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Sep 9, 2012
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Nebraska City, Nebraska
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START HERE IN THE TWIGS OF THE TREE SAFE BENEATH THE CAMOUFLAGE OF THE LEAVES AND WORK YOUR WAY DOWN TO THE LIMBS AND TRUNK AND THEN YOU TELL ME WHO ARE THE ROOTS MADE UP OF: ----------------------------------------- -------------------------> Alvin Saunders - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Saunders was the grandfather of William Henry Harrison, who served several terms as Wyoming's member of the U.S. House of Representatives in the 1950's and 60's. His son-in-law was Russell Benjamin Harrison.

William H. Harrison (Wyoming Congressman) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

there is a lot more to the the Harrison Family Tree.

Ideas are spawn roots like a seed and then for GENERATION after GENERATION the Tree grows and grows adding rings of wisdom and building new branches. I call a seed Like the construction of modern warships was planted On June 30, 1890 when Congress passed Navy Bill............

The name Harrison in Ireland is either derived from settlers who arrived from England and Scotland in the seventeenth century or from a number of native Gaelic Septs.

Berkeley Hundred - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Benjamin Harrison | The Society of the Descendants of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence

Harrison family of Virginia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Dig Deep....the Vikings are on the bottom, L.C.:thumbsup:

Lots of Harrison families in Halifax County in Southern VIRGINIA; SOUTH of Richmond, near NC border...

Lots of Harrison families in Halifax County in Southern VIRGINIA; SOUTH of Richmond, near NC border...

Well I guess that explains how easy it was for Benjamin Ficklin and John Wilkes Booth to come and go as they pleased.......


L.C. The Harrison family were also a part of the Texas war of independence. In fact Jonas Harrison was General Sam Houston's personal lawyer. Harrison county Texas was named for him. He recruited a company to fight the mexican army of Santa Anna. Jonas was the black sheep of the Harrison family but in reading up on him the family still had some ties with him. His home town in Texas was Tenanhaw Renamed Tenaha it is in Shelby county and not far from Nacogdoches, Where he practiced law part time and was at one time a agent for the Mexican Government. He switched sides in 1832. Believe the family was active during the War of Northern Aggression. At that time all the families were interconnected in some way. When the war started the Moderator Regulator war ended and they had a common enemy. Something tells me it was prime territory for K.G.C. Remember the Railroads and Timber were just getting started and would have provided a good income for the group.

They ( Booth and Ficklin ) might have had a easy time in deep East Texas as there were many ex confederates in the area and many of the people at the time would have worked in one of the many war industries in the area. Marshall was the hub of the railroad (T&P ) at that time having switching yards and shops for repair. The railroad to this day has a big part in the commerce of the Area. There are wheel repair and rolling stock repair businesses all over Harrison county area.

Senior Deacon

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L.C. The Harrison family were also a part of the Texas war of independence. In fact Jonas Harrison was General Sam Houston's personal lawyer. Harrison county Texas was named for him. He recruited a company to fight the mexican army of Santa Anna. Jonas was the black sheep of the Harrison family but in reading up on him the family still had some ties with him. His home town in Texas was Tenanhaw Renamed Tenaha it is in Shelby county and not far from Nacogdoches, Where he practiced law part time and was at one time a agent for the Mexican Government. He switched sides in 1832. Believe the family was active during the War of Northern Aggression. At that time all the families were interconnected in some way. When the war started the Moderator Regulator war ended and they had a common enemy. Something tells me it was prime territory for K.G.C. Remember the Railroads and Timber were just getting started and would have provided a good income for the group.

They ( Booth and Ficklin ) might have had a easy time in deep East Texas as there were many ex confederates in the area and many of the people at the time would have worked in one of the many war industries in the area. Marshall was the hub of the railroad (T&P ) at that time having switching yards and shops for repair. The railroad to this day has a big part in the commerce of the Area. There are wheel repair and rolling stock repair businesses all over Harrison county area.

Senior Deacon

That is where they both ended up. Ben Ficklin had a town named after him. He also continued to receive government mail contracts after the Civil War and having been implicated in Lincoln's assassination......but was let go do to poor investigation by the War Department. I believe that is why he was killed in Washington D.C. by friends of Abe Lincoln..(secret service).......or do you really think a doctor cut his throat while removing a fish bone he choked on????

great stuff, now you are digging in the right place to find the truth S.D.


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L.C. This and most of the families that were in the south at that time at least west of the coastal states were Scott/Irish. The Scott/Irish had a long history with the Vikings. Most of the Highland Clans had traded with or wared with them and some families inter-married with them. Thus the son on the end of many names. Harrison,Issacson,Richdson,Robertson are but a few of the names that show a Viking connection. Many of the early oilman in east Texas were of the same breed and bet some of them were O.A.K. oil came later to Texas the rest of the eastern states.

Senior Deacon

Yes,...yes...and yes...you are on the right trail now. Some came from Virginia and brought with them in one wagon with $30,000 in gold to support S.F. Nuckolls and the K.G.C. operations in Nebraska. It was a wide spread effort in many areas. If you read my old posts...I pretty much paint the Scotch Irish picture.

