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Sep 9, 2012
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Nebraska City, Nebraska
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I lived in Nebraska City for about a year while installing a phone office.. Sucked in the winter.....

I lived in Nebraska City for about a year while installing a phone office.. Sucked in the winter.....

We always said that the corn in Iowa leans towards Nebraska for that very reason! LOL :laughing7:


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We always said that the corn in Iowa leans towards Nebraska for that very reason! LOL :laughing7:

Don't take it wrong, I was single while there and I had blast and made a lot of good friends there but it was Cold....

I have also lived in Iowa, Minnesota, North Dakota, Illinois, Missouri, Ohio, Texas and Colorado... Currently back home living in Florida...

Don't take it wrong, I was single while there and I had blast and made a lot of good friends there but it was Cold....

I have also lived in Iowa, Minnesota, North Dakota, Illinois, Missouri, Ohio, Texas and Colorado... Currently back home living in Florida...

I enjoy all four seasons. It gives us time in the winter months to hit the books and prepare for next season. I am afraid we would burn out ourselves in Florida where it is nice outside every day!:thumbsup:


Ironically that sounds about like the last trip that Albert Pike took! Give or take a few states...


Francis Burt was selected by Franklin Pierce to be the First Governor of Nebraska or one might say that he was put in place there by the K.G.C. much like they placed Franklin Pierce and Jefferson Davis in their positions. For every underhanded move they made there were a hundred good reasons with good intentions that were publicly proclaimed....but they were not fooling anyone and the accusations flew. Pierce was one of the few that were actually accused of being a member of the K.G.C. publicly, he continued to stay on the north side of the fence and was nearly attacked by a mob after Lincoln was killed by Booth! Stephen F. Nuckolls was a K.G.C. Knight and had a bitter dislike for Abe Lincoln and the abolitionist that were stealing his slaves and forcing there way into the K.G.C. strong hold of Nebraska City. One of the few places where Jesse James would be able to ride up main street with a price on his head and feel safe. That was when the O.A.K. had control of the City that was built by the K.G.C.


The Escape and Suicide of John Wilkes Booth - Finis L Bates - Google Books <<<<<puts Booth in Nebraska City in 1866....

Captain Logan Enyart's monument at Wyuka with the Freemason and K.G.C. symbols on it.
enyart moon.webp

In the spring of 1866 Capt. Enyart engaged in forming a partnership with J. W. Potter and Mont. Tremble, started with a train of thirteen wagons loaded with corn to Ft. Sanders and then secured a contract from the Government to remove Ft. Hollock in Huston Texas to Ft. Sanders located three miles south of Laramie. This employed them a whole season, and yielded them handsome proceeds. In his travels he has been in California, Oregon (in the days of gold hunting), also over nearly all the territory down as far as Mexico, Arizona and Utah.

Perhaps Booth changed the names of the government freighter and where the freight was heading to protect the man from the noose??? Booth did end up in Texas, and he would have had easy transport for him and his assassin's gold in a U.S. Government contracted wagon train as far as Huston Texas to live out his days happily ever after as John St. Helen in Granbury, TX ....until he spilled his guts to his lawyer friend Finis Bates while on his suspected death bed.

Ask yourself....of all the places he could have said he went why would he turn and go north from Indian territory (OKLAHOMA)to Nebraska City before ending up in Texas, a safe have for the K.G.C. What could entice the most wanted villain in America to go into Union held territory that far before heading to Texas or Mexico?:3barsgold::goldbar::coins::3barsgold:....gonna need a wagon to carry all that gold right?:thumbsup: Ben Ficklin knew the route well because he had laid it out years before...he placed hand picked men at points along the way...he could have easily instructed the assassin on where to come and go to along the way from Washington all the way to Texas..

L.C. Baker

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In 1897, J. Sterling Morton planned and began to edit the multi-volume Illustrated History of Nebraska. In that entire series it does not say the N-word one time. Yet when you read his newspaper articles and his personal diary he used the N-word quite a bit. Take for instance when he wrote his son Joy Morton head of Morton Salt Co. in Chicago one sultry July..."I wish you would come home to Nebraska for a while son, I don't know how you stand it in Chicago in this heat with all of those S******* N*****S..."
In fact the illustrated History of Nebraska as it was written by the guilty, would have you believe that there was never enough Negroes in the territory to have a slave issue...much like Governor Black once tried to tell congress in 1860-61:unhappysmiley: The book Morton laid out does not say one word about the Knights of the Golden Circle or the Order of American Knights or the Order of White Knights of the K.K.K. that met in Logan Enyarts town house either. imagine that!! Now you know the rest of the story as Paul Harvey would say...

