Prospecting/LDM hunting/stoners


Bronze Member
Feb 5, 2004
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Golden Thread
Mesa Arizona
If you out searching for lost mines such as the LDM or following stone map trails it would seem you should know a bit about prospecting. If you don't know how how do you know your not standing on something. How else do you think it was found to begin with. If your in a likely spot do you take a little dirt home to check for gold? Do you know how? If not you better learn. Prospecting is one of your main tools. I'm always looking for better ways to process my material. Last spring my club did a test on a new piece of equipment. The Gold Well Vortex sluice. I was so impressed I bought one last week. This sluice is so neat. No carpet. Catches every bit of Gold The are some you tube videos showing it in use. I had some dirt from various areas I wanted to check for gold. Wow! Caught every speck. Selling off my other equipment. Don't need it now. Fast and easy. Now ill be gathering new samples. As always any of you guys need a hand testing a sample I'm glad to help. If your just hiking around looking without sampling good luck. If your in the Phoenix area join the Gold Prospectors Association of Phoenix. We will teach you how.


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Right up until you use my machine.........:occasion14:

And when you ain't using it to get the gold outa the dirt, you can make sausages outa Don Jose's mule.8-)
With the optional attachment of course......

light a fire under it and you can cook Don Jose Mule.....Rotisserie style!

Mmmm...Saturday night mule roast at the Rendezvous. Now there's an idea.

inhuman fiends, cooking my mule. sheesh, next y'all will want long mary Kai Kai.

Don Jose de La Mancha

Long mary Kai Kai - is that anything like those juicy Alfred Packer burgers? Mmm-mm good! Plus you save weight on packing! Not to mention reducing the number of shares when it comes time to divide up!

Sarge, great thread idea, you are very right to point this up about learning some prospecting if you are going to hunt for a lost mine. This ought to be required reading for anyone interested in looking for the Lost Dutchman or any lost mine.


Roy you are 100% correct. Perhaps a school of LDM skills you need before you set foot in the Superstitions. What do you think of my new toy. Bet you never laid your eyes on anything like that. Invented by a genius in my opinion.

light a fire under it and you can cook Don Jose Mule.....Rotisserie style!

Your biggest unit could handle a elephant rotisserie style with no issue. Impressive stuff!! Wayne let's go over for the cookout

If you out searching for lost mines such as the LDM or following stone map trails it would seem you should know a bit about prospecting. If you don't know how how do you know your not standing on something. How else do you think it was found to begin with. If your in a likely spot do you take a little dirt home to check for gold? Do you know how? If not you better learn. Prospecting is one of your main tools. I'm always looking for better ways to process my material. Last spring my club did a test on a new piece of equipment. The Gold Well Vortex sluice. I was so impressed I bought one last week. This sluice is so neat. No carpet. Catches every bit of dirt. The are some you tube videos showing it in use. I had some dirt from various areas I wanted to check for gold. Wow! Caught every speck. Selling off my other equipment. Don't need it now. Fast and easy. Now ill be gathering new samples. As always any of you guys need a hand testing a sample I'm glad to help. If your just hiking around looking without sampling good luck. If your in the Phoenix area join the Gold Prospectors Association of Phoenix. We will teach you how.

View attachment 885443

This new style sluice looks pretty trick and someone put some brain work into it, not to mention the time it takes to machine the Vortex...problem with most sluice box's is they lose gold and this appears to be a completely different well thought out approach to an age old issue with gold recovery in sluices... cant wait to try it!

I've never used anything like it. Got all worked up about it. Selling my other stuff. I always have my eye out for new ideas. Most are bull. I was impressed with your trommels Tim. Best built I've seen. Guy at the Gold show had some he made and looked like junk. You don't hear much prospecting ideas on the Dutch forum. Just like Roy said its a skill you need if your taking up Dutch hunting. It's just plain common sense. I know you know your stuff. Many don't have a clue yet they will spend years searching.

i have a small site up by Prescott that needs cleaning sarge...tiny catch basin...hasn't been dug in quite some time. new development if you wish break in that new equipment...

i have a small site up by Prescott that needs cleaning sarge...tiny catch basin...hasn't been dug in quite some time. new development if you wish break in that new equipment...

I'm your man. We will do a spit and sell the gold to the club. You going to dons camp this weekend


I've know some guys celebrate when they see color, and can only imagine you, and Don doing the split. Try not to get hurt, and go for a cartwheel instead. :laughing7:


Just another day for me. I enjoy getting out with friends. No one gets rich doing this unless your the Dutchman with 100 million. So they ssy

Just another day for me. I enjoy getting out with friends. No one gets rich doing this unless your the Dutchman with 100 million. So they ssy
there is a club member that hit almost 7 lbs of gold in one hole , but its hush hush .

Sarge I have never seen a sluice with no rug or burlap lining it, can't imagine how that works? I look forward to seeing one operate some time. The most impressive piece of equipment for placer recovery that I ever saw (and had) was a shot bed pulse-jig; it got every speck in tests, but would tend to grind up small nuggets which is kind of a negative. I use a Little Camel spiral pan now, works pretty well but is of course only for clean up as it is too slow for even shoveling.


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