the lost dutchman was not lost , we just hid it really good ,


Nov 28, 2015
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It dont matter its not like anyone would believe you about it anyway , I'm sitting on top of it right now as I type this , yes this is the Dutchman mine here , nothing good has come from finding it ether , the only one that knows about it is my grandpa , but he is dead now he told me it was the Dutchman mine , and it is and its all here every thing they say would be is here everything but it dont matter , the whole thing about the horse is , there is a horse made out of rock and IV uncovered it , its one amazing piece of work too , the dam thing is over a 100 ft long you show it no one belives you thow . You can look for a nether 100yrs in the superstitions mountains you still wont find it , it is not there , its in the superstitious mountain. Trust me on that weird **** has happened on this mountain , the Indians are even scared of this canyon , after dark they get spooked really easy. They now its the Dutchman mine but to them its a different mine , its the Spanish mine that there people were killed making it , but like I said nothing good has come. From finding it my mother killed my grandpa and my sisters helped her to and they have been trying to take this mine from me . Lieing there asses off about it with what they did , no one will listen to us on then killing him . Forced him to take drugs his doctor said dont give him and they did it anyway till he was dead , the cops said it was murder but would not do anything why I have no idea , the probate court was a joke grandpa had us write a claim on this quartz vein and notarized it . The court said he had no right to sign this claim , my mother signed it too. But it was not ok for him to sign it , but it was ok for them to drug him to death and then take everything throw it away and get paid for killing him I have all the evidence that proves that they killed him , no one give a **** ether , one thing I can say is this finding this mine has sucked , and they killed to take what they already had , they gave there souls for it . But everybody you need to just forget about this mine dont worry about it dont look for it , you will not find it in that dam desert , dont try to figure out the Dutchman anymore his trail you wont be able to figure it out , he said no miner would find it , that's because it on a ranch, its not like anyone will listen so screw it look if you want it wont change the fact you wont find it out there, I know all about this mine and nothing good has happened at all from finding it ,hopefully no one else dies over it , that's why everyone should forget about it just isn't worth finding , the greedy will kill for it , its sad way too Many have died over it , all that lost Dutchman junk is just a bunch of people misleading people and turned it in to money maker for them , without given a dam they are sending people out in that dam desert , trying to find what is not out there , I know my grandpa was the. Dutchman I dont care if anyone believe me or not ,can't say I didn't try to tell you about it , and it was never lost jt was hidden , once I found it grandpa said boy put that under lock and key , you found it , I understand why now , people get stupid and kill over it

That must be some good stuff that early. Congratulations are seconded!

I have put a few pictures , so people can see ,,,hopefully it will change the way people , break the commandments ,,,if everyone thinks there is no after , well , you check out a few pictures I have in my album , but if they scare you then I'm sorry but they are real , this is no joke and all of it is true , you make your choice , but it wont change the fact it is real , there is after , people want to lie , steal , murder , and think there will be no repercussions, or held accountable for their actions, in the end of there lives here , well I'm sorry it is only ten rules to follow, it is simple , the bible , basic, instructions, before, leaving, earth , you dont follow the rules , would you let you go if broke the rules , when these rules get broken people get hurt really bad, and how can you forgive a person for breaking a commandment, that person dont ask the person to forgive them, after they break the rules , they just lie there ass off trying to get away with it , not repent for there sin and say please forgive me, at least not in my experience with the people that break commandments , its sad too there is nothing you can do then ,to help them , so please people IV posted this so hopefully, if you have broken these rules against someone , straiten up , and fly right ,,if you want to fly , go ask the person to please forgive you for your sins , you are the one that judges you , you know where you would go , God loves you all , but you have to be love able , to be loved , so please follow the ten commandments, its easy to do , before its to late dont loose your souls , that is the only thing you own , and will leave with , there is proof in the pictures I have , my own mother and sisters , have no clue who grandpa was , but I will say this he was the kindest man , I have ever met , he owned this mine , there is way more to this mine then anyone knows but me , , trust , honor , respect, be honorable, respectable , trustable , help others , dont hurt , you make your choice, its all true believe it or dont its up to you , God bless , we all only get so much time in our lives , dont waste , or take time , from someone , those , hours days , months years they took from my grandpa , he wanted them just like I did , the only thing he asked for my hole life was to have his old 1934 ford in a parade, and I built it for him they took ,,him from his home two days before I had it done , and had a parade set up for him , but they drugged him, took him , made sure he did not get the ride he would of had , that's wrong he was 92, this was his 93 birthday party , they fed him , drugs instead of cake and he died , from them , , I'm showing this , because this world is going to far and something needs to change , you should not get paid for killing a man , so far they have

this is really good ..... .I think I know this guy? I a year ago told this person were I was and well if this is the same guy . put the gun away....I will be up there soon with new tires...

Interesting stories.

Am I wrong or have we had this posted before. I seem to remember the same story posted here.

It be a fun adventure

Sounds like a fun adventure

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