IN American politics the Scottish race has been represented by Thomas H. Benton, John C. Calhoun, Jefferson Davis, James G. Blaine, Thomas A. Hendricks, Joseph E. MacDonald, John Bell, Alexander H. Stephens, Samuel Randall, J. C. Breckenridge, John G. Carlisle, Simon Cameron, the Livingstons, of New York, William B. Allison, John B. Gibson, Matthew S. Quay, Calvin S. Brice, Marcus A. Hanna, Whitelaw Reid, J. Sterling Morton, Wayne McVeagh, Chauncey Mitchell Depew, Robert Todd Lincoln, Stephen A. Douglas, Adlai E. Stevenson, Stephen B. Elkins, Daniel S. Lamont, Arthur P.. Gorman, William McKinley, and countless others.

Scots in Politics

Full text of "The Scotch-Irish in America : proceedings and addresses of the 1st-10th congress, 1889-1901"


P.S. Look for bull:censored: like this..............It is uncertain when William McKinley and Mark Hanna first met—neither man in later life could remember the first meeting.

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This is what Nobody would consider a wide net.........

Just because McKinley was a Republican who fought for the Union doesn't make him "NON O.A.K." material. The narrow mind will not catch the real crooks.....they don't all wear a mask over their face like Jesse James did. Just my two cents.

raised protective tariffs to promote American industry, and maintained the nation on the gold standard in a rejection of inflationary proposals.

became the Republican Party’s expert on the protective tariff, which he promised would bring prosperity.

McKinley Tariff - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia shut out competition during the construction of monopolies.......ask yourself, what was making big money during this time, and then look who paid his way to the presidency. Rapid economic growth marked McKinley’s presidency. $$$$$$$$$$------->O.A.K.
persuade Spain to grant independence to rebellious Cuba without conflict, but when negotiation failed, he led the nation in the Spanish–American War of 1898. Cuba was promised independence, but at that time remained under the control of the U.S. Army. The United States annexed the independent Republic of Hawaii in 1898 and it became a U.S. territory. Czolgosz, McKinley's assassin believed there was a great injustice in American society, an inequality which allowed the wealthy to enrich themselves by exploiting the poor. He concluded that the reason for this was the structure of government itself. Emma Goldman was arrested on suspicion of being involved in the assassination, but was released, due to insufficient evidence. She later incurred a great deal of negative publicity when she published "The Tragedy at Buffalo". In the article, she compared Czolgosz to Marcus Junius Brutus, the killer of Julius Caesar, and called McKinley the "president of the money kings and trust magnates."
McKinley was of course succeeded by Vice President Teddy Roosevelt..........The Trust Buster?

At least 22 presidents of the United States have some Irish ancestral origins

Andrew Jackson (Scotch-Irish) (Irish)
7th President 1829-37: : He was born in the predominantly Ulster-Scots Waxhaws area of South Carolina two years after his parents left Boneybefore, near Carrickfergus in County Antrim. A heritage centre in the village pays tribute to the legacy of 'Old Hickory', the People's President. Andrew Jackson then moved to Tennessee, where he served as Governor

James Knox Polk (Scotch-Irish)(Irish)
11th President, 1845-49: His ancestors were among the first Ulster-Scots settlers, emigrating from Coleraine in 1680 to become a powerful political family in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina. He moved to Tennessee and became its governor before winning the presidency.

James Buchanan (Scotch-Irish)(Irish)
15th President, 1857-61: Born in a log cabin (which has been relocated to his old school in Mercersburg, Pennsylvania), 'Old Buck' cherished his origins: "My Ulster blood is a priceless heritage". The Buchanans were originally from Deroran, near Omagh in County Tyrone where the ancestral home still stands.

Andrew Johnson (Scotch-Irish Irish & English)
17th President, 1865-69: His grandfather left Mounthill, near Larne in County Antrim around 1750 and settled in North Carolina. Andrew worked there as a tailor and ran a successful business in Greeneville, Tennessee, before being elected Vice-President. He became President following Abraham Lincoln's assassination.

Ulysses S. Grant (Scotch-Irish,Irish English & Scottish)
18th President, 1869-77: The home of his maternal great-grandfather, John Simpson, at Dergenagh, County Tyrone, is the location for an exhibition on the eventful life of the victorious Civil War commander who served two terms as President. Grant visited his ancestral homeland in 1878.

Chester A. Arthur (Scotch-Irish Irish & English)
21st President, 1881-85: His election was the start of a quarter-century in which the White House was occupied by men of Ulster-Scots origins. His family left Dreen, near Cullybackey, County Antrim, in 1815. There is now an interpretive centre, alongside the Arthur Ancestral Home, devoted to his life and times.

Grover Cleveland (Scotch-Irish Irish & English)
22nd and 24th President, 1885-89 and 1893-97: Born in New Jersey, he was the maternal grandson of merchant Abner Neal, who emigrated from County Antrim in the 1790s. He is the only president to have served non-consecutive terms.