GOOD DAy, L.C.:thumbsup:

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Neff's studies, along with the information chronicled in L.C. Baker's diary, lead the way to an alternate history of the Lincoln assassination, one distinct from the chronology most commonly promulgated by mainstream U.S. historians. Now that the Nebraska City Link to Booth during the assassin's escape to Texas has been associated with a castle and repository of the K.G.C. located at Nebraska City, the truths have started to be discovered. That castle of the K.G.C. was under the direction of the honorable J.S. Morton and S.F. Nuckolls esquire along with C.S.A. Captain Logan Enyart and C.S.A. spy and blockade runner Ben Ficklin who was most likely the superintendent of Lincoln's assassination in April of 1865 and it was he who passed on the orders to John Wilkes Booth while staying in the Kirkwood Hotel with the assassins and the vice president Andrew Johnson all under the same roof. Johnson's room was right above the assassins as they discussed the ever-changing Lincoln plot as they were told to hold fast most likely by Ben Ficklin who was waiting on Orville Browning to sweet talk President Lincoln into buying Jefferson Davis's cotton he had smuggled into Washington on Davis's Blockade runner without having to take the oath of allegiance. This was the last ditch effort of the K.G.C. to finance the rebellion and Lincoln wasn't going for after he had refused to sign day after day...week after week and finally he blew them off that morning and refused to see Browning and tell him NO anymore, Browning told his cotton partners the bad news. Lincoln was killed by them that night. They could have capped him at any time, the were next to him always, but up until he refused to sign that Singleton Cotton permit for Browning and Ficklin and Jeff Davis....he was worth more to the South alive than dead.


arbor lodge meeting.webp

The curved grass in the bottom right hand corner of this photo is the left hand top of the K.G.C. heart pictured below.


The triangle shaped K.G.C. treasure symbol in the upper right hand corner of the heart picture is what I am squatting on in this picture taken by my father when I was 7 years old.

L.C. BAKER AGE 7.webp

There is no doubt that the K.G.C. and the O.A.K. were present in Nebraska City and that they left symbols to guide us in our search.

L.C. Baker

In Nebraska City there flourished a branch of the Knights of the Golden Circle, they came there to force out the abolitionist and send them back across the Missouri River to Civil Bend Iowa where the next stop on the underground railroad was located. They were not joking around when they told a person they could not stake a claim in Nebraska.


In Early Nebraska Days - Nebraska

They were led down this street to the frozen Missouri River
today 183.webp

Down this path on the bank
today 193.webp

A hole was cut in the ice and they were shot one by one and poked through the ice into a cold watery grave.
today 192.webp

If they looked back this was the last thing they saw. The boy in the story had to be close to where I took these pictures to witness the event.

today 187.webp

To this day the barges still dock in the same spot

today 189.webp

Some things change over time and some things are covered up. There are three things you can not hide, the sun, the moon, and the truth. Even after 100 years there is still proof of the past that will be uncovered.

today 196.webp

L.C. Baker:thumbsup:

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Nebraska became the 37th state on March 1, 1867, and the capital was moved from Omaha to the center at Lancaster, later renamed Lincoln after the recently assassinated President of the United States, Abraham Lincoln. There is an unpublished reason that this action took place after the Nebraska legislature reluctantly removed the "OF WHITE MEN FOR WHITE MEN" from their constitution and the territory was finally accepted as a state two years after the Civil War ended. Some things happen and the public is very gullible in their perception of why it happened.

Think about it, L.C.:thumbsup:

Nebraska became the 37th state on March 1, 1867, and the capital was moved from Omaha to the center at Lancaster, later renamed Lincoln after the recently assassinated President of the United States, Abraham Lincoln. There is an unpublished reason that this action took place after the Nebraska legislature reluctantly removed the "OF WHITE MEN FOR WHITE MEN" from their constitution and the territory was finally accepted as a state two years after the Civil War ended. Some things happen and the public is very gullible in their perception of why it happened.

Think about it, L.C.:thumbsup:

The act was not to take effect "except upon the fundamental condition that within the State of Nebraska there shall be no denial of the elective franchise, or of any other right, to any person by reason of race or color, except Indians not taxed; and upon the further fundamental condition that the legislature of said State by a solemn public act shall declare the assent of said State to the said fundamental condition." This act was ratified by the Legislature which assembled at Omaha.
That is how the history books describe the removal of the "OF THE WHITE MAN FOR THE WHITE MAN" from Nebraska's constitution in 1867.


The Knights of the Golden Circle held their convention in Raleigh, North Carolina, from May 7–11, 1860. George W. L. Bickley, as president of the K.G.C., presided at this historic event. The orders were given at this meeting to destroy all written records of the K.G.C.

Nebraska City, NE Fire, May 1860

Notice who was leading the mob! If you want to look innocent hang someone who is not guilty right? L.C. Baker:thumbsup:

The first thing the K.G.C./O.A.K. wanted to accomplish was to grasp the purse strings of Federal and Stae funds and then they wanted to spend them. They wanted to put their guys in charge of building things with their companies chosen for the labor contracts their establishments furnishing the materials and so on. The first things were schools colleges and the State Lunatic Asylum in Lincoln.

This was the man they placed in charge there. he was also paid to be a commissioner and direct the other funding to their intended goals.
His name was W.E. Hill

hill sun 2.webp hill nebraska state lunatic asylum&f=false


P.S. He was from Virginia No mention of his dealings with the state Lunatic asylum in his memorial?


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Well, dyk that at one point the Senator of Nebraska "went after" OAK "old men with LOTS of $$$$$$$$$$$"...?

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