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Sep 9, 2012
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Nebraska City, Nebraska
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L.C. look at this Collections | National Academy Museum There are two thing particular about this first the bench and there are several thur out the United States. Plus the Grand Central Station Arch which acts the same way. Your connection with the Masters word is good but I believe the statue of Daphne may be of more importants. On here head and the name associated with her is Laurel. A wreath of Laurel is placed on the head of a Victor. It is a sign of victory a sign both Greek and Roman. Daphne - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia She was a nymph that was chased by the Greek God's. Stop and think for a bit. The two together will be of great importance. Which way is she pointing and what way is J. S. Morton looking could be a good pointer.


Collections | National Academy Museum

At the same time, J. Sterling Morton again catalyzed a change in Evans's life, commissioning him to execute his first public sculpture, The Morton Monument. He returned to Paris in 1903 to create this work. A decade later, the sculptor gained international attention with The Golden Hour (1912), an ideal female nude rendered in classical style. The figure was originally created as a fountain piece for the Scarborough, New York, estate of Frank A. Vanderlip

Frank A. Vanderlip - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I read that Most artistic impressions of the myth of Daphne focus on the moment of transformation. What is that statue of her telling us?


:icon_scratch: L.C.

bench symbol.webp That is on both ends of J.S. Morton's Whispering bench making a pair of open wings with Lions Paws surrounding a circle from an overhead view....

The Lion's Paw

The Winged-Sun-Disc

This is a good example of the eye of the beholder. Is it just a fancy bench donated for the sole purpose of memorializing the man.....or is it symbolism and linguistics of an unspoken language left for the initiated to recognize and decipher with the proper knowledge of what they are looking at?


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LAUREL is of most importance to the 4th degree (Secret Master), the 27th degree (Knight Commander of the Temple), and the 32nd degree (Master of the Royal Secret) (Scottish Rite, Southern Jurisdiction)The meaning of the laurel in the 32nd degree is not explained unless it is from another Freemasons mouth into your ear.

SAGE as written on J.S. Morton's piece of the K.G.C./O.A.K. map = 19+1+7+5 =32

He signed page 32 of every book he read, and had a finished ashlar placed on his grave.....but like the whispering bench, you have to know how to decipher it.


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Members of a society that is truly secret, want to boast about their membership in a gentlemanly way, as to say to everyone that they are among the chosen and accepted. They also want to show their ability to use symbolism to say what they want you to know......if you are worthy of knowing it...(chosen and accepted among brothers or educated in the areas they wanted you to be educated in). Freemasons wear some bling if they can afford it...Rings tie pins, cuff links, pendants etc. The truly secret society has no symbolism easily recognized by the uninitiated mass. They wear no bling....except a long time ago they were known to wear a copper penny on their lapel......and then under their lapel.....and then no bling at all starting about 1861. :thumbsup:

Just my two cents, I will quit for a few days and let you chew on those facts for a while and draw your own conclusions, L.C.:thumbsup:

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L.C. look at this Collections | National Academy Museum There are two thing particular about this first the bench and there are several thur out the United States. Plus the Grand Central Station Arch which acts the same way. Your connection with the Masters word is good but I believe the statue of Daphne may be of more importants. On here head and the name associated with her is Laurel. A wreath of Laurel is placed on the head of a Victor. It is a sign of victory a sign both Greek and Roman. Daphne - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia She was a nymph that was chased by the Greek God's. Stop and think for a bit. The two together will be of great importance. Which way is she pointing and what way is J. S. Morton looking could be a good pointer.


You were dead on with the "Laurel" S.D.... Think about the significance of one Freemason sitting behind an open wing that is perched on a lion's paw and turning his head he can whisper with the slightest breath into another Freemasons ear... BUT, the magnificence of the structure built by stone masons and Freemasons can carry the whisper from one Mason to another one's ear over 50 ft away as he sits behind the other open wing that is also perched on a lion's paw.

L.C. Great stuff!:thumbsup:

L.C. to whisper good council in the ear of another has been a benchmark for the fraternity. The Lions Paw does it for me. To see in symbols one has to know the symbols and there meanings. Your statement on knowing what they want you to know is spot on. Many at that time could and would see the connection others would not see or understand. My premise that they hide out in plain sight.