Benjamin Harrison (Scotch-Irish Irish & English)
23rd President, 1889-93: His mother, Elizabeth Irwin, had Ulster-Scots roots through her two great-grandfathers, James Irwin and William McDowell. Harrison was born in Ohio and served as a brigadier general in the Union Army before embarking on a career in Indiana politics which led to the White House.

William McKinley (Scotch-Irish Irish & English)
25th President, 1897-1901: Born in Ohio, the descendant of a farmer from Conagher, near Ballymoney, County Antrim, he was proud of his ancestry and addressed one of the national Scotch-Irish Irish congresses held in the late 19th century. His second term as president was cut short by an assassin's bullet.

Theodore Roosevelt (Scotch-Irish,Irish, Dutch, Scottish, English & French)
26th President, 1901-09: His mother, Mittie Bulloch, had Ulster Scots ancestors who emigrated from Glenoe, County Antrim, in May 1729. Roosevelt praised "Irish Presbyterians" as "a bold and hardy race." However, he is also the man who said: "But a hyphenated American is not an American at all.

William Howard Taft (Scotch-Irish Irish & English)
27th President 1909-13

Woodrow Wilson (Scotch-Irish Irish)
28th President, 1913-21: Of Ulster-Scot descent on both sides of the family, his roots were very strong and dear to him. He was grandson of a printer from Dergalt, near Strabane, County Tyrone, whose former home is open to visitors. Throughout his career he reflected on the influence of his ancestral values on his constant quest for knowledge and fulfillment.

Warren G. Harding (Scotch-Irish Irish, & English)
29th President 1921-23

Harry S. Truman (Scotch-Irish,Irish, English & German)
33rd President 1945-53

John F. Kennedy (Irish)
35th President 1961-63, (County Wexford),

Richard Nixon (Irish, Scotch-Irish, English & German)
37th President, 1969-74: The Nixon ancestors left Ulster in the mid-18th century; the Quaker Milhous family ties were with County Antrim and County Kildare.

Jimmy Carter (Scotch-Irish Irish & English)
39th President 1977-1981 (County Antrim)

Ronald Reagan (Irish, English & Scottish)
40th President 1981-89: He was the great-grandson, on his father's side, of Irish migrants from Ballyporeen, County Tipperary who came to United States via Canada and England in the 1940s. His mother was of Scottish and English ancestry.

George H. W. Bush (Irish, Scotch-Irish & English)
41st President 1989-93: County Wexford His ancestry has been traced to, Richard de Clare, Earl of Pembroke (known as Strongbow) and to Dermot MacMurrough, the Gaelic king of Leinster.

Bill Clinton (Scotch-Irish Irish & English)
42nd President 1993-2001: He claims Irish ancestry despite there being no documentation of any of his ancestors coming from Ireland

George W. Bush (Irish, Scotch-Irish & English)
43rd President 2001-09: One of his five times great-grandfathers, William Holliday, was born in Rathfriland, County Down, about 1755, and died in Kentucky about 1811-12. One of the President's seven times great-grandfathers, William Shannon, was born somewhere in County Cork about 1730, and died in Pennsylvania in 1784.

Barack Obama (Kenyan (Luo), English, and Irish)
44th President 2009-: His father was part of the Luo ethnic group in Kenya. His mother's ancestry was predominantly English, but a few of his maternal ancestors hailed from Moneygall, County Offaly

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Czolgosz, McKinley's assassin believed there was a great injustice in American society, an inequality which allowed the wealthy to enrich themselves by exploiting the poor. He concluded that the reason for this was the structure of government itself. Emma Goldman was arrested on suspicion of being involved in the assassination, but was released, due to insufficient evidence. She later incurred a great deal of negative publicity when she published "The Tragedy at Buffalo". In the article, she compared Czolgosz to Marcus Junius Brutus, the killer of Julius Caesar, and called McKinley the "president of the money kings and trust magnates."

There has been an echo throughout time if you listen for it......

Los Angeles Times bombing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wall Street bombing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

John Surratt, the last surviving member of the Lincoln assassination conspiracy,-------> the only thing that I beg to differ with......

Benjamin F. Ficklin Benjamin Franklin Ficklin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Orville Hickman Browning Orville Hickman Browning - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

S.F. Nuckolls Stephen Friel Nuckolls - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

James W. Singleton https://www.lib.odu.edu/specialcollections/manuscripts/singleton.htm

Singleton lived until 1892......:thumbsup: L.C.

P.S. The James Dunwoody Bulloch. tie to Teddy is a DANDY! He operated blockade runners (Ben Ficklin) and commerce raiders that provided the Confederacy with its only source of hard currency. Bulloch arranged for the unofficial purchase of Confederate cotton,(FICKLIN, SINGLETON, BROWNING) and the dispatch of armaments and other war supplies to the South. His secret service funds are alleged to have been used for the planning of Lincoln’s assassination. If he was in with the men I listed and their cotton deal, then there is no doubt that his money was used in the assassination. All of those men were already wealthy, Ficklin bought Monticello!

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