seeing you there.

Take care,


I think these two photos do a pretty good job of illustrating what you are saying.
As well as showing the essence of the rendezvous, which is what I believe you had in mind when you organized that first weekend gathering of enthusiastic seekers of LDM lore.
Those who can draw such a group of listeners, as Clay Worst has in the photos, are very few.




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There have been a number of people who contributed to our knowledge of the history of the Superstitions and the LDM over the years. Not just to the crowds that gathered around the main speakers, like Clay Worst, but also in the smaller conversations that were just between two or three people. In almost every case there were others, not involved in the conversation, who were close enough to listen in, and even provide a question or two to the participants. I have never seen anyone ignored or shut out in those cases.

The following are pictures of such small conversations, but there are many people within earshot of what was being said:






The folks in the pictures fielded those questions and the follow-ups, without ever batting an eye

Here Dr. Glover signs a book for Beth Decker:


Information-wise, this event promises to be one of the best.

IMHO, Of all the people who profited from the Rendezvous', there was one who came away with the most:


Greg Davis, 2008

Take care,


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Wish I could go. Someday, maybe....Cheers !

I will be there! Look forward to visiting with all of you again.


Glad to hear you are coming. Dr. Glover's talk on Saturday night should be very informative.

Take care,


Cactus, I might be forced to change my business ( ? snicker ) plans if Gossy will do the famed 7 veil dance with Beth helping her. Bill has made some wonderful offers, including having the Deckers all to myself for hours at a time at his home. Unfortunately the tree of hope is starting to bear fruit so I must pluck it before it spoils - sides, you have already eaten my steak.

Don Jose de La Mancha

Don Jose,

I doubt Janiece will be doing any dancing, seven veil or otherwise, but one can always hope.......8-)

You have been on the loosing end of this event for so many years now, I can't imagine what it would be like
if you suddenly showed up. Lots of steaks with your name on them went to others, and I can assure you they
were eaten with great relish.

This may very well be one of the best Rendezvous' ever, information wise, so there should be a good sized crowd.

Take care,



"This new format is going to interesting... I think.
I posted yesterday on this forum, and its gone? sob.
LOL, I'm planning to come and visit.
Joe you and Carolyn did such an amazing job hosting this, I understand why you guys need a rest, but thank you for the wonderful time last year!!! And the year before etc.
Is Bob Corbin coming, that man has the most amazing stories! I have more questions."

Thank you for the kind words. We have been doing it for seven years now, and it's been very rewarding. Time for us to step aside and let some younger folks take over.

Bob will be there, and he will enjoy talking to you again.

Look forward to seeing you.

Take care,



I noticed that Ashton asked (DUSA) if he would miss anything by waiting until Sat. to come to the event. Dr. Glover will be the main speaker Sat. night, and no one should miss that.

At this time, the guys are trying to find another speaker for Friday night, so the answer is.....maybe. As Wayne mentioned over on DUSA, there is a great deal of conversation on Friday as people are relaxing after setting up. Many locals just drive out for each day, such as Tom Kollenborn.

It really is a three day event, and the information and stories flow for all three days, as well as going late into the night. Beth and Bob Corbin have talked 'til three in the morning. That's not unusual at all.

Just to be clear, I gave up the planing for the nuts and bolts part of the Rendezvous
after the third or fourth event. Randy, Greg and Wayne were kind enough to take
over that job. Carolyn and I stayed on to host the events and provide some food,
shade, water.....etc.

My health has been getting worse lately and that, as well some other issues, convinced us that we should give up the hosting as well. That does not mean I have no interest in the event, and I will keep up with what the plans are each year.

As I receive that information, I will try to make sure it is passed along to everyone.

See you there,

Joe Ribaudo

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If someone wants to copy and paste my last post over on DUSA, it might have some interest for a few of their members.

Take care,



Sorry to hear you won't be able to make it to the Rendezvous. Maybe next year.

I agree with you on the "Spanish" signs.

Take care,



I received a call from Baker Looney the other night. Baker is a true gentleman
and a long time Dutch Hunter.

He will be unable to attend this year's Rendezvous as he had a bad heart attack. Baker is on oxygen and a portable defibrillator, 24-7. He is scheduled for heart surgery and could use your good wishes and prayers. He hopes to attend next
year's event.

I look forward to seeing you all at the Don's Camp.

Take care,


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I'm only 20 min away how could I miss it. I picked up a tent camper and will give it a test run. It will be great seeing everyone again!

Hell O Joe,

I'll be there in spirit, just look for the empty chair, and feel free to talk to me, I'll be all ears. :laughing7:

Hope you all have a good turn out.


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First major step by the Geologst on the Escondida finished, he is delighted with it. We now have to discuss a bit of core drilling. So I now have to make choice between making some $$$ or your steak dinner, hmmmmm Oro?? Beth????

Don jose de la Mancha.

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