On another note your post of July 19,2014 at 12:14 with the image of the Google Earth of the bench and statue area. I believe that it should be viewed 180 degree in reverse. This would make J. Sterling Morton Stand in the Globe with a Laurel Wreath of Victory on top of his head. In this position the wings would be flying and he would be the the flying Victory or Victor if you will. Think of one more thing that is the flying hour glass. Tempus Fugit!!!! May be wrong but it makes sense to me. Remember my theorem that up is down and down is up," As above, so below ", every thing in reverse. I may not have the right answers but they fit my questions perfectly.


Stephen Grover Cleveland was the 22nd and 24th President of the United States. 28th Governor of New York. 34th Mayor of Buffalo,and the Sheriff of Erie County, New York.
The whispering bench was placed during Teddy Roosevelt's second term in 1905. it was during that term that the Lochner v. New York, 198 U.S. 45 (1905), a landmark United States Supreme Court case that held that "liberty of contract" was implicit in the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. The case involved a New York law that limited the number of hours that a baker could work each day to ten, and limited the number of hours that a baker could work each week to 60. By a 5–4 vote, the Supreme Court rejected the argument that the law was necessary to protect the health of bakers, deciding it was a labor law attempting to regulate the terms of employment, and calling it an "unreasonable, unnecessary and arbitrary interference with the right and liberty of the individual to contract."

Big Businesses have millions of employees. (From the K.G.C. O.A.K. perspective.....they told us we couldn't use they are going to try and tell us how many hours we can pay a man to work!!!:censored:)
The 1905 Chicago Teamsters' strike that followed was a sympathy strike and lockout by the United Brotherhood of Teamsters in the summer of 1905 in the city of Chicago, Illinois. The strike was initiated by a small clothing workers' union. But it soon spread as nearly every union in the city, including the Teamsters, supported the job action with sympathy strikes. Initially, the strike was aimed at the Montgomery Ward department store, but it affected almost every employer in the metropolitan region after the Teamsters walked out. The strike eventually pitted the Teamsters against the Employers' Association of Chicago, a broad coalition of business owners founded the Employers' Association of Chicago in 1903 to oppose unionization in Chicago.

In January 1902, Brass Molder's Union Local 83 struck Stromberg-Carlson and Western Electric, seeking to win the closed shop in collective bargaining negotiations. Stromberg-Carlson and Western Electric were both "BABY BELLS"

This is when the O.A.K. started feeling the pinch of a possible exposure of the brotherhood they had created. The people had finally reached a mass that they could not control. I believe it was during this next period of development of the USA/CSA when they reversed the organizations plan that had worked well and got them to that point $$$$$$$$$. When the supposed TRUST BUSTING" began to fold up shops (by mergers and buy outs among brothers) until they were reverted back into a few giant companies / trusts/ monopolies etc. some of which that still exist to this day. They had come full "CIRCLE."

If there was going to be any trust busting going on, these guys wanted their man to be the 'Trust Buster" ....eliminating the competition and giving them a more powerful monopoly structure than they ever had. And the battle raged on......and on

Labor Management Relations Act of 1947 Labor Management Relations Act of 1947 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

They past the buck to each other and handed it down. They groomed the next person to do what they wanted done.
President Theodore Roosevelt appointed Taft Secretary of War in an effort to groom Taft, then his close political ally, into his handpicked presidential successor. I have shown evidence of how important the Sec of War position was throughout history to these secret organizations. Just ask Lewis Cass, Jefferson Davis or John B. Floyd! :laughing7:


I have not read any of his writing. Perhaps I should. I get a bit skeptical about anyone propped up by oil money or considered a mystic or associated with the occult. I find it hard to believe anyone could fly through 33 degrees of masonic ritual in such a short time on merit alone...($$$$$$$$$) I will spend some time looking into his writing and then I will get back to you.:thumbsup: I suppose The Secret Teachings of All Ages would be a good place to start?


P.S. I believe that senior deacon hit the nail on the head in his description.

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L.C. Oh No don't start there. You would be better to start with some of the other of his works. May I suggest "The Lost Keys of Freemasonry" as a good place to start. If you can find them try to read some of the All seeing Eye publications.

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