Orville Hickman Browning Lincolns Friend? and CRITIC

Some things are right in front of our eyes but we fail to see them....or refuse to accept the facts

Orville Hickman Browning was having an affair with Mary Todd Lincoln. He was considered one of the Lincoln's best friends until he died and his wife read his diary Then he became Lincoln's critic. Mary Todd had a thing for senators from Illinois....She was hosing Stephen Douglass until Lincoln beat him in the poles...then she was hosing Lincoln (once he had the presidency in his sights)....then she moved on to Browning when Lincoln was spending time with Speed and his Sargent of the Guard.Sexuality of Abraham Lincoln - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia .....:unhappysmiley:.........Orville's wife agreed to turn over his diary as long as his biographers omitted anything he had to say about Mary Todd..8-) which they did. When Browning became to aggressive with his passions for the first lady it spooked her and she told Lincoln he was becoming to fresh with her...(perhaps to stir his loins?) Lincoln did not appoint Browning for that reason although it is not published. Speed was given the boot by Andrew Johnson when he became president..."because he was not man enough for the job" or in laymans terms.."he was a little light in his loafers"(GAY) The affair with Mary Todd was also a motive for Browning to help assassinate Lincoln.....besides getting screwed out of millions and a monopoly on southern cotton sales when Lincoln told him "I would wrather puke than sign the permit for the cotton deal" stating that it would only fuel the rebellion he was trying to stamp out.....Even if some of the cotton belonged to Mary Todd's confederate family as Browning had prodded him with that fact and perswaded mary's relation to visit the white house to no avail.
That is the truth.....as Rebel would say "Google it"...although a trip to Springfield Lincoln Librairy will be required for the juicy stuff!

P.S. Did you know John C. Breckenridge was a cousin to Mary Todd Lincoln?8-)

P.S.S. Some historians are quick to use the fact? that Lincoln fathered children with Mary Todd as proof that he was not gay or a bisexual...How do we know they were his kids?:dontknow:

ROBERT TODD - Copy.webp